Computer literacy, assistance and repair

Different symbols on the keyboard. How to type special characters on the keyboard

Every computer user, especially those who actively use social networks, has wondered: what are special characters and where to find them on the keyboard? The answer to this question is not something complicated. The thing is that the keyboard displays only frequently used symbols: letters, punctuation marks, arithmetic operations.

But there are many other symbols in the world. And to use them, you need to know some concepts. Such characters are called special. Their difference is that they are more comic than truly useful.

How to enter special characters from the keyboard?

First, let’s look at the simplest and most understandable input of special characters that are already located on the device’s keyboard. To do this, hold down the Shift key and select the desired symbol.

But do not forget that for convenience, the symbols are separated from each other by keyboard layouts. Therefore, pay attention to the location of the sign relative to the main one.

We use special characters when creating passwords

Many users have wondered how to create strong password. To do this, you don’t need to create huge sets of different letters, numbers and punctuation marks; just use an unusual icon. So how do you use special characters on your keyboard for a password?

To use a special character when entering a password, you must enable NumLock. After this, you should hold down the Alt key and “+”, then type the required set of characters and get the character we need. But in the password itself it will not be registered as a special character, but will be written in the encoding necessary for this.

Using Unicode on the Windows 10 keyboard

To use special characters on the Windows 10 keyboard, you need to go to the taskbar and to search bar query table. And after that run this application.

In the table that opens, you can select a font. To copy a symbol, double-click on it and click “Copy” in the bottom line. You can also select the character set language.

Enter special characters using the keyboard

The most practical way to type characters is a combination of the Alt key and the desired Unicode. Special characters on the Alt keyboard will be discussed in the table below.

But before you learn about them, you need to understand the principle of entering these characters. To enter the character we need, press the Alt key, then press “+” on the right side of the keyboard and type the numeric command in which the desired character is encrypted.

Tables of special characters for describing text

Now, let’s actually look at what some special characters look like. Many of them are used infrequently.

Name Symbolism View Description
160 space without breaks
iexcl 161 ¡ exclamation mark upside down
cent 162 ¢ cent
pound 163 £ pound sterling
euro 0128 Euro
8591 shekel
curren 164 ¤ monetary unit
yen 165 yen or yuan
166 ¦ dotted vertical bar
sect 167 § paragraph
uml 168 ¨ diaeresis
copy 169 copyright sign
ordf 170 ª ordinal numerator (feminine)
186 º ordinal numerator (male)
171 « opening quote
187 » closing quote
not 172 ¬ negation
173 place of possible transfer
176 ° degree
permil ppm
acute 180 ´ accent mark
micro 181 µ micro
para 182 paragraph symbol
middot 183 · dot
cedil 184 ¸ cedilla
sup1 185 ¹ superscript (unit)
175 the longitude sign is placed on top of the vowel
iquest 191 ¿ question mark upside down
174 ® registered trademark mark

Table of special symbols - arrows

And these special characters are perfect for any schemes. This table worth having on hand.

Punctuation table

Well, you can’t do without these signs when writing articles. They are familiar to everyone without exception.

Name Symbolism View Description
bull 8226 . small black circle
hellip 8230 ellipsis
prime 8242 single stroke - minutes and feet
8243 double prime - seconds and inches
8254 underscore
frasl 8260 right slash
Basic punctuation
ndash 8211 - dash
mdash 8212 em dash
lsquo 8216 left single quote
8217 right single quote
8218 single quote (lower)
8220 double quote (left slant)
8221 double quote (right slant)
8222 double quote (lower)

Table of arithmetic signs

Such signs are a godsend for a mathematician. None of them can be written down without their help.

Name Symbolism View Description
times 215 × multiplication sign
divide 247 ÷ division sign
frasl 8260 decimal point
minus 8722 minus sign
il 60 < less than sign
GT 62 > more sign
le 8804 less than or equal to
ge 8805 greater than or equal to
8776 asymptotically equal
ne 8800 inequality
equiv 8801 identical, coincides with
plusmn 177 ± plus or minus
frac14 188 ¼ one fourth
frac12 189 ½ one second
frac34 190 ¾ three quarters
sup1 185 ¹ unit in superscript
178 ² two in superscript (square)
179 ³ three in superscript (cube)
8730 square root (radical)
8734 infinity sign
sum 8721 summation sign
8719 work mark
part 8706 partial differential
int 8747 integral
forall 8704 for everyone
exist 8707 exists
empty 8709 empty set; diameter
8711 nabla
isin 8712 belongs
notin 8713 doesn't belong
ni 8715 contains
lowast 8727 asterisk operator
prop 8733 proportionally
ang 8736 corner
and 8743 logical AND
or 8744 logical OR
cap 8745 intersection
cup 8746 association
there4 8756 hence
sim 8764 similarity sign - "changes from" - tilde sign
8773 approximately equal to
sub 8834 this is a subset
sup 8835 this is a superset
nsub 8836 is not a subset
sube 8838 is a subset or equal to
8839 is a superset or equal
8853 plus in a circle
otimes 8855 multiplication sign in a circle
8869 orthogonal, perpendicular
sdot 8901 dot operator
fnot 402 ƒ function sign

Table of Latin, Greek and Hebrew letters

Not many people, of course, will use these signs when working with a computer. However, knowing about them will not hurt for overall development.

Name Symbolism View Description
Latin letters
Agrave 192 À capital A with blunt accent
193 Á And with a sharp accent
Acirc 194 Â A with a circumflex (a diacritic mark above a vowel)
195 Ã And with a tilde
Auml 196 Ä And with three (a sign above a vowel to pronounce it separately from the preceding vowel)
197 Å And with the top circle
AElig 198 Æ AE characters
Ccedil 199 Ç C with cedilla
Egrave 200 È E with blunt accent
201 É E with acute accent
202 Ê E with circumflex (diacritic over vowel)
203 Ë E with three
Igrave 204 Ì I with obtuse accent
205 Í I with acute accent
Icirc 206 Î I with circumflex
Iuml 207 Ï I with three
ETH 208 Ð ETH symbols
Ntilde 209 Ñ N with tilde
Ograve 210 Ò O with obtuse accent
211 Ó O with acute accent
Ocirc 212 Ô O with circumflex
Otilde 213 Õ O with tilde
Ouml 214 Ö O with three
Oslash 216 Ø O with a stroke
Ugrave 217 Ù U with blunt accent
218 Ú U with acute accent
219 Û U with circumflex
Uuml 220 Ü U with three
Yacute 221 Ý Y with acute accent
agrave 224 à lowercase A with blunt accent
225 á And with a sharp accent
acirc 226 â And with circumflex
atilde 227 ã And with a tilde
auml 228 ä And with three
aring 229 å And with the top circle
aelig 230 æ Ae
ccedil 231 ç And with a cedilla
egrave 232 è E with blunt accent
233 é E with acute accent
234 ê E with circumflex
euml 235 ë E with three
igrave 236 ì I with obtuse accent
237 í I with acute accent
icirc 238 î I with circumflex
iuml 239 ï I with three
eth 240 ð eth symbols
ntilde 241 ñ N with tilde
ograve 242 ò O with obtuse accent
243 ó O with acute accent
ocirc 244 ô O with circumflex
otilde 245 õ I with tilde
ouml 246 ö I with three
oslash 248 ø O with a stroke
ugrave 249 ù U with blunt accent
250 ú U with acute accent
251 û U with circumflex
uuml 252 ü U with three
yacute 253 ý Y with accent
thorn 254 þ thorn
yuml 255 ÿ Y with three
Letters of the Greek alphabet
913 Α Greek capital letter alpha
914 Β beta
915 Γ greek capital letter gamma
916 Δ delta
917 Ε greek capital letter epsilon
918 Ζ zeta
919 greek capital letter eta
920 Θ theta
921 Ι greek capital letter iota
922 Κ kappa
923 Λ greek capital letter lambda
924 Μ mu
925 greek capital letter nu
926 Ξ xi
927 Ο greek capital letter omicron
928 Π pi
929 greek capital letter rho
931 Σ sigma
932 greek capital letter tau
933 Υ upsilon
934 greek capital letter phi
935 Χ hee
936 greek capital letter psi
937 Ω omega
945 α greek small letter alpha
946 β beta
947 γ greek small letter gamma
948 δ delta
949 ε greek small letter epsilon
950 ζ zeta
951 greek small letter eta
952 θ theta
953 ι greek small letter iota
954 κ kappa
955 λ greek small letter lambda
956 μ mu
957 greek small letter nu
958 ξ xi
959 ο greek small letter omicron
960 π pi
961 greek small letter rho
962 ς sigma (final)
963 σ greek small letter sigma
964 τ tau
965 υ greek small letter upsilon
966 φ fi
967 greek small letter chi
968 ψ psi
969 ω greek small letter omega
Hebrew letters
1488 א aleph
1489 ב Beth
1490 ג Gimel
1491 ד Daled
1492 ה neck
1493 ו wav
1494 ז zain
1495 ח hat
1496 ט tet
1497 י yud
1498 ך soffit cafe
1499 כ cafe
1500 ל lamed
1501 ם ma'am spotlight
1502 מ ma'am
1503 ן nun-soffit
1504 נ noon
1505 ס samekh
1506 ע ain
1507 ף pay-soffit
1508 פ pay
1509 ץ tzaddik sofit
1510 צ tzaddik
1511 ק Kuf
1512 ר raysh
1513 ש tires
1514 ת tav

Additional symbol table

Here are some other helpful signs. Perhaps they will be useful to you someday too

Name Symbolism View Description
9824 spades suit sign
9827 sign of the suit "clubs"
9829 hearts suit sign
9830 sign of the suit "diamonds"
9674 rhombus
9675 circle
9679 black circle
9668 triangle to the left
9660 black triangle down
9658 black triangle to the right
9650 black triangle up
9632 black square
9642 black square
9643 square
9792 feminine
9794 masculinity
34 " double quote
amp 38 & ampersand
lt 60 < "less than" sign
GT 62 > "more" sign
circ 710 ˆ circumflex symbol
tilde 732 ˜ tilde
trade 8482 trademark sign

In conclusion

There are many symbols in the world that computer users need to use for their purposes. It is impossible to know all of them. After all, humanity over its centuries-old history has created more than a million different codes and other types of information encoded in images, but there are tables of special characters that are available to all users.

These signs have a huge scope, so many will have to deal with them. Entering special characters from the keyboard is not difficult. The main thing is to be able to use the capabilities of your device, and this will allow you to use various special characters for your own purposes.

Many have seen unusual and beautiful symbols decorating a name, message or social media page, but few know where they come from.

In the operating room Windows system characters that are not on the keyboard are encrypted as numbers. Pressing a number in combination with the Alt key produces a special character that will change depending on the number.

Inserting hidden characters

Many people ask the question: “How to enter characters that are not on the keyboard?” This can be done in various ways:

  • using a symbol table;
  • combinations of Alt with numbers;
  • copying from the Internet;
  • copying from text editing software ( Microsoft Office);
  • special online services.

Symbol table

Above is a table of symbols that are not on the keyboard. With its help, you can easily insert the symbol you like into the text and copy it to social networks.

How to open a symbol table

Opening a symbol table is very simple. The first thing you need to do is click “Start” and enter the phrase “Symbol table” in the computer search window.

Next step: click on the found phrase.

The symbol table can be easily found by knowing its location in the system. The path is as follows:

  1. "Start".
  2. All programs.
  3. Standard.
  4. Service.
  5. Symbol table.

In order not to constantly perform many operations and mouse clicks, you can pin the link to the table on the “Taskbar” or in the “Start” menu. This is done like this: hover the cursor over the icon of the open program on the lower taskbar, press the right mouse button to open additional functions, then use the left mouse button to click on the penultimate line (pin the program).

Using the symbol table

In the table you can change the font, view help, and also copy any of the presented characters to the clipboard. To copy them, double-click on the one you like and click on the “Copy” button. To insert into text, you need to place the cursor in the part of the text in which you want to place the element, click on the "Insert" menu, called up with the right mouse button. Or do the same using Ctrl and V.

Additional Symbol Table Options

The functionality of the program in question contains additional parameters, to enable which you need to check the appropriate box. The checkbox is located under the "For copying" line. The main advantage of additional parameters is the presence of "Grouping". It allows you to very quickly search for the required element to insert into the text by category (monetary, punctuation, arrows, numeric, technical). For grouping to work correctly, Unicode ranges must be present.

For example, you can take the infinity sign. To find it, you need to go to the grouping and select the desired category (for the infinity sign - these are mathematical operators). Double-click on it and copy it to the clipboard.

Alt key and number combinations

In order for the symbol you need to appear on the screen, you need to click on the indicated number while holding down Alt. In order not to lose such a useful table, it is recommended to add it to your browser bookmarks or save it to your computer. For example, the combination of Alt and 1 produces the smiley symbol.

Copying from the Web

A very popular way to obtain the necessary characters that are not on the keyboard is to copy them from the Internet. This method is very simple and understandable for everyone, it consists of 2 steps:

  • finding the desired symbol or emoticon by creating a request in the search bar of the browser;
  • copy and paste to the desired location (text, message, status).

Symbols from Microsoft Office Word

You can find original symbols that are not on the keyboard in the very popular software from Microsoft Office Word. This method is similar to that described earlier. Its essence lies in the fact that first we open the Word program (it is installed on almost every computer), look for the “Insert” tab, and in the menu we find the “Insert Symbol” button. After this, a window appears with a huge number of different symbols. In order to take a character you like from Word and paste it into another place, you need to paste the required character onto an empty sheet of Word, then select it and copy it (copying can be done using the Ctrl and C key combination).

Online services

Online services that provide the ability to quickly and conveniently select and copy your favorite symbol, emoticon or sign will help you diversify your page on VKontakte, tweets and posts on Facebook, and simply please your chat interlocutor.

Everything here is very simple and clear. Each button is a specific symbol. After clicking on any of them, the selected symbol appears in the window at the top. Below the window there are buttons with which you can change characters (font, size) or perform some action (copy, tweet, etc.). When you click Copy, the character(s) in the selection window are copied to your computer's clipboard. Only then does the user insert them into the message from the buffer.

Categories of hidden characters

All existing symbols that are not on the keyboard can be divided into the following categories:

  • numbers;
  • fractions;
  • signs of the zodiac;
  • musical notes;
  • symbols representing weather or precipitation;
  • card;
  • chess;
  • snowflakes;
  • flowers;
  • emotions;
  • arrows;
  • others.

Good day, dear knowledge hunters!

How often, while traveling on the vast sea of ​​the Internet or in any documents, have you come across various symbols that are not on the keyboard? For example, these are: ☺, ©, , , ○, §, ¶, ♂, ♀ and so on...

And perhaps you would also like to use such symbols, but how to do it? The first idea that may come to mind is to simply take and copy a symbol, for example, from a website web page. But there is a better and faster way, which will be discussed later...

All special characters are already present in Windows; you don’t need to download anything additional from anywhere. All that remains is to learn how to bring them into the light of day☻. I'll show you two ways, one through the standard Windows program(standard), the second through key combinations (fastest).

Using the Standard Symbol Table

Keyboard gurus can immediately press Win+R and enter charmap. Or type charmap in Windows search (Win+S).

For others, the recipe is as follows: Start - All Programs - Accessories - Character Table.

This is what it looks like Symbol table after launch. It allows you to insert many different characters that simply do not exist on the keyboard. Let's try to insert something somewhere.

Select the desired symbol. Let this be the copyright icon - ©. To select it, double-click on the symbol, or select it with a single click and press the button Choose a little lower. The symbol will appear in the text field. Now we press Copy and a symbol on the clipboard. Open Word, Notepad, or anything else where you can write and paste the icon using Ctrl+V or with the mouse.

You can play around with fonts. For example, look for Webdings or Wingdings fonts in the list. These fonts have been accompanying Windows for a long time and contain various pictograms and icons.

But the problem with non-standard fonts is that they will not be displayed correctly everywhere and always, so they should be used with caution.

Let's look at the following input method.

Keyboard special character codes

Characters that are not on the keyboard can be entered using the key Alt and a special code on the numeric keypad. If it is disabled, turn it on with the key Num Lock.

For example, Alt+0169 will give us the copyright icon ©.

The procedure for entering characters is as follows:

  1. Hold down Alt;
  2. We dial the code sequentially, digit by digit;
  3. As soon as you press and release the last digit, press Alt;
  4. Immediately after pressing Alt, the desired symbol will appear.

Table of some codes

Symbol Digital code
§ Alt+21
© Alt+0169
® Alt+0174
µ Alt+0181
± Alt+0177
° (degree) Alt+0176
™ (trademark) Alt+0153

These are not all possible special characters, but they are more or less common and well-known. Moreover, some symbols are also present on the keyboard, so there is no particular point in listing them. For example, Alt+64 is the code for the @ dog, which is on the keyboard, at the number 2.

Do you use special characters when working on a computer?

Let's imagine a trivial situation: you need to enter a special character into some text, but there is no key on the keyboard with such a character.

What should I do?

If you are working in a text editor , then there are no problems:

– select menu Insert -> Symbol...;

– in the dialog box that opens Symbol select the desired symbol;

– press the key Insert(you can insert by double-clicking the left button on the selected symbol).

And if you work in a “non-advanced” text editor, for example, in Notepad(by the way, the program Notebook It is very convenient to use as a notepad - for current notes and notes. Since it “weighs” less than Word, then it loads faster and works in it faster)?

What should I do?

There is a way out, and it is always at hand!

– press and hold the key Alt;

– on the additional numeric keypad (the numeric pad is located on the right side of the keyboard), enter the character code;

– when you release the key Alt, the desired character will be inserted into the text.

Note. There must be a numeric keypad (if it is not, turn it on by pressing the key NumLock).

Some character codes are listed below:

0123 (or 123 )


0124 (or 124 )


0125 (or 125 )


0126 (or 126 )



bottom single quote


Opening tab




Cross ( dagger)


Double cross ( double dagger)


Euro symbol


ppm symbol


Left "corner"




Top single quote (inverted apostrophe)




Closing tab


English closing foot


"bold" dot in the center


En dash (minus)





trade mark symbol


Right "corner"










Copyright symbol



Opening herringbone







Degree symbol







Center point




Closing herringbone

Knowing these codes (or at least having a printed sheet of paper with these codes “at hand”) allows you to increase the speed of working on the keyboard, even in Word"e.

Greetings, dear readers! Today I will tell you how to type special characters on the keyboard using the Alt key. If you didn’t quite understand from the title of the article what we’re talking about, I’ll explain in more detail.

There are symbols that are simply not on the keyboard, but they can be used quite often (paragraph icon, arrow, suit, heart). The question immediately arises of how to write this or that character that is not on the keyboard. How to do this will be discussed in this article.

Here are examples of such symbols:

☻☺ ♣♠◘○♀♪♂☼ ↕☼↓→§

Naturally, these are not all symbols, there are many more of them. You can find a complete table with these symbols just below.

And now I will tell you how to print these characters.

So, already from the name it is clear that we will use the Alt key! But we will need other keys too!

In the picture below you can see all the keys we will need and where they are:

So, to print this or that character, you need to hold down the Alt key and, using the additional panel with numbers, type the code of the character we need (character codes can be taken from the table below). Moreover, it is important to follow the sequence, that is, if you first press 1 and then 2, then a symbol with number 12 will pop up, and if you do the opposite: first 2, and then 1, then a completely different symbol with number 21 will pop up.

For example, the emoticon code (☺) is 1. This means that to print an emoticon, you need to press the Alt key and, without releasing it, click on “1” in the additional panel with numbers, then you need to release the Alt key and the symbol will be printed.

To type an arrow (→) with code 26, you need to hold down the Alt key, then alternately press first “2”, then “6”, and then release the Alt key. The symbol will be printed immediately.

Here is a table of the most common characters with their numbers:

This was the easiest way to print these characters, but not the only one.

There is also such a thing as a symbol table. No, we are not talking about the yellow table above. Every Windows computer has this Symbol Table application.

This application is located in this location:

There's a bunch of stuff in this folder system files, including “charmap”. To avoid looking for it in that giant list, use the hotkey Ctrl + F and type “charmap” into the search. After launching the application, the following table will open:

You need to find and select the symbol you need, then copy it from the bottom line and paste it into the place you need. Quite convenient too!

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