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How to watch closed communities in VK. How to view a closed VKontakte group and information in it (photo, video, wall, records)

Social networks make it possible to communicate, share files, and create interest clubs - groups and communities. They are open or closed. There are no problems with an open club, anyone can view the posted posts, leave a comment, but closed ones are another matter, here only members have access to the posts. We will tell you how to view a closed group in VK, and what needs to be done for this.

Ways to view a closed group on VKontakte

To view a hidden community, you must join it, there is no other way. You saw a post that there are special programs for opening access, do not believe the offers. There are no such programs - these are malicious applications or a way to make money.

View after joining the VK group

To view the data of the secret public, you need to apply for membership. When the community administrator accepts the application, then you can view the group's materials, leave comments, add entries, suggestions. There are no other ways.

View without applying for membership

Unfortunately, the user will not be able to view the posts if he is not a member of the community. Do not believe that you can do this with the help of utilities - this is a scam. All you can see is the name in the list of communities and that's it.

View via script or program

There are no special programs, scripts. If you somehow found and downloaded a special utility that promises to hack access to a closed group, then most likely it is a malicious file. After downloading to a computer or phone, the user may lose access to the account or catch a virus that will cause irreparable harm to the device.

Often, downloaded software is a Trojan that steals users' personal data. They are deliberately placed on the network by scammers in order to get people's personal information and use it for their own purposes. In this way, people can get confidential information, and you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation.

Gated Community Benefits

Why close the group? As a rule, access is limited to posting entries intended for a limited circle of people. For example, a team of a company, students, parents of students create a community, post various information for its rapid dissemination. This information should not go beyond the team.

With a closed platform, it is convenient to conduct training, various marathons, solve important organizational issues, and conduct surveys. The group is created for different purposes, it all depends on the needs of the team. The social network Vkontakte allows people to communicate in a narrow circle, which cannot be accessed by strangers without permission.


The ability to publish information to a narrow circle of people allows you to maintain confidentiality. In addition, the absence of unnecessary comments is pleasing, as well as the ability to unite people according to their interests. For example, you are interested in healing herbs, traditional medicine, find what you need using the community search, apply to join the group, the administrator confirms it, and now you will see published recipes, news and posts.

Plus - a new publication appears, the user immediately receives an informational notification. The closed community hosts important online conferences for members only.

You can get into a limited society at the invitation of the participants. If you are interested, accept the invitation, follow the link, and you will immediately go to the page of the society. Thus, you will become a subscriber, and you will regularly receive notifications of new events.

The administration of the social network does not tell how to view a closed group in VK. Privacy settings exist in order to hide almost all information about the group from prying eyes. But craftsmen from the Internet offer alternative ways look inside closed communities without subscribing to the page, you just need to find out and test working methods for yourself.

Privacy settings are designed to protect outsiders from community content. The option is available to group administrators and has 2 levels of information protection:

  1. Closed page - every user can join social network. To apply, it is enough to receive an invitation from the head of the community or click the "Subscribe" button.
  2. There is no button for submitting an application for membership in private groups. They accept a more limited category of people into such clubs. Invitations are sent personally by page administrators, without considering incoming subscription requests.

The need to create communities with such restrictions arises from the desire to protect privacy, the interests of a single group of participants from outsiders, or to hide content that is not entirely acceptable in society, but nevertheless does not violate the rules of the social network. Closed groups gather companies with corporate secrets, friends with an archive of private photos, and teams with narrowly focused interests. Here you can publish shocking materials and memes with jokes on the verge, without fear of complaints from casual visitors.

How to view a closed group in VK without applying

It is impossible to fully view a closed group in VK without joining it. Outsiders only see short description, an avatar and some of the people in the list of participants. Sites and services that promise to get photos, records for money are fraudulent and often steal account passwords. The maximum you can rely on in this matter is a familiar person who will subscribe to the community instead of you and get information.

Posts on the wall

The contents of the wall cannot be viewed before joining the group. If you want to get acquainted with the publications, refer to the method with the involvement of friends, create a fake page or try to deceive the administrator. The trick may not work, but it's worth a try:

A photo

You won't be able to open photos without joining a group. Outsiders see a preview of the avatar, and only approved members have access to albums.


The same rules apply to videos as to photos. But there is a little trick: if you remember the name of the video, files that are not protected by individual privacy settings can be found through the general search of the social network. Just type the name into the search bar and hit enter.

Keeping track of visitor statistics

Statistics have separate privacy settings. The information can be accessed by everyone or only by the administrator. In the first case, you can view the closed VKontakte group using a direct link: paste in address bar, replacing XXXX with the community ID.

Security measures

For security purposes, the contact administration recommends avoiding services that promise to provide information from closed groups for money or for free. When linking a page to project sites or following links, scammers steal users' personal data, pages and use them for illegal enrichment.

There are three types of groups on Vkontakte. Open groups- these are ordinary communities where any users of the social network can go and subscribe to them. In addition, there are private groups, where you can only join by invitation of administrators. And the third type of group is closed communities. They differ in that to join them, you must submit an application, which will be considered by the administrators, and if they approve it, then you will become subscribers and will be able to have free access to this group.

Such communities are great for a narrow circle of people, such as classmates, in order to post content that needs to be protected from prying eyes.

So, after you have created a group, to make it private, go to the "community management" section, and select the "settings" subsection there. There will be an available item "group type". By default, all groups will always be public, to make a community private, select the appropriate tab, and click save.

Now everyone who is not a subscriber of your group will not be able to see your content. In addition, when entering your group, there will be no "subscribe" tab. Therefore, to become your subscribers, a person needs to click on the “apply” tab.

If you are the administrator of a closed group, then applications from those who wish to become your subscribers can be found by going to the "community management" section. Here you need to select the item "participants", and in it the subsection "applications". A list of people who want to become members of your community will be available here. To do this, there will be two tabs near the avatar of each participant: “accept to the group”, or “reject the application”. In addition, at the top of this section, there is a tab "to approve all applications" in order to save time.

There are pros and cons of closed communities. For example, on the one hand, people rarely join such groups, since it takes effort to view content and wait until the application is approved. In addition, some are suspicious of the fact that the community is closed. On the other hand, exit statistics are much lower in such groups. This is because such groups are difficult to enter, and therefore, in a sense, subscribers value the fact that they are in them, and therefore go out much less often.

It is also worth noting that only groups can be closed. Communities that are public pages are always open. Not in public at all. this setting. Therefore, if you need a closed community, then you need to create it only as

The social network "VKontakte" is so popular among users not only because of the opportunity to chat, listen to music or watch videos. Interests are what bring people together, and various thematic groups in this social network give people a chance to find a person with the same hobbies as themselves.

Communities are different: open, closed and private. Each has its pros and cons, which are discussed in more detail below. After describing the advantages and disadvantages, perhaps many will be interested in how to change what has already been created, i.e. how to make a group closed if it was open before, or vice versa.

By the way, according to statistics, people often change the type of communities. For example, the question of how to close a group is of interest to users quite often. Well, let's start with the analysis of communities.

Open group in "VK"


  • An opportunity for potential participants to pre-evaluate the content and see if it is appropriate.
  • You can join the group without the prior consent of the community administrators.


  • The influx of trolls and spammers, seeking to push advertising everywhere and everywhere, cannot always be controlled due to the absence of administrators and community moderators in VKontakte at the time of the attack.
  • Some people may bookmark the group, which will cause the number of members to grow a little worse.

Closed group in "VK"


  • Administrators can choose who deserves to be in their group and who is not.
  • The influx of trolls and spammers is easier to contain.
  • Some mystery associated with complete ignorance of what will happen in the group.
  • Joy after being accepted into the community. Feeling like I'm part of a secret organization.


Private group in "VK"

There will be no pros and cons here. It is rather a separate type of community. Only friends can be invited to private groups. Left people here "shove" will not work. Moreover, when searching for a particular group, users do not display private communities.

So, from the above, we can conclude that this type of group is ideal for those who do not like to advertise content, but just want to share it with friends. Some users start a private group in order to be in it in splendid isolation and repost interesting gizmos from various publics without littering the main page.

How to change the type of group in "VK"

At any time, a community can be made private, private, or public. In connection with latest updates there was an opportunity to turn the community into a public, but that's another topic.

The example will show how to close a group in VKontakte, but in the same way it can be opened or turned into a private one. The thing is, everything is done on one page.

The stumbling block was the presence of closed pages that require mandatory entry into the group in order to view the information located there.

Let's take a look at the main features of such pages in order and learn about everything related to viewing audio, video and posts in a group limited to ordinary users.

Closed group in VK

Why create closed communities

Let's start with the source of the problem - the ability to hide information from prying eyes. Why is this needed? In order not to turn the page into a passage yard and freely post any information of interest to those who have entered, with the exception of that which violates the rules of the social network.

The closed basis allows you to avoid unexpected complaints from third-party people who could be paid for such an ugly move. Another plus is the safety of the wall and albums from non-informative posts and constant spam.

Well, the last option may be the presence of a narrowly focused page theme that not all users of the resource can like.

Creating a closed community in VK

Is it possible to view a closed group

To date, there is a huge number of malicious programs that promise open access to any group that can only be found on VK. You should not believe in this, because with the constant improvement of the site, the developers really managed to destroy all working methods for viewing private groups through browser extensions or auxiliary software.

Thus, it is not difficult to conclude that in order to view information in a closed community, you must join it. Submit an application and wait for one of the administrators to review and confirm it. Alternatively, you can use a fake page, but it all depends on your intentions and interests.

So, so that you do not once again fall for the hook of intruders and do not lose access to your page, we will answer frequently asked questions on the network regarding closed groups.

How to view the wall of a closed community without joining it

Allegedly, there is a kind of fake widget that guarantees the viewing of a group of any type, including restricted ones for viewing. In fact, this is just a trick for third parties to gain access to your page. Unfortunately, there is no way to view any information from the page, unless it is sent to you by a user in the group. But even in this case, reading the comments on the post will be unrealistic.

Closed groups on VKontakte

Watch videos from an album in a private group

Again, when blocking a visit to the page by the main administrator, all information for third parties will be hidden. If you are interested in videos, then they can be found by a specific name through a global search. The only condition will be that the video is freely available, and not in exactly the same album blocked for others.

How to view photos on a private group page

Another frequently asked question to which there is only one answer is no way. As mentioned above, you should not use some programs that promise 100% results or use suspicious plug-ins on the main browser. If for some reason you have no desire to join the main backbone of the public, then use the second account. In the absence of such, it can always be created using an account from another social network attached to the “fake” number of one of the special resources.

Keeping track of visitor statistics

Perhaps this is the only thing that a person who has not joined the ranks of the group can get. However, it is necessary to know the serial number of the page being viewed or id. If you find a certain nickname instead of a sequence of numbers, you should not be upset, because it is quite easy to recognize it through the participants on the page.

Open the public closed for viewing and, if there is a list of participants, click on the appropriate item. Before you is a list of people who have entered. Now you need to click on the image of the magnifying glass on the top right. As soon as a new page opens, pay attention to the address bar, where after 5D, a combination of numbers will appear. This is the same id that you need to copy and paste at the end of the next link -, where you substitute the received address instead of zeros.

But, as expected, access will only be possible if it was previously opened by the community administrator. Otherwise, you will receive a notification that you do not have the appropriate rights to view this data. There is no way to correct the current situation, so all your subsequent attempts will be in vain.

Security measures

Once again, if you want to view information for a limited circle of people within the community, your use of special programs may be the reason why your account is hacked. None of the methods advertised on the Internet will ever ensure successful viewing of a blocked page. And those methods that once really worked have become only part of the story. Therefore, it is not worth risking personal information to gain access to information that is far from being as interesting as it might seem at first glance.


As you already understood, this entire article is a solid warning that should protect you from trying to use malicious software and causing irreparable damage to yourself. The only working opportunity is to apply to join a closed group. And it is not necessary to do this from the main page, when any existing fake is perfect. Do not forget about the safety of personal information and never take risks for the sake of ghostly, unjustified goals.

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