Computer literacy, assistance and repair

Installing and configuring Wine - a program for launching Windows applications. Basic setup of Wine What libraries are needed for wine games

So, the drivers are installed, the video card is configured - it’s time to unleash its potential using computer games. Otherwise, what is all this for? :-) Let's start.

Installing Wine

Wine is an implementation of an application programming interface library ( Application Programming Interface, API). Wine intercepts requests windows programs and converts instructions into their Linux equivalents in the form of commands to the window manager using a standard protocol X11. If you have access to the source code windows programs, Wine can also be used to recompile a program into a format that Linux understands better. But that’s not why we need it. We need it for games.

There are several installation methods Wine. First, it may already be in your distribution repository. To be honest, there is not enough space or knowledge to consider the process of downloading from the repository of each individual distribution, because you need to know all the distributions and their features. For example Ubuntu- need to go to Applications -> Ubuntu Application Center, enter in the search bar " Wine" - and it is in front of you. Unpleasant news: it may not be in the repository, or it may be there, but not updated to new versions. Therefore, I advise the second way - self-installation.

First you need to add source Wine to the list of sources that Linux looks for new versions of packages.

Here at this address - given detailed description adding and installing on all known Linux distributions. Let's look at the process using an example Ubuntu.

In the console you need to type the following lines:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa
sudo apt-get update

The first line we add the download address Wine to the list of addresses for updating our system. The second line - we read all the latest information about new packages so that Linux adds Wine to the list of available programs. Next, we go to System -> Administration -> Synaptic Package Manager, write in the search bar "Wine", find it in the drop-down list of available packages and check the box. On this moment this is the package Wine1.3, when choosing, he pulls with him additional packages: wine1.3-gecko, winetricks, ttf-symbol-replacement-wine1.3 And wisotool. We install all these packages with the button Apply .

All that remains is to configure the newly installed Wine. The first launch (for example, opening settings) will create a system registry and a directory tree in the directory ~/.wine.

Script winetricks and installation of necessary programs

Winetricks is a launched script file. When you launch it, a window appears containing a long list of programs that can be installed through this script. We don't need them all - we only need those without which most games won't launch. So, let's launch winetricks and install:

7zip, d3dx9, d3dx9_28, d3dx9_36, d3dx10, d3dxof, dinput8, directmusic, directplay, directx9, dotnet11, dotnet20, dotnet20sp2, dotnet30.

Windows fonts have already been installed with Wine1.3, if you want to expand the range - winetricks offers a large number of fonts to choose from. Although, instead of scripting one font from the Internet, I simply copied it from the one installed in the next section Windows all fonts in Wine(all fonts are placed in the directory ~/.wine/drive_c/Windows/Fonts).

If you have read in any articles on the Internet that after installation DirectX you need to go to Wine settings DLLs and forget about changing their settings. This information is outdated and no longer relevant. Winetricks does all this for you.

Well, that’s basically all we need. The last step remains - verification DirectX for performance. In the Vain catalog Windows/system32 launch dxdiag.exe and run all the tests on all tabs, especially tests DirectDraw And Direct3D. All tests passed, everything works? I congratulate you! Your computer is ready to install games!

Andrey " F1reTu][" Frolov

Wine is special software that allows you to run applications created for Windows on UNIX-like systems, including Linux. I think, if not all, then many have heard about Wine. I also want to graphomaniacally on this topic. Many articles about Wine say that you need to press the pimp, pull the squiggle, and then the program (enter the name) will work. I would like to leave this aside and talk about Wine in general, what subtleties there are, and how to use it in general. At least that's what I was missing at first.

In many distributions, Wine is installed out of the box - just double-click on the file with the .exe extension, and, quite likely, everything will work. If this was not enough, then let's dive into the details.

How to find out which version of Wine is installed?

Open the console and run the command:


In the window that opens, select the “About the program” tab, where what you are looking for is located.

Where can I get Wine and which version should I choose?

Regarding installation, I’ll just clarify that in many popular distributions Winetricks can be installed from repositories.

To run Winetricks for the default prefix, just run the command:

winetricks --gui

If you managed to create various prefixes, then use the command:

WINEPREFIX=~/.wine_example/ winericks --gui

Is there any program that will do all of the above for me?

There are, and there are two of them. Let's start with PlayOnLinux - This program contains a large number of scripts for installing various applications under Wine. Sometimes you need a distribution kit, in some cases PlayOnLinux will download it itself, and also create a separate prefix with the necessary Wine settings, download and install all the necessary components, etc. In the list of programs for “general educational purposes” there are also those that do not work. They are highlighted in red. The interface of PlayOnLinux is simple and in Russian.

The second option is the paid and fairly well-known solution CrossoOver ( Positioned as a commercial version of Wine. The product, on the one hand, is aimed at running office applications. On the other hand, just like PlayOnLinux, there are scripts for installing a large number of other applications, including games. Personally, I somehow didn’t really understand the “trick” of this program. It is not cheap, and besides, we are not talking about a “once and for all” purchase, but about a subscription: 12 months - $40. At the same time, having used the test version (you can do this too, if you wish), I saw that the programs I was interested in (in particular Microsoft Office, as well as some other little things) work no better than with “simple” Wine, and I didn’t buy CrossOver. I can’t help but notice that the new, 15th, version of CrossOver is approaching, in which we are promised a lot of new things - for example, a working Office 2013. How it will work is, of course, a big question. But in the meantime.

What's the result?

But in the end it's simple:
- have the latest version of Wine;
— if you have any difficulties with any program, don’t be lazy to visit AppDB and just read the forums. For example, on the forums of many MMOs there are special topics about running them under Wine;
— additional components, if needed, install using Winetricks;
— install particularly “heavy” software using a special prefix.

By the way, about additional components. Many people try to install DirectX under Wine, in most cases this is completely unnecessary. If the game complains about the absence of a specific library, just install it through Winetricks.

In general, use Wine carefully. There is no point in switching to Linux just to try to run all your usual programs under Wine.

Firstly, there is a lot of good native software in Linux, just search harder and you will definitely find what you are looking for. For example, I have already picked up ones to replace the ones I used in the “windows”.

Secondly, “Wine” brings with it not only applications for Windows, but also various problems inherent in this platform. For example viruses. And given the fact that applications running under Wine have access to your home directory... Some, as far as I know, even install antiviruses under Wine. But this, it seems to me, is completely overkill.

You just need to be careful and not install everything. I run two games under Wine, and also, from time to time, the 7-zip archiver - I can’t find an analogue for Linux that suits me completely.

In contrast to the warnings, I would like to say that the very presence of software like Wine opens up many opportunities, especially if we take into account the fact that Wine has been improving literally before our eyes lately.

Wine is not a Windows emulator, but only an alternative implementation of the Windows API. The program allows you to run most Windows applications on Linux, including games. So let's take a look and try to figure out what's what.

Let's install the latest one first available version, at the moment it is Wine 1.6 RC4.
Opening Terminal and enter:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install wine

Open in Terminal settings:

Open the tab View and integration and change the save paths for user folders to others so that various game saves and other things are stored in a different place, and not in your home folders. You can, for example, specify a directory ~/.wine/drive_c/docs/(you need to create this folder first).

Now let's open the tab Discs and we will see how the entire root directory is available in Wine, which is not safe. We won't touch it for now, but in the future, when you install what you need, I recommend removing the path to the root directory, just in case.

Next we launch Winetricks via menu or Terminal command:

Now we will install the necessary libraries to run applications and games (observe the order of the list). Don't install everything at once, select 2-3 items at a time. Please note where there is a clause Manual download, then you must download the installer yourself and copy it to the desired folder (wine will tell you where) in the cache ~/.cache/winetricks/foldername, restart winetricks and select the item again.

Install fonts, select Install a font:

  • corefonts

We install the necessary programs, select Install a Windows DLL or component:
  • dotnet20
  • dotnet30(you need to download the file from the wine link and copy it to ~/.cache/winetricks/dotnet30 and start again)
  • dotnet35(before installation, switch the Windows version in winecfg to Windows XP)
  • vcrun2003
  • vcrun2005
  • vcrun2008
  • vcrun2010
  • vcrun6
  • d3dx9
  • d3dx10
  • d3dx11_42
  • d3dx11_43
  • d3dxof
  • devenum
  • dinput8
  • directmusic
  • directplay
  • dxdiag
  • dxdiagn
  • winhttp
  • wininet
  • wmp9
  • wsh56js
  • xinput
  • xvid
  • vb5run
  • vb6run
  • physix
  • adobeair
  • flash

Set up the registry, select Change settings:
  • ddr=opengl
  • glsl=enabled
  • multisampling=enabled
  • mwo=enabled
  • orm=fbo
  • psm=enabled
  • rtlm=auto
  • sound=alsa
  • videomemorysize=1024(here select the memory size of your video card)
  • vsm=hardware

Main Wine setup completed! You can now install the Windows games and programs that you want to run on Kubuntu.
I note that not everything can work under Wine. Some programs may require additional libraries to launch or work, as well as registry settings and other things, or may not start at all due to the lack of support for some function. If the program does not start, then launch via Terminal and Wine will give you an error log that will help you, for example:
wine "/home/USER/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Game/Game.exe"

Before installing a program or game, visit

Wine is free software that allows GNU/Linux, *BSD and OSX users to run applications, including games, written exclusively for Windows. There is also an implementation of Wine for Windows, but we will not consider it in this article. Wine is a recursive acronym for "Wine Is Not an Emulator". This is an alternative implementation of the Win32 API.

In this article we will look at how to install wine linux mint, as well as winetricks and program configuration.

You can read more about installing Wine on different OSes on the official website. We are interested in Ubuntu since Linux Mint is based on it.

First, let's add support for 32-bit applications if you are using an x86_64 system. To do this, run:

sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386

Now we need to add a repository. To do this you need to run the following commands in the terminal:

wget -nc

sudo apt-key add Release.key

Now the important moment! If you are using Linux Mint version 17.x, then add the repository with this command:

sudo apt-add-repository "deb main"

If 18.x, then:

sudo apt-add-repository "deb main"

Now you need to update the package indexes:

Warning! The Staging branch is no longer supported.

Stable branch:

Sudo apt-get install --install-recommends winehq-stable

Not stable branch:

sudo apt-get install --install-recommends winehq-devel

Intermediate branch

sudo apt-get install --install-recommends winehq-staging

Installation of wine in Linux Mint 18 is complete now setting up wine in linux mint.

Installing Winetricks on Linux Mint

First we need to download it:


Now we will give permissions to launch:

sudo chmod +x winetricks

For convenience, let's move Winetricks to the /usr/bin directory:

sudo mv -v winetricks /usr/bin

Now Winetricks can be launched simply by typing in the terminal, but I do not recommend doing this right away. It's better to configure wine first:

Now you know how to install wine in Linux Mint, now let's talk about configuration.

Setting up Wine in Linux Mint

Attention! Install the cabextract package, otherwise you may get the same error as in the video. This is done with the command:

sudo apt install cabextract

First, let's point out that a 32-bit prefix is ​​required:

export WINEARCH=win32

Now to configure Wine, enter:

Here in the field "Windows version" indicate what you want. I recommend installing Windows 7 or 10.

Now run Winetricks and specify "Select the default path for wine" and press "OK". And in the next window indicate "Install font" and press "OK":

Please indicate here "allfonts" and press "OK". This will install all fonts at once. If there are errors, then install the fonts one by one:

After completion, the window will be opened for you again. "What do you want to do with this wineprefix". And now indicate here "Install DLL or Windows component" and press "OK". Install the libraries you need here. You can bet everything. But you have to put one at a time! If you install several at once, there may be errors. I advise you to immediately install DirectX and Net Framework.


In this article, we looked at how to install Wine on Linux Mint 18. If you have any questions, ask in the comments!

Wine is a free, open source implementation of the Windows API. Wine is not an operating system or computer emulator, how can one characterize, for example, virtualization programs (VirtualBox, VmWare etc.), which is emphasized by the decoding of its name " Wine Is Not Emulator". Wine was created to reduce the degree of dependence on the activities and position of the corporation Microsoft, expanding the scope of application free operating systems due to the possibility launch programs for Windows.

Wine is not an emulator

In fact, Wine is a set of libraries and software tools that allows run Windows programs and similar to what she uses operating system from Microsoft. Part The Wine software distribution also includes programs for configuring it (), a registry editor, and a package of scripts, file manager, Notepad, etc. Quantity programs for Windows, which today already run using Wine quite large and constantly growing. At there is a specialized database with marks on the compatibility of certain programs with Wine. Among the fully compatible Wine programs many office and multimedia programs, programs for enterprises and organizations, "1C" including, programs for graphics processing (including some Adobe versions Photoshop and so on.). The number of supported and natively compatible Wine games.

Since emulation of any devices and when working Wine does not occur, the operating speed is compatible with Wine programs when using it, it is usually no lower than when working directly in Windows (and often higher).

Based on or using components Wine at different times projects such as Cedega(focused on launching games, Firstly), CrossOver(focused on launching applications) and so on.

Installing Wine

Wine software package most often included in modern Linux distributions(Ubuntu, Mint, Debian, openSUSE, etc.), and to search for it and installations You most likely need to contact management software your distribution.

Apt-get install wine In order to install WINE, execute in console as administrator, for Debian, Ubuntu, Mint, etc. zipper install wine wine-gecko For SUSE and openSUSE Linux.

Setting up Wine

For start Wine setup programs, call in the console or shortcut dialog, winecfg (use " if necessary) WINEPREFIX"). Winecfg configures appearance Windows programs for example, it makes it possible to change the version of a set of libraries Windows (2000, XP, 2003, Vista, ...) and so on.

Winetricks - additional settings, components and programs

Winetricks is a set of scripts written by developers Wine and the community, to facilitate changes to some hidden Wine settings, installations some additional system libraries ( DirecX etc.) and popular programs for Windows, including Internet Explorer (I.E.), several demo games and so on.. Winetricks is usually included with the Wine distribution. To launch the main dialog box Wintricks run in the console, or the shortcut command dialog (key combination " Alt+F2"), command " winetricks". You can also use commands like winetricks directx9 in the console, where "directx9"- name of the component to be installed. To view a list of component categories offered Winetricks for installation, you can call winetricks list command, and for an overview of the lists of contents of the categories themselves - winetricks apps list , where "apps"- name of the desired category.

Running Windows programs in Wine

Way running programs in Wine typical for working with any file, be it an image, text file or executable exe file in our case: You can simply run executable Windows file(*.exe) from your file manager (by double-clicking, for example), or execute command in the console like wine ~/Downloads/program.exe . You also can launch Windows programs through internal paths Wine, if they are located in directories mounted as system drives when starting the required profile ("prefix") Wine(be it the standard "~/.wine/drive_c", or any other folders, customized You). In this case, the DOS address format is used programs wine C:\\Program\ Files\\programm.exe .

A backslash "\" is added before special characters, such as the same backslash or space.

Installing Windows programs in Wine

For Windows program installation, You will accordingly need run its installer: wine setup.exe Next you will need to go through the standard procedure installation of programs for Windows, which most often involves clicking the “Next” button multiple times. One of the most interesting functional features Wine lies in the possibility of using profiles, or so-called " prefixes", for installing programs - independent copies of sets of system libraries, programs and Windows settings . Standard prefix Wine, i.e. The default folder in which the profile is written is ".wine" - a hidden folder inside the user's home directory. To use a separate "prefix" You need to create a new folder for it ( to reset a profile - delete its contents) and use global variable export WINEPREFIX(possible as part of a team launching a Windows program, including for installers). For example WINEPREFIX="/home/user/.wine-programm" wine setup.exe . For installed programs Wine creates shortcuts in the local user (~/.local/share/applications/) menu desktop (Gnome, KDE, XFCE etc.), using the necessary prefixes.

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