Computer literacy, help and repair

Setting up and installing Wine on Ubuntu. Completing Wine How to find out which library is missing wine

Wine (WINE Is Not an Emulator) - special program, a compatibility layer, for running Win32 applications on UNIX-like systems. Simply put, this thing allows you to run Windows programs and games in your cozy Linux :).
The program is being actively developed, but so far, unfortunately, not all applications work correctly in it (and some do not work at all). So far, it’s also sad with games - there is no full support for DirectX 10 and 11, only 9 and younger. (Support for DirectX 10 is being actively improved in the latest test builds). But nevertheless, there are a lot of games on DirectX 9. In this article, we will install and configure Wine, and install the PlayOnLinux application, which is very useful for gaming. The installation will depend on your distribution, but the program setup itself is exactly the same in the vast majority of distributions. There are two branches of Wine - stable and testing. In most cases, it is recommended to use the test one, as the program is actively developing and improving. For now, consider installing a stable version (examples for command line, however you can use graphical utilities like Ubuntu Software Center or Yast2 in OpenSUSE):

For Debian/Ubuntu/Mint:

sudo apt-get install wine wine tricks

For OpenSUSE:

sudo zypper ar -r
sudo zypper in wine

sudo yum install wine
cd /tmp
chmod +x winetricks

Note. If you have a 64-bit system, then for the correct operation of 32-bit programs (and most games are like that), you need to configure Wine for a 32-bit prefix. For this we drive:

WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=~/.wine winecfg

The settings window will open. You can leave everything as it is.

Now we need to install a set of system libraries for our Windows applications to work. In the program menu, find and run Winetricks(or from the terminal with the command winetricks). In the first window choose ---Select the default wineprefix--- earn OK. In the second ---install a Windows DLL or component---OK

It will be necessary to mark with dots, as in the list. It is better to install not all at once, but several pieces at a time. I will separate them for convenience. Do not go far when installing, you need to agree with license agreements and others. Error windows will pop up, click OK. Let's start.

directx9 d3dx9 d3dx9_26 d3dx9_28 d3dx9_31 d3dx9_35 d3dx9_36 d3dx9_42 d3dx9_43 d3dx10 d3dx11_42 d3dx11_43


dotnet30(errors will appear and a window will open in the file manager and in the browser, download from the second link and move it to this file manager window. We type in the console winetricks and select dontnet30 again. Before doing this, you need to check the Wine Setup so that the version is Windows XP or Vista.

dxdiagn, gecko120, gfw, mfc40, mfc42, msasn1, msxml6, gdiplus , physx, quartz

vb5run, vb6run, vcrun2003, vcrun2005, vcrun2008, vcrun6, vcrun6sp6

wmp10, wsh56vb, wsh57, xact, xact_jun2010, xinput

Install fonts. Choose Install a Font and indicate

corefonts , fontfix

Registry setting

We open Change Settings and celebrate

1. DirectDrawRender(ddr) -- opengl
2. Multisampling Direct3D -- enabled
3.OffscreenRenderingMode(orm) -- fbo
4. PixelShaderMode(psm) -- enabled
5. Render TargetLockMode(rtlm) -- auto
6. UseGLSL(glsl) -- enabled (default) (It is recommended to leave disabled for Nvidia graphics cards. This can significantly increase the performance of some games).
8. VideoMemorySize 1024 (select the RAM value of your video card)
9. MouseWarpOverride(mwo) -- enabled (force)
We confirm our changes - OK.

That's actually all. Now some notes on installing software and games. Firstly, in no case do not install additional software that the program offers (all sorts of directixes, visual c ++, and so on). Check carefully and, if necessary, uncheck the box. Secondly, at the end of the installation, uncheck "Run the program".

Now for the test version. There is a special repository for Ubuntu/Mint. To connect it and install a test version of Wine, enter in the terminal:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install wine 1.7 winetricks

In some distributions (eg Debian), to install a test version, it must be built from source. But this is already beyond the scope of this article. Or you can install , which is also a test but has a few extra features.

P.S. for those who like to see once than read a hundred times - a small video tutorial on installing a test version of Wine on Ubuntu:

It turned out that there are far from all the subtleties. Therefore, I wrote this post as an addition to that.

In this post, basically a free translation of. documentation, as well as a few of his own and others' tricks when working with Vine.
Most likely, this post will be of interest to beginners and ordinary users of GNU\Linux. Nevertheless, solid advice from experts will not be superfluous.

What is Vine I think it makes no sense to explain. I just want to show a few tricks when working with it.

With their help, you can install applications exactly where you want to install them, and not in the default .wine. Even if something goes wrong, it is enough to remove the prefix in which the error occurred, while all other applications / prefixes (assume that they are configured) will not be affected.

That is, each prefix you create can be considered as a separate wine - it is independent of other prefixes. Or, for even greater simplicity, think of each created prefix as a separate Windows installation.

Now for some practice:
Now we will create a Gamez folder, in it we will create a lib prefix in which we will install several libraries. These libraries will still come in handy later, so let them be cached.

Mkdir ./Gamez

env WINEPREFIX=$HOME/Gamez/lib winetricks directx9 vcrun2005 vcrun2008 vcrun6
env WINEPREFIX=$HOME/Gamez/lib wine winecfg

With the last command, we again called up the wine configurator window. Just go to the Libraries tab and make sure everything is installed. After that run:

Wine winecfg - This will open the wine configurator (not from the prefix), check the same tab. See! There are no libraries here. So he is safe and sound.

How to install multiple different versions wine?
To solve this problem, you will have to build wine from sources. When building, we simply use the prefix for the default installation. Like here:

./configure prefix=/path/to/install/directory && make
sudo make install

Be sure to use appdb to find information on installing the application, perhaps the staff you are installing has already installed and painted all the pitfalls.
Tidying up your home directory
If you like to play, then your /home partition is probably full of saves and other game files. You can get rid of this whole thing, not to the detriment, like this:

Replace the default path to my documents with the desired save location. For me, for example, this path leads to the game folder.

Using the latest versions of wine
Wine is such a thing, the newer the better! With the following command you will always have the latest version of wine (for Ubuntu-like distributions):

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa
sudo apt-get update

After running these commands, look for the latest version of wine in synaptic.

Installing winetricks
If for some reason you still do not have winetricks, then you can start it on the farm like this:

sudo cp winetricks /usr/bin
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/winetricks

How to install MSI file?
This can be done in two ways: wine msiexec /i whatever.msi

Alternative way: wine start whatever.msi

The file foo.exe is not marked as executable… - What does this mean?
This error occurs because the exe file is blocked from execution. For a file on your FS, this command should fix things:

Chmod a+x ./patch/you/exe.file

If the file is on disk, then this command should help:

Mount -o remount,mode=0777,exec /media/cdrom

How to output debug content to a separate file?
cd ~/.wine/drive_c/Games/Tron
wine tron.exe &>log.txt
How to disable "crash" dialog?
If you use prefixes, don't forget to specify the path to the prefix in the command - winetricks nocrashdialog
After launching the application / game, wine swears and does not launch anything. What to do?
First, study the logs, usually everything is written in them. Below I will list the most common mistakes:

MFC40.DLL: install mfc40 (Microsoft Foundation Classes from Visual C++ 4) via winetricks.
MFC42.DLL, MSVCP60.DLL: install vcrun6 via winetricks (MS Visual C++ 6 sp4 libraries: mfc42, msvcp60, msvcrt).
MFC71.DLL, MSVCP71.DLL: install vcrun2003 via winetricks (MS Visual C++ 2003 libraries: mfc71,msvcp71,msvcr71).
MFC80.DLL, MSVCP80.DLL: install vcrun2005 via winetricks (MS Visual C++ 2005 libraries: mfc80,msvcp80,msvcr80).
MFC90.DLL, MSVCP90.DLL: install vcrun2008 via winetricks (MS Visual C++ 2008 libraries: mfc90,msvcp90,msvcr90).
MDAC: Install mdac27 (MS MDAC 2.7) via winetricks.

My app works but the text fields are behaving strangely
Analyze the wine debug after starting the application, if you see something that swears at RICHED20.DLL, then install the following library via winetricks: riched20
After launch, fixme messages are displayed in the console. What's this?
You can just ignore them, this is developer information.
What to do if the application needs a .NET framework?
Vinetrix can install 1 or 2 frameworks. As an alternative to use mono. If the application requires 3 or 4 frameworks, then most likely it will not work (although 3 and even 3.5 is available in the winetricks menu). Waiting for this issue to be resolved.
The game I'm trying to install is protected from distribution, is it possible to install it?
See the list of copy protections that work.
What if the application requires IE?
Wine uses the Gecko core/engine by default - it's the same as on Firefox. Therefore, you can install gecko (if it is not there) and / or fakeie6 through winetrikcs.

If this does not help, try changing the version of windows to win2k and installing via winetricks ie6, ie7 or ie8.

How to enable font smoothing in wine?
If your version is higher than 1.1.12 you can use winetricks and choose one of three anti-aliasing options: fontsmooth gray, fontsmooth-rgb or fontsmooth-bgr
After exiting the game, the screen resolution is not restored
Should help: xrandr -s 0
How to get into the wine registry?
wine regedit - If prefixes are used, specify the path in the command.
Does wine need a separate driver installation?
No. Wine is not a computer emulator, it only translates Windows API calls into Linux-friendly commands.
Is it safe to run wine as root?
Never run wine as root user!!!

If this has already happened, change the ownership of the ~./wine directory.

sudo chown -R $USER:$USER .wine

Safety precautions when using wine
Here are some tips to help you improve your security:
  • Never run programs from suspicious sites
  • Never use the root user to run applications!
  • Use a virus scanner for running applications such as ClamAV. Or at least check the executables on virustotal
  • Try deleting the wine drive Z: which points to the root directory by default. As a workaround, run programs from the ~/.wine/drive_c directory.
  • Use a virtual machine to run and check suspicious applications.
The .xsession-errors file clogs all disk space with garbage!!! What to do? (recipe from --=XliN=--)
Save the following script:
% cat .scripts/
#! /bin/bash
while true ; do
inotifywait -e modify ~/.xsession-errors &> /dev/null
[[ "$(stat -c %s ~/.xsession-errors)" -ge "52428800" ]] && echo > ~/.xsession-errors

Add it to startup, and install the following package (it is required for the script to work).
apt-get install inotify-tools

Making a sandbox for wine (recipe by drBatty)
*1) create a user
2) change the rights to home directories to 700
*3) write the command in sudoers (visudo)
first_user computer_name=(second_user) NOPASSWD: /program_with_full_path
4) for the first user, we write the xhost + local command in the DE autoload: second_user
5) in the shortcut to launch the program we write
sudo -u second_user / program_with_full_path
then the first user will be able to more or less safely run programs on behalf of the second user.
An asterisk marks items that require root rights.

All people love to play games. This lesson helps to distract from the real world with its real problems and, at least not for long, but immerse yourself in the virtual world.

This is how an article about games for Windows should have started. But today the conversation is not entirely about them. Today we will talk about games on Linux. Most people don't like this operating system just because it doesn't have "normal" games, and it doesn't matter that it works great.

But those who want to can play the same games on Linux as on Windows. Ask how? And it's very simple. Today we’ll talk about how Wine is installed and configured.

Those people who have been using Linux for a long time and have chosen it as the head of the OS, probably do not need to define this software, but for the rest it is still worth explaining.

Wine is a program that allows you to run programs and Windows games. In other words, with it you can play those games that are not designed for Linux and are, so to speak, exclusive to Windows.

It is noteworthy that the program is constantly evolving. So, a couple of years ago it was impossible to launch a game based on DiretX11 with it, now everything has changed. Patches are constantly released, and everything is quickly repaired if something breaks. If you prefer stability, then you can easily install the standard version of Wine and it will not surprise you unpleasantly.

The only downside is the relatively complicated setup of Wine. But after reading this article, you will understand everything in a matter of minutes and do everything yourself.

Installation methods

Before explaining how Wine is configured for games, it is necessary to initially explain how it is installed.

Linux users know that the same action in their operating system can be produced in different ways, and with

Consider initially the simplest option, using the Package Manager or, as it is also called, the Program Manager. In principle, no matter how it is called, the main thing is that it works the same way.

First you need to open it. Next in search line you need to register the name of the program - Wine. The search begins. Upon completion, several options may appear in front of you. Choose just Wine without extra characters and click "Install" (Install). Wait while the program downloads and installs.

The second way is to use the terminal. Open it and enter:

sudo apt-get install wine

The download will begin followed by installation. However, there is a high probability that a non-fresh version will be downloaded, this is due to the fact that the program is developing by leaps and bounds. Therefore, we enter:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa

sudo apt-get update

Now enter:

sudo apt-get install wine1.6

That's all, the software has just been installed through the Console. Now we will tell you how Wine is configured.

What do you need to know about configuring Wine?

For Wine (Linux), the setup may not always go smoothly, but don't worry if something doesn't work out for you, you can return everything to its original position at any time. The easiest way is to uninstall the program and reinstall it, but this is only in extreme cases.

Another important thing is not to rush. In this case, it is important to carefully read what needs to be done and when. But if you succeed, it will be remembered for a lifetime. Now let's get started.

First thing

There are two options for development, the differences in them are small, but still there. If you have 64-bit Linux distribution, then you and Wine have 64-bit installed, but this is not necessary. Therefore, we enter this command in the terminal:

WINEARCH=win32 winecfg

After that, you should have the Wine settings open. Move it to the back and don't go back to it just yet. If you have a 32-bit system, then you can skip this step.

Now you need to download and install Winetricks. To do this, in the terminal, write:


If you do not have this program, you will be prompted to download it. Download and install. After start.

Winetricks allows you to quickly customize Wine itself. Launching it in the first window, you must select Select the default wineprefix. We press OK.

Setting up DLLs and fonts

We continue to talk about how the Wine setup proceeds. By clicking "OK", we will see that a second window will open. It needs to highlight Install a font- this is to customize the fonts. We press OK.

You will see a window with all possible fonts for Wine. In order not to drag out for a long time and not waste time, select everything at once and click OK. This will launch the download and installation window. During this, do not move far from the computer, as it is likely that you will receive confirmation requests for ongoing operations. Agree with all of them.

It is likely that after selecting all the fonts and pressing the button, you will be shown an error and everything will be lost. In this case, it will not be possible to install everything at once and you will have to do it separately. If after selecting an item it throws an error, skip it.

Now let's move on to configuring the DLL. This is a very important point, and you should not skip it, because without the installed DLLs, it is unlikely that you will start at least some game.

Click on Install a Windows DLL or component. A similar window will open in front of you, which was with the fonts. Not all components can be installed here, but some are required. In general, it would be better to do the same manipulations as with fonts. Try to install each of them in turn, ignoring those that give an error.

By the way, after trying to install, some DLLs like dotnet30 may throw an error and open a browser explorer. In this case, on the browser page, you need to download the proposed component and place it in the folder that was opened, and then do the installation again.

Registry setting

By the way, according to these instructions, setting up Wine in Linux Mint is fine, although there should be no problems with other distributions either.

Let's move on to debugging the registry. To do this, in the second window, this time select Change setting. Here it is already impossible to allow yourself liberties, and it will not work to install everything at once. Therefore, we follow the presented list of necessary settings:






    glsl-enabled- this is according to the standard, but if you have an Nvidia video card, then it is better to choose disabled. This will improve performance in games.


    videomemorysize 1024(choose the amount of video card memory)

    mwo-enabled (force)

That's basically all about Wine. Setting up Mint and other OS versions is no longer a problem for you, because these instructions are perfect for most distributions.

Remember one more thing, during the installation of "Windows" games, you cannot choose to install additional software. Remove ticks. Also, when the installation is complete, uncheck the "Run now" box. Run through a shortcut on the desktop.

Wine - free software, which allows GNU/Linux, *BSD, and OSX users to run applications, including games, written exclusively for Windows. There is also an implementation of Wine for windows, but we will not consider it in this article. Wine is a recursive acronym for "Wine Is Not an Emulator". This is an alternate implementation of the Win32 API.

In this article, we will look at how wine linux mint is installed, as well as winetricks and program setup.

Details about installing Wine on different operating systems can be found on the official website. We are interested in Ubuntu since Linux Mint is based on it.

First let's add support for 32-bit applications if you're using an x86_64 system. To do this, run:

sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386

Now we need to add the repository. To do this, you need to run the following commands in the terminal:

wget -nc

sudo apt-key add Release.key

Now the important point! If you are using Linux Mint version 17.x, then add the repository with this command:

sudo apt-add-repository "deb trusty main"

If 18.x then:

sudo apt-add-repository "deb xenial main"

Now you need to update the package indexes:

Warning! The Staging branch is no longer supported.

stable branch:

sudo apt-get install --install-recommends winehq-stable

Not stable branch:

sudo apt-get install --install-recommends winehq-devel

intermediate branch

sudo apt-get install --install-recommends winehq-staging

Installing wine on Linux Mint 18 is now complete setting up wine on linux mint.

Installing Winetricks in Linux Mint

First we need to download it:


Now let's give permission to run:

sudo chmod +x winetricks

For convenience, we will move Winetricks to the /usr/bin directory:

sudo mv -v winetricks /usr/bin

Now Winetricks can be started by simply typing in the terminal, but I do not recommend doing this right away. Better configure wine first:

Now you know how to install wine in Linux Mint, now let's talk about setup.

Configuring Wine in Linux Mint

Attention! Install the cabextract package, otherwise you might get the same error as in the video. This is done with the command:

sudo apt install cabextract

First, let's specify that we need a 32-bit prefix:

export WINEARCH=win32

Now for wine settings enter:

Here in the field "Windows version" indicate what you want. I recommend installing Windows 7 or 10.

Now run Winetricks and enter "Select the default path for wine" and press "OK". And in the next window enter "Install font" and press "OK":

Specify here "allfonts" and press "OK". This will install all fonts at once. If there are errors, then put the fonts in turn one by one:

Once completed, the window will open again. "What do you want to do with this wineprefix". And now point here "Install a DLL or Windows Component" and press "OK". Install the libraries you need here. You can bet everything. But you have to put one! When installing several times, there may be errors. I advise you to immediately install DirectX and Net Framework.


In this article, we have covered how to install Wine in Linux Mint 18. If you have any questions, ask in the comments!

The article is devoted to Wine and all aspects of its use. The network is very
a lot of information, there are various setup guides and much more. I AM
I will try to combine everything so that anyone can achieve
maximum success, within their abilities and of course the possibility
programs. So, let's begin.

Wine is a separate implementation of the Windows API, not an emulator like most
think. Not once repeated, but here it will be appropriate. This is what makes the project
unique and interesting for users of various systems, opens up various
ways to implement your ideas. The uniqueness lies in the fact that with
this program can be run Windows Applications in Ubuntu and others
Linux systems, as well as FreeBSD and Mac OS X. The truth is there
their "pitfalls". Some people think it will be easy to move from one
systems to another this case we are looking at Windows and Linux.

The misconception is that people think they can run from
under Wine, various software to which they are accustomed and it is convenient for them to work in it.
No matter how you twist it, nothing just happens. To make our favorite software work under
Wine needs to sweat, re-read a bunch of manuals and weigh this volume
information. Of course, not quite software will have to “puff up”, but you need to be ready for anything. The Wine project is developing very quickly, but before stable work it
very far. But I think that in the near future all the main software, as well as games
will work on it stably.

Installing Wine

The first question of a person who has just switched to Linux (in our case
Ubuntu): "How will I run programs from Windows?". He starts searching for this
theme and naturally stumbles upon Wine.
The second question is: "How to put it?". There are two ways: Install from
official repositories or compile yourself from source. We'll consider
both options.

Option 1: Install from a repository.

Everything is very simple here. Go to Applications // Accessories // Terminal:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install wine1.3

Waiting for installation to complete...
Everything! Wine is installed and you can try to install games and programs.

Option 2: Compiling from source.

1.Download the sources from the official site, they are there. In my case
this is Wine 1.3.11 (

Change to the directory where the source archive was unpacked:

cd wine-1.3.11/

Before compiling, you need to enable OpenGL support. If we don't
applications that require OpenGL will not work. In terminal:


We find the line starting with CONFARGS=, and then enter the necessary
build options. In our case, the line will look like this:

CONFARGS="--with-opengl --disable-debug --disable-trace"

We get the dependencies:

sudo apt-get install auto-apt checkinstall
sudo auto-apt -y run ./configure

We collect:

Install via package creation instead of make install

sudo checkinstall

Everything. We are waiting for the installation to finish.

There is also an intermediate option, for Jedi on debian-based distributions. Briefly:

apt-get source wine1.3
sudo apt-get build-dep

Now the fun part: downloading desired version wine from the official website, unpack it, and copy the debian directory there from the source directory of the original wine1.3 package. Doing

And we have a *.deb package for ubunta/debian with all the necessary patches for the distribution, almost like from the official repository, but only a new version. In addition, it can then be safely removed also via apt-get.
Consider the pros and cons of each option.

Option 1.
1. Everything has already been collected for us and there is no need to puff up, everything is already ready for use.

1. We will not be able to apply a patch, for example, to improve the performance of some kind of toy.
2. Not stable work on some video cards.

Option 2.
1. Ability to apply patches to improve performance
2. Stable operation with unstable video card drivers.

1. There is no menu in Applications, which is not convenient. You have to do everything from the console,
go to Wine settings for example.
2. The installation process is too long, depending on the power of your computer.
1. There is no menu in Applications, which is not convenient. You have to do everything from the console, go to the Wine settings for example.

You can add it yourself through System - Options - Main Menu

I prefer the second option. Wine installed this way works
better than the one installed from the repositories. But this is just my little IMHO.

Installing programs and games

First we go to From above, in the search engine we drive
the name of the game or program and see what is written there. They usually describe
tests for various systems, recommendations for stable operation and much more.

If the program works without problems, then we install it with a pure soul
with a simple click. If this is some kind of serious game or program, and without
shamanism with a tambourine is indispensable - so you need to create a separate prefix * for
our dances. * All Vine files are stored in a prefix, or also called a bottle (similar to wine). There, inside this bottle, there are all the files of the C drive, the registry, individual settings, and so on.

There can be any number of such bottles.

It's just that there may be some software that behaves very capriciously under Vine and it needs some kind of crutches that will interfere with the normal operation of other Vine applications. Then we just put this software in a separate bottle (prefix) and any settings will not affect other programs.

When a wine is started for the first time without a prefix specified, ~/.wine is used. If the prefix does not exist, Vine will create it and fill it with default content, create and fill the C:\windows, C:\Program Files, C:\users directories with files. Plus, a clean registry will be created.
Go to our home directory and create a new directory. For example.wine2.
Next, go to the terminal and enter:

WINEPREFIX="/home/username/.wine2/" winecfg

Everything. A separate prefix has been created. Various registry configurations and the programs themselves are stored there.
We also install the program through the console.

WINEPREFIX="/home/username/.wine2/" wine /media/DVD/setup.exe

There is an installation process and most importantly in a separate prefix.
Then we start installed program, also from the console and watch the output.

There may be errors in the output, indicating that there are no necessary components and libraries. AT
winetricks will help us install the missing components (see below)

What does it give? This gives stable work applications in your prefix, if
a lot of programs will work in one prefix, sooner or later it will become clogged
which will crash other programs. Therefore, you need to use separate
prefixes, if you do not want to configure everything many times.


Winetricks will help us with the correct prefix setting.
Winetricks is a script that installs various components that
required for applications to work, such as DirectX, Vcredist, and more.
How does this script work? It downloads libraries and components from
Microsoft resources. Exactly so, and not in any other way. Why this script
needed? This greatly simplifies working with Wine. Without the script, we would climb ourselves and
we were looking for the necessary components, and here everything is already done, you just need to check the box
and click "Install" Also, this script helps to edit the registry,
enter different keys there. And besides that, winetricks has a lot of options.
and functions.

To familiarize yourself with it, simply enter in the terminal winetricks

Registry editing

In the terminal enter:

We are on the register. We do not need to edit anything, we will only add.

Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Wine/Direct3D.

If there is no Direct3D directory, then do not despair. I am writing this for the reader to understand.
somewhere you need to edit or add.

In terminal:

Winetricks ddr=opengl orm=fbo glsl=disabled videomemorysize=1024
(1024 change to your own)

All these parameters appear in the registry. You can see it in the folder above.

What does it give? It improves gaming performance, speed and overall gaming
work better from this, but this is only for games.


There is also PlayOnLinux. This is a standalone program that uses Wine,
but there everything is more automated and configured. The program will automatically download the required
Wine will install the components and create a separate prefix. But that doesn't mean that
everything will work perfectly. It may not work at all. So I give mine
preference for regular Wine, manual setting and the work of their own brain, and not
automated program.

Everything is automated and we don't really need to do anything.
It is possible to keep multiple versions of Wine and apply them for different prefixes.
The program itself creates prefixes.

Everything that the program does, installs and downloads is impossible to predict.
Everything that the program does can be done by yourself, with pens, this is + to human knowledge.
The Robot program will never compare to the human brain.

Mounting CD/DVD images

Windows has a utility called Daemon-Tools for this. It's very comfortable
and irreplaceable utility. A person has a question: Is there an analogue of this
miracle utility? Answer: There are many better than windows utilities. It's called
cdemu. To install it, we need to enter only three commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:cdemu/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install cdemu-daemon cdemu-client gcdemu

We add an applet to the panel, indicate the path to the image and enjoy life. Not what
there will be no problems and Wine will detect the image perfectly. If the applet is not found, do not rush to reboot.
In the terminal, enter the commands:

sudo service cdemu-daemon start

If the service does not start at system startup ("The daemon is configured not to start at system startup"), you can fix it like this:

sudo update-rc.d cdemu-daemon enable

Running games on a separate X server

This could fill a whole book, but I settled on one method that I always use:

Go to the virtual terminal:

login: ******
password: ******

We start manually a new copy X servers:

Xinit -- :2
wine path/folder/c/game/game.exe

The increase from this is not big, but for me personally it is enough. I repeat once again:
there are many ways to run in a separate x-server and each person is free to choose for himself.


All these tips, the basics that every person who wants to know should know
use Wine to achieve your goals. Everything else is in your hands. If
you want to achieve your goal no matter what, and hope is already leaving, not
never despair, for the solution may be right in front of you. to sit
on two chairs is possible, but this requires desire and nerves of steel. A wish
- a thousand possibilities, not desire - a thousand reasons.

This material was written for the "First competition of Russian-language articles for OS
Ubuntu" (
Article author Vladimir Kacharmin aka rootboot
Contacts: Skype root.boot2, email [email protected]

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