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Connection of the pass-through switch with a triple cable. Scheme of connecting a pass-through switch: we connect step by step from two and three places

Pass-through switches are devices designed to provide control of one light source from two or more different places. Schemes with their use are somewhat more complicated than traditional ones, since they involve the installation of several switching devices.

Lighting using walk-through switches is usually equipped in long corridors, on stairs, garden paths, in bedrooms. Such a scheme allows, by turning on the light at one end of the room, to turn it off at the other, without returning to the first switch.

Pass-through switches are classified in the same way as conventional ones.

By number of keys:

  • single-key;
  • three-key
  • one- or two-key cross (used in cases where lighting control must be carried out from three or more places).

By type of management:

  • keyboards;
  • sensory;
  • with remote control, etc.

The main criterion for choosing pass-through switch is the number of keys: it must correspond to the number of groups of simultaneously switched on lighting elements.

The type of device (keys, sensor, or something else) is of secondary importance and depends entirely on personal preferences and budget.

Principle of operation - features of switching an electrical circuit

Based on the principle of operation, it would be more correct to call light switches through switches. Externally, they look almost the same as ordinary switches. The main differences between them lie in their contact system.

The purpose of traditional switches is to close and open an electrical circuit. Switches perform similar functions, but their specificity determines some design features.

Many home craftsmen planning to use a new lighting control system " Smart House”, ask the question: is it and how to use it? This device used to adjust the brightness of lighting fixtures.

You can find out which dimmer installation scheme to choose for a particular lighting system.

Like two-button switches, the thru-switch circuit has three contacts. However, this additional contact has a completely different function. When a conventional switch is actuated, a simple circuit break occurs. , opening one circuit, simultaneously closes another, which, in turn, is the contacts of a paired switch (one by one, these devices are not used).

The connection of the feed-through switches is based on changeover contacts, acting on the principle of a rocker arm. Some of these devices have a zero position, when turned on, both circuits are open, but in practice such devices are used extremely rarely.

When the switch positions are changed, the current is redirected to the corresponding terminal. As a result, one of the possible power supply circuits of the light source remains closed. The light comes on when both switches are in the same position.

A feature of the lighting scheme using walk-through switches is the mandatory presence of a junction box in it.

Cross switches: lighting control scheme from three or more places

Pass-through cross switches are used in cases where it is necessary to organize lighting control from three or more places. These devices can perform transit functions without affecting the operation of the pass-through switches, and at the same time they themselves are a switch.

Their design feature is the presence of five connection terminals, two of which are connected to the first switch, two to the second, and the fifth, which provides control from three places, is transit. To control lighting from four places, you will need to install two cross switches.

If there are several lighting groups in the room, two-button cross switches are used.

Pass-through switches significantly simplify lighting control and make it more convenient. If earlier the use of such schemes was mainly due to the peculiarities of the layout of the premises, then at present they can be found almost everywhere.

Video instruction demonstrating the principle of operation of the pass-through switch

The connection scheme of the pass-through switch from 2 places and its design significantly expand the possibilities of controlling lighting systems. In sports halls, concert halls, stadiums, long corridors and tunnels, you can control the lighting in one of two places. Switches located on different sides of the facility eliminate the need to go to a single control point.

With one switch, a situation can arise when you have to go to the exit in the dark along a long route, with numerous obstacles, at the risk of breaking your neck. When connecting walk-through switches, it is enough to go to the nearest switch from the exit and turn off the light in the entire room.

Designs and principle of operation of walk-through switches

The appearance of the transitional switch does not have any special signs of difference from conventional cases. Fundamental changes to the product are hidden inside, the difference is in the contact diagram. The task of a simple switch is to close or open the circuit at one point, the pass-through switch, when the position of the key changes, opens one circuit and immediately connects another. There is a transfer of contacts to another direction of the circuit, so it would be more correct to call it not a switch, but a switch. But the terminology has already developed in such a way that the change of the term will introduce unnecessary misunderstandings, between specialists and even more so with non-professionals.

The contacts, being transferred to another group, are connected to the terminal circuit of the second pass-through switch operating in pairs. One by one in the circuit, the pass-through switches do not work. Of course, they can be connected as a single-key switch, but then the meaning of its general contact diagram is lost.

Circuitry of the main types of feed-through switches

The most commonly used walk-through switches are single-key, two-key and three-key. All of them are built on the same principle of throwing contacts. There are three contacts on the single-key version, one common is transferred to one of the two, depending on the position of the key. The remaining models include single-key variant circuits in their case. A two-gang switch has two such circuits in its body, a three-gang one has three circuits, everything is simple. Only the dimensions of the case, the number of keys and contacts change:

  • single-key, three contacts, input and two output,
  • two key switch, six contacts, two inputs and 4 outputs;
  • the three-key housing has 3 inputs and 6 outputs.

Lighting control from 2 places, scheme using single-gang switches

One group of electric lighting lamps can be controlled from different places using a circuit with one-button switches. This is a frequently used scheme, on the example of which the principle of operation is easily understood.

From the 220V power line, the phase directly comes to the input (moving) contact of one of the two switches. The output contacts of the two switches are interconnected. The input contact of the second is connected to the terminal of the lighting device. Connect working 0 to another contact of the lamp.

Consider the features of the disconnection in the junction box when installing this circuit. A cable with three insulated wires is used:

  • red insulation - phase wire;
  • blue insulation - neutral wire;
  • yellow-green insulation - ground wire.

To save on electricity bills, our readers recommend the Electricity Saving Box. Monthly payments will be 30-50% less than they were before using the saver. It removes the reactive component from the network, as a result of which the load and, as a result, the current consumption are reduced. Electrical appliances consume less electricity, reducing the cost of its payment.

There are four cables in the junction box:

  • one from the switchboard, power cable with one phase 220V;
  • two cables from each pass switch;
  • one from a group of lighting fixtures.

Color requirements are achievable only for power cables for lighting fixtures. When connecting the wires coming from the pass-through switches to the box, only one condition is feasible. The red wire of the phase is output to the input contact of the pass-through switches.

Scheme of control of two-button switches by two groups of lighting devices

Using a double pass switch in two places it is possible to control different groups of lights.

An example of the practical application of a circuit with two single-key switches in everyday life, features and installation sequence

In private households, the technology of controlling light from two different places has long been used. On the routes from the gate to the house, there may be sections with stairs or other obstacles where lighting is required at night. It is convenient to open the gate to turn on the lighting of the path, go to the house, climb the stairs and, without returning, turn off the lighting in the yard. As it is done in practice, installation begins with markup:

  • cable laying routes;
  • places for installation of walk-through switches;
  • location of the junction box.

One of the rational options is to install the junction box and the first transfer switch in the hallway, next to the switchboard. It will be convenient to lay the power cable and use, control the lighting in the yard without leaving home. It would be logical to put the second pass-through switch on the fence on the inside of the yard near the gate. Upon entering, you can immediately turn on the light by entering the hallway of the house to turn it off.

As lighting fixtures, you can use decorative lampposts, which are always on sale in large electrical stores. In most cases, 3-5, depending on the distance of the route in private houses, is enough. It is advisable to lay the wiring on the ground in a trench through plastic pipes with a diameter of 5-6 mm, at a depth of 30-50 cm, regardless of the climatic conditions of the region. It makes no sense to dig below the freezing depth, this is not a water pipe, there is nothing to freeze. The main goal is to hide electrical wiring, protect it from mechanical damage and create a nice-looking interior in the yard. Connect lamppost lamps in parallel, in this case, if one lamp fails, the rest will work.

In a new house under construction, there are two strobes, communication holes can be provided and laid in advance. In old houses, when repairing in the hallway, you can make hidden wiring for walk-through switches. If there is no need to make repairs in the hallway, lay the external wiring using cable channels, they are carefully laid, they look very aesthetically pleasing, the plastic can be of any color.

You can pick up to any interior, even under dark and light woods. The cable must be used with copper wires with a cross section of 0.75 to 1.5 mm. Lead the wires into the box by 10 - 15 cm, remove the insulation by 3 cm to disconnect, it is enough to twist and ensure reliable contact.

It is possible to install touch sensors at two points at the end and the beginning of the route for movement to the walk-through switches, this removes the problem of finding switches in the dark. Such a connection requires a separate topic for consideration. Connect according to the above scheme, the yard will be beautiful and convenient to use.

Such an element is used quite often in houses, especially if their area is large. But before you make the purchase of a switch and choose it, you need to decide what it is in general. And most importantly - to understand the functions and purpose, the main differences from simple elements with two or three keys.

It is worth mentioning that it is installed if you need to switch from several places at once. And to do this with simple switches is almost impossible. In the article we will look at how to properly install a double pass switch.

Where can I put the switches

Single-key type pass-through switches are necessary in order to control one line or lighting circuit simultaneously from different points. Moreover, you can put switches at once in several places of the house or corridor. In other words, by entering you turn on the lighting with one switch. After you reach the end of the corridor, turn off the lighting with the second device. And when you come back, you can do the same manipulations. In order for everything to work correctly, you must strictly adhere to the installation diagram of the pass-through switch.

Quite often, such lighting control schemes are used in bedrooms. It's not very convenient to turn off the light at the door, and then move to the bed in the dark. Therefore, they usually put walk-through switches at the door and next to the head of the bed. Often such devices are placed on the stairs of multi-storey mansions. Several switches can control the light at once.

Features of switches

What you need to know about the installation of walk-through switches with your own hands? Immediately you need to pay attention to such points:

  1. You will need a cable with three cores of the VVGng-LS 3x1.5 type.
  2. Self-assembly of a walk-through from ordinary switches is impossible, so you should not even try to do it.
  3. The number of contacts is the most important difference between walk-through switches. Conventional single-key devices have the simplest design- One input and the same number of outputs. Pass-through switches have three contacts for connection.
  4. On simple devices, the circuit either opens or closes. There can be no intermediate states. Pass-throughs are more likely to be called switches than switches, since they switch two or more circuits. But you will have to adhere to the installation scheme of the pass-through switch so that everything works like a clock.

The appearance of the pass-through and simple switches is almost the same; an inexperienced eye will not see any features that give out the purpose. But on most devices, the key has a small icon in the form of vertical triangles. Do not confuse such designs with cross or, as they are also called, toggle switches. They have triangles on the keys arranged horizontally.

Inner side of the switch

When installing walk-through switches with your own hands, you need to pay attention to the inside of the device. On it, you can see the whole difference in designs:

  1. On the top there is one terminal, and at the bottom there are two.
  2. For conventional switches, the terminals are located one at a time from below.

Inexperienced electricians may confuse the checkpoint with a two-gang. But the latter will not be able to work exactly the way the checkpoint does.

After all, the difference lies in the functioning of the contact group. When one contact closes, the other one opens automatically. If we talk about two-key, then they do not provide such a function. It should also be noted that the feed-through structures do not have a state in which both contacts are open at the same time. Some of them will be closed.

How to connect pass-through type switches?

Now we will consider the installation procedure for two-button walk-through switches, and then we will get acquainted with how to connect similar devices. First you need to properly connect the sockets. To do this, you need to remove the key and the overlay frame. When the switch is disassembled, you will see all three pins for connection. Now you need to find the contact that is common.

On most of the products on the reverse side there is a diagram. And you just need to be able to read it in order to navigate and make the correct connection. In the same case, if you purchased a cheap model that does not have a circuit, or it is available, but you do not understand anything about it, then you can use the simplest tester. Put it in dialing mode and start searching for contacts. By the way, you can also use a simple probe with a light bulb (LED) and a battery. The algorithm for searching for a common contact and connecting a switch is as follows:

  1. Alternately touch the probes to the contacts.
  2. If the tester "beeps" or shows the value "0" (in the case of using a dial indicator) at any key position, then you have found a common connector.
  3. To the common contact you need to connect the wire on which the phase is suitable. You can check it with indicator screwdriver.
  4. The remaining two wires must be connected to the remaining contacts. It doesn't matter in what order you connect them.

After that, you can assemble the switch in the socket. When installing the second switch, perform the same operations:

  1. First you need to find a common contact. And the main thing is to do it right, so that later there will be no "surprises". If you define the common contact incorrectly, the circuit will not work.
  2. Connect the phase wire going to the lighting lamp to the common contact.
  3. Connect two wires to the switch.

Junction box

And now the most important thing in the installation of a two-gang pass-through switch of any manufacturer. Namely - the connections in the junction box. After all, how the whole system will function in the future depends on whether you do everything right.

You will need to bring four wires with three cores into the box:

  1. Power cord coming from circuit breaker on the distribution board.
  2. Cable to switch "1".
  3. Cable to switch "2".
  4. Cable to a lamp or chandelier.

When connecting the wires, it is best to focus on their color. In the event that you use VVG with three cores, they will have the following markings:

  1. Gray or white - should be used for "phase".
  2. Blue wire - connection to "zero".
  3. Yellow-green - ground connection.

There is also such a combination of colors:

  1. Gray or white - connects to "zero".
  2. Brown - with "phase".
  3. Black - connects to ground.

But it is worth clarifying all the connection rules in GOST. It is these documents that regulate the rules for connecting conductors.

Junction box assembly

You need to start the assembly with conductors to supply "zero". To do this, the core going to the lamp must be connected in a box with the wire that came from the circuit breaker. When implementing a pass-through switch circuit from two places, it is recommended to use Vago-type terminals. When you finish working with the zero circuit, proceed to the "ground". Similarly, you need to connect all the cores of the wires that go to ground.

The yellow-green wire must be connected to the lamp body. And it remains to do the same work with phase wires. To do this, you need to take a phase wire from the input cable and connect it to the common terminal of the feed-through type switch “1”. After that, the common contact of the through switch "2" must be connected using the "Vago" connector with the "phase" going to the lighting lamp.

After completing all these manipulations, you need to connect all the secondary cores that depart from the switches to each other. How you connect them does not matter, you can even confuse colors. But to make everything simple and clear, it is recommended to stick to the color that was previously used.

Basic connection rules

If desired, you can connect a pass-through switch for two light bulbs, but you will have to make a few changes to the circuit. After final assembly, you can energize the entire circuit to test the operation of the switches. You must adhere to the following rules when connecting:

  1. The phase wire coming from the circuit breaker must always be connected to the common terminal of the first device.
  2. The same phase conductor must be removed from the common contact of the second switch to the lighting lamp.
  3. The remaining two wires must be connected to each other in the junction box.
  4. Grounding and "zero" must be applied directly, without a switch, directly to the lighting lamps.

Lighting control from three points with toggle switches

In the same case, if you need to install the pass-through switches from three points for control electrical circuit using toggle switches. The usual ones, which we reviewed above, have only three contacts. And with their help, it will be quite problematic to implement the connection. The difference between the toggle switch and the one discussed above is that it has four contacts - two at the bottom and two at the top. The scheme turns out such that two through passages are placed at the extreme points, and between them there are crossovers.

In order to carry out the installation of walk-through switches from two points, it is enough to follow the recommendations that we indicated earlier. But to control a circuit of three or more points, you will need to connect several more devices in between. To do this, you need to find the secondary (that is, not the main) wires in the junction box, coming from the two extreme switches.

Now it remains only to disconnect these wires correctly. It is better to adhere to such a scheme so that there are no troubles:

  1. The wires coming from switch "1" must be connected to the input.
  2. The wires that go to switch "2" are connected to the output of the switch.

A little further we will talk about how to properly connect. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the installation diagram of the Gira two-gang push-button switch. It may differ slightly from the one we present in our article.

Of course, it should not be mounted in the box itself, but in any other convenient place. To connect it, you must use a wire with four cores. Just insert it into the junction box and connect it correctly to the wires. Now you can control lighting from three points at once. This will be especially useful if you are installing lighting for a three-story house.

What mistakes can be made?

Naturally, with the inability to read the installation diagram of two-gang through passages, you can make a lot of mistakes. And the very first happens when looking for a common contact. By mistake, some people think that the common terminal is the one that is located separately from the other two. And it's not like that at all. Of course, on some models such a "chip" can work, but this happens quite rarely.

And if you assemble the circuit with an error, the switches will not work correctly, no matter how many times you click them. The common contact can be located anywhere, so it is important to find it, focusing on the diagram or instrument readings. Quite often, such problems arise when installing or replacing pass-through switches from different manufacturers.

We looked at the information one at a time, connected it correctly, and the second turned out to be from another manufacturer. And it was connected according to the same scheme, but it does not work. To restore functionality, you need to find a common contact and connect all the wires correctly. This step is the main one, how the whole system will work in the future directly depends on it. There is no need to focus on chance, it is better to make sure several times that the contacts are correctly defined. And in order not to forget, you can mark them with a marker. Thus, of course, so that these marks are not visible from the outside.

But it also happens that the device that you use is not a pass-through. Therefore, when buying, you need to pay attention to what type of device is a pass-through or a regular two-key one. It is also worth mentioning the incorrect connection of cross devices. Some electricians put the wires from the first switch on the contacts located at the top. And from the second switch - to the contacts below. But you need to do it a little differently - connect all the wires to the device crosswise. Only in this case, the whole structure will be able to function correctly.

Disadvantages of switches

And now let's talk about what are the shortcomings in the circuits for connecting pass-through switches from the spot and directly in the structures. The main disadvantage is that there is no specific position - enabled and disabled. This creates a slight inconvenience when the lamp fails. After all, you can’t immediately understand that she burned down.

The next disadvantage is that the box has a very large number of connections. And the number of wires directly depends on how many switches and lighting lamps are used. Of course, you can manage and significantly reduce the complexity of switching. But you will have to completely abandon the junction boxes, as a result - an increase in cable consumption. But there is a trickier way - to simplify, put impulse relays.

In the event that when installing walk-through switches according to the scheme given in the article, you do not want to lay wires in strobes, use wireless designs. True, they will cost you quite a lot - such devices cost 4-5 times more than simple ones. But on the other hand, the installation work is simplified by about the same amount. By installing such switches, you will forget about the wires. In addition, after installing the entire lighting system, you will not have to make repairs and cover the strobes with a solution.

To increase the comfort of operation of lighting devices, walk-throughs are used, which allow you to control the lighting of premises from two or more places. Sometimes this is not only a convenience, but also a necessity.

Most often, the connection diagram of the pass-through switch from 2 places is used in the following places, namely:

  • . By installing switching devices on the 1st and 2nd floors, you can turn on the light, go up or down and turn off the lighting. In houses with more than 2 floors, you can add to the scheme additional devices;
  • . One switch is installed near the door, and another device near;
  • . Switches are installed at the beginning and end of the room.

This list can be kept for quite a long time, since for each case there is its own use of pass-through switch systems. To save time and money, all operations can be performed independently, subject to the recommendations that will be given in this article.

Read in the article

What is a pass switch and how does it differ from a conventional switch?

A pass switch is a device that allows you to control one light source from two or more places. The schemes for connecting them to the power grid are a little more complicated than, since the installation of several switching devices is implied.

Lighting with pass-through switching devices, as a rule, is mounted on, in, long and garden. Such a scheme makes it possible to turn on the light in one place and turn it off in another, without resorting to the first switch.

To understand how a switch differs from a switch, you must first define the terms.


The Chinese manufacturer Lezard is part of the Legrand company, but only a stylish design remains from the native brand, and sometimes failures occur in build quality. But for such a price, the quality is appropriate.


Wessen is one of the leaders in the Russian electrical market and is a branch of Schneider Electric. Because of this, all products undergo strict quality control and are equipped with the latest technologies developed in the field of electrical engineering. The company offers the consumer a wide selection of products with a universal design, which allows them to fit into almost any.

The most popular among Russian buyers is the Rondo series. All products in this series are designed for concealed installation and have the necessary security features. In addition, the decorative frames of the switches can be easily replaced, which makes it possible to customize them to any interior and embody your own design ideas.


A Turkish brand that has long gained popularity among Russian consumers. Makel products are functional, reliable and safe, and despite their seemingly simple design, they attract attention.

Makel circuit breakers provide the ability to connect with a loop without using junction boxes. This makes installation of products simple and comfortable to use.

Model range Legrand

The lineup Description

  • Switches of this series differ not only in color and aesthetic solutions, but also in functionality. In the line there are one and two-gang switches with moisture and dust protection.
  • The cost of products of this model range ranges from 300 rubles and more.

  • Products of the Celiane series are made in the form of circular keys inscribed in a square and which can be silent or non-contact with levers.
  • The cost of products starts from 700 rubles.

Exclusive Celiane
  • This is a limited edition handmade switch made of porcelain, marble, myrtle, bamboo, gold and other natural materials. Frames of switches are made only under the order. Switching devices of this series can be mounted both in horizontal and vertical position.
  • The price of luxury series products starts from 5,900 rubles.

Galea Life
  • The Galea Life range is the best value for money. This series is made in a classic design, which allows you to fit these switches into any design. Switches are made of glass, plastic, wood, various metal alloys and even granite.
  • The cost of Galea Life products ranges from 930 rubles.

Overview of VIKO models

The lineup Description

  • The Karre one-button walk-through switch has a discreet and ergonomic design and is designed for residential and public places.
  • The model is distinguished by simple and quick installation, and the plastic used in the manufacture of the product will not lose its original appearance for many years.
  • Rated voltage - 250 V, and current - 10 A. Protection class IP-20.
  • The cost is from 170 rubles.

  • The classic design characteristic of the Yasemin series switches allows them to fit into any design, and colored inserts will further decorate the room.
  • The quality of VIKO products will not disappoint anyone.
  • The rated voltage is 250 V and the current is 10 A.
  • Protection class IP-20.
  • The price of the product is from 120 rubles.

  • The series of outdoor switches has been developed in accordance with the highest requirements for electrical and fire safety.
  • Rated voltage is 250 V and current is 10 A.
  • Protection class IP-20.
  • The cost of the switch is from 350 rubles.


The lineup Description

  • Attractive colors of the DEMET series and modern attractive shapes of products will decorate any room.
  • The company's products are made of high quality non-flammable polycarbonate and comply with all fire and electrical safety standards.
  • The cost of products from 125 rubles.

  • Switches of the MIRA series are designed for internal installation and are made of self-extinguishing RA-66 plastic, which increases the safety and durability of products.
  • Conductive elements are made of phosphor bronze, which provides high conductivity and low heating.
  • The price of the switch is from 198 rubles.

  • The DERIY series switches represent a completely new style, bringing an unusual effect to the interior of an apartment or office.
  • Perfect lines and rich colors of devices only emphasize their sophistication.
  • The cost is from 161 rubles.


The lineup Description

Wessen W 59 Frame

  • This series employs a modular principle, which makes it possible to install in frames for 1-4 devices with vertical and horizontal mounting.
  • The range includes one-, two- and three-gang switches, presented in 8 colors.
  • Price - from 137 rubles.

  • Despite the fact that the products of this series are inexpensive, but high quality and functionality to satisfy even the most demanding customers.
  • Switches of the Asfora series are in demand not only among construction companies, but also among direct consumers.
  • The cost is from 450 rubles.

  • Products of this series differ in strict and harmonious design. Also distinctive feature switches is a high build quality and reliable design.
  • The products of this company are in high demand among Russian consumers.
  • The cost is from 600 rubles.

Lilium Nat Kare
  • The modern, stylish design of the products in this series will make the design of the premises even more attractive.
  • In the manufacture of switches, high quality ABS plastic is used.
  • Quick and easy installation, which is achieved with spring or screw clamps.
  • The switch mechanism is compatible with almost all standard frames.
  • The cost of products - from 95 rubles.

  • Switches of the Defne series are made of high-quality plastic and equipped with reliable internal mechanisms.
  • A large selection of colors allows you to choose a product that is ideal for any interior.
  • Rated current - 10 A, rated voltage - 250 V.
  • Very durable and reliable to use.
  • Degree of protection - IP 20.
  • The installation is hidden.
  • The cost of products of this series is from 150 rubles.

Makel Mimoza
  • Products of the Mimoza series are designed to control lighting fixtures from two or more points.
  • The body of switches of this series are made of high-strength ABS plastic.
  • Rated voltage - 220-250 V and current - no more than 10 A.
  • The wires are connected using screw terminals.
  • Degree of protection: IP20.
  • The cost of switches in this series ranges from 170 rubles.

When installing switches, it is necessary to make sure that there is no electric current using an indicator.

The most convenient height for ease of use is 900 mm from the floor. It is better to place the switch at a distance of 200 mm from the doorway.

If the device is installed outdoors, you should purchase switches with a protection class of at least IP44.

Before installation, you first need to determine the phase wire using the indicator and mark it. This will facilitate further connection of the pass-through switch.

One of the most common tasks for an "apartment" electrician is the installation of one or more lamps. Usually this does not create any problem, because connecting a single switch is quite simple. But often you need to make sure that the light bulb turns on from several places, for example, from two, more - less often. In this article, we will look at lighting control schemes using several switches.

Light control from two places

Such a task is often encountered in private houses on the front plot, for example, near the front door and gate, at the entrance to the courtyard, as well as in houses with several floors, so that it is possible to turn on the light from any of the floors and safely go down the stairs.

The main problem is that if you install two conventional switches on one lamp, then no matter how you connect them, either they both must be on, or both must be off. Therefore, it will not be possible to fully control the lighting from several places according to this scheme.

To solve this problem use . Such a device is more correctly called a switch. Let's look at the circuit and features of the pass-through switch.

Here we see that the switch according to the internal circuit is different from the usual one. If on the standard version the contact is either closed or not, then here the movable contact closes either to one line or to another, which is why I called it a switch.

If you have not yet understood how this circuit works, consider its states:

1. On both switches, the key is pressed to the "UP" position - the light is on, the current flows through the "upper" wire (if you look at the above diagram).

2. The first switch is in the “DOWN” position, and the second “UP” (or vice versa) - no current flows through the circuit, the lamp does not light.

3. Both switches in the "down" position - current flows through the "down" wire and the lamp is lit.

The circuit is quite simple to assemble:

1. We directly connect zero from the junction box to the lamp or in another way, depending on the circumstances

2. A three-core cable is pulled to the switch closest to the power source (let's say a 220V network). We connect the first core to the phase and the middle moving contact of the switch. Below we give the terminals of the switch and its diagram again.

3. We connect the two remaining cores with a pair of output fixed contacts and a second switch.

4. From the middle movable contact of the second switch, we take the outgoing phase and connect it to the lamp.

The pass-through switch differs from the usual one in that it has a changeover contact, in total it has three terminals for connecting instead of two. They also come in one, two or three keys. Then this scheme is simply duplicated in accordance with the number of keys and groups of lamps, as shown in the figure below.

Interesting: If you have the opportunity to connect a phase with zero to each of the switches with minimal cable costs from different junction boxes, you can use an alternative version of this circuit. It differs in that the light bulb is connected to a movable contact, and the phase with zero to the fixed ones and, as it were, is mirrored.

How to mount

For ease of installation, you need to imagine in advance how you will lay the cables, which is closer to the first switch and which is closer to the second - a junction box with an incoming phase or a lamp, or maybe both ... But in most cases you need a simple three-core wire or cable, depending on the operating conditions and installation suitable:

  • PVA 3x0.75…3x1.5;

    Ball screws 3x0.75…3x1.5;

    Or a foreign analogue of NYM of similar sections.

You can use the cores from these wires separately, and also buy a single-core wire of the PV brand, of the corresponding flexibility class, for example, PV-1 is a rigid monolithic version. In this case, the probability of error will decrease, especially if you choose multi-colored cores. The picture below shows one of the mounting options in a more visual form:

Control from three or more locations

If you need the lamp to turn on from three or more places, cross switches go into battle, they are sometimes called intermediate. The diagram is shown below.

Beginners may be intimidated by a three-place light control scheme, but let's understand it. The cross switch is the same pass-through switch with only one key simultaneously switching two groups of contacts. The only difference on the visible part will be that there are 4 terminals for connecting wires on the cross, and 3 on the through passage.

Why do you need a cross switch? Then, in the lighting control circuit from two places, the pass-through switches are connected by two wires, and due to this, the desired power supply line of the lamp is selectively connected. Here you need to also switch this pair of wires among themselves, for this they use a cross switch.

The logic of the circuit is simple, let's just understand for brevity, we denote the switches as A, B and C, from left to right according to the diagram.

1. All three switches in the "up" position - current flows through the red line and the lamp is on.

2. Switch "A" in the "down" position, the rest "up". Then the phase is connected to the blue line, and the lamp is connected to the red one - no current flows. If you switch the switch "B" - "down", then the lamp will light up, because. the current will go along the red line on the diagram, the same thing will happen if you switch "C", only the current will go along the blue line on the diagram.

The rest of the positions are analogous.

It is quite simple to assemble a switching circuit from three places. We connect the phase to the middle contact of one of the extreme walk-through switches, and from the second walk-through from its middle contact lays a wire to the lamp.

From the first pass-through in any sequence and to any terminals we connect to the cross, and, from its second pair of terminals, two wires to the other pass-through. Such a connection is shown more clearly in the figure below.

A further increase in the number of switches to control one luminaire occurs simply by adding cross switches to the gap. Below is a diagram of light control from 4 places.

The same scheme, but for control from 5 places:


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