Computer literacy, assistance and repair

How to make a translucent background in Corel. How to make the edges of an oval transition into transparency? Quick Transparency Overlay

It is one of the most important tools for achieving effects. Using this tool, you can create and change the transparency of objects: uniform, transitional (gradient) or textured.

Interactive transparency is located, by default, in the left panel CorelDraw, icon in the form of a glass. But usually the icon is hidden in a submenu of another icon - interactive form flow. You can open a submenu by long-clicking on the icon. This is where transparency actually comes in:

It can be easily applied to an object. Simply click on the object with the mouse, drag the mouse slightly pressed to the side and release. In this case, transparency will appear as a gradient (transition):

If you need uniform transparency, then after selecting the tool you just need to select the degree of transparency of the selected object:

Red marks where to select the degree of transparency.

Other types of transparency can be selected in the menu at the top after selecting the tool:

You can edit transparency in the form of linear, radial and other gradients using the button on the panel at the top, to the left of choosing the type of transparency:

Of the many types of transparency, the most interesting type is “picture”, or transparent with a picture, Btmap Pattern, in which you can make transparency from any picture, for example a texture, alpha map, etc., and where the picture had dark places, there will be transparent places on the object, and the darker the place in the picture, the more transparent it is on the object.

Most of the previous lessons covered techniques for constructing and modifying the objects that make up a drawing. This lesson discusses techniques that allow you to use transparency and shape cropping to partially or completely hide fragments of previously constructed objects. This may seem strange: why hide what you just built? Don't rush to conclusions. In many cases, what is not in the picture is more important than what is there. Many artistic techniques are built on this idea, forcing the viewer to turn on the imagination and, therefore, attracting his attention to the work. In addition, everyone knows that cutting out parts of drawings from magazines and pasting them onto paper is much easier than drawing an image yourself from a blank sheet of paper. It is these considerations that make masking tools so important and useful.
In the previous lesson, among other lenses, we discussed a translucent lens, which allows you to create the illusion that the picture viewed through it is covered with translucent frosted or colored glass. Since translucent objects are often depicted in drawings, the usefulness of this tool is undoubted, but, unfortunately, its functionality is clearly insufficient. The fact is that transparency is extremely rarely uniform - in most practical situations, a change in the degree of transparency is required in accordance with one or another law.
Therefore, CorelDRAW includes more perfect instrument to work with transparency - Interactive Transparency. Using this tool, you can adjust transparency using the same schemes as when creating gradient fills. Sometimes the transparency setting is used to remove certain fragments from the image. But for this purpose there is a tool that is more convenient in many respects - the curly trimming tool. With its help, an object or a collection of objects can be placed inside another object, and all fragments protruding beyond the border of the latter will be hidden. The fact that unwanted fragments are hidden and not deleted distinguishes the curly cropping method from the method of “freezing” the lens (described in the previous lesson) - the opportunity to subsequently correct the objects subjected to curly cropping, as well as the object that defines the boundary of this cropping, remains.

The techniques for working with transparency in CorelDRAW are very similar to the techniques for defining and adjusting fills. However, transparency is not a property of the object, but a special type of lens, as confirmed by the message in the status bar.

This lens is closest in nature to a translucent lens, but differs from it in that in a translucent lens the degree of transparency is set at once for the entire lens, and in a lens built with the Interactive Transparency tool, the degree of transparency can vary within the lens .

When you apply a transparency effect using the Interactive Transparency tool, the selected object is converted into a transparency lens group that contains a monochrome pixel image that matches the shape of the control object's border. This image acts as a transparency mask, and its fill determines the degree of transparency of the lens. Any point of the transparency mask can be filled with any shade of color (as you know, there are 256 gradations in the monochrome scale, the first of which corresponds to the absence of color, and the last to its maximum intensity).
The areas of the transparency mask with a 100% color fill correspond to the opaque areas of the lens. Areas of a transparency mask with no color correspond to areas of complete transparency. Intermediate shades of a transparency mask give the overlapped part of the lens transparency, the degree of which depends on the gradation of the mask's shade. The closer the mask tint gradation is to 0%, the more transparent the lens (and the more visible the objects lower in the stack are through it). The closer the mask tint gradation is to 100%, the denser the lens (and the more visible the original fill of the object converted into the lens, and the less visible the objects located below).
The fill of a spot transparency mask is set using the Interactive Transparency tool using the same techniques as filling any other object. Therefore, the fill of a transparency mask can be uniform, gradient, textured, or even patterned.
The constructed lenses can be subsequently edited. In addition to editing the shape and attributes of the control object, you can change the fill type of the transparency mask and its shades, thus adjusting the degree and distribution of lens transparency.

Simple answers to simple questions. How to achieve transparency effect in the program Corel Draw? Without going into the jungle of vector graphics and assuming that since you are interested in this issue, then you know exactly what it is Corel Draw, you know how to turn it on and create a clean file, let’s get down to business. For our experiments with transparency in Corel, I created a simple element - a logo from my website. And although our note is about transparency, I will briefly tell you how I drew it. Using the tool Ellipse I drew a circle. To make the circle proportional, I held Ctrl. Then I filled it with green and set the stroke to 10pt, which I also filled with dark gray. Next, I wrote text on top of the circle using Text Tool. Scaled, selected the font, changed the distance between lines and kerning between letters. For these manipulations I used the tool Shape Tool. Next, I selected both objects, pieces of text and a circle and grouped them Arrange > Group (Ctrl+G) This way I got our logo, and now on to the transparency.

Transparency in Corel Draw using Transparancy

  1. Select your object with the tool Pick Tool
  2. Move it higher and resize it if necessary.
  3. Make a duplicate of the object. Select Edit >Copy, and then Edit > Paste. A more efficient way to use shortcuts. Ctrl+C for copying and Ctrl+V For Paste. An even more efficient way: click on the object with the tool Pick Tool and begin to seem to move it to another place. After moving, do not release the left mouse button, but click on the right one. The object will be copied.
  4. Place it below and turn it over.

  1. Select a tool Transparency. This tool is hidden in the tool tab Blend Tool. Hold the tool for a while until a drop-down menu appears.
  2. Click on the bottom logo and, without releasing the mouse button, drag the pointer down. A white square means complete visibility, a black square means complete invisibility. Accordingly, between them a gradient is obtained from visible to invisible, which is regulated by a dash in the middle. To drag the translucency gradient perpendicularly, click Ctrl when dragging.

And this is how we make a translucent gradient in Corel Draw.

Transparency in Corel Draw using Lens

Let's look at transparency using a lens. I want to embed an object into a kind of waves. I created a semblance of waves from five circles and a rectangle, which I combined with the command Arrange > Shaping > Weld You can use any other object, such as a regular rectangle. Draw it with a tool Rectangle Tool and place on below emblems Arrange > Order > To Back

  1. Copy the wavy rectangle and place it above the logo.
  2. Thus, from bottom to top we have: waves, an emblem, a copy of the waves, partially covering the emblem. We will apply invisibility to it.
  3. As you can see, I slightly modified the top waves, lowered them, moved them, stretched them and dyed them a different color.

And this is how transparency is done in the Corel Dro program. My advice is not to go overboard with such transparency through the lens panel. The program will begin to freeze seriously. The main problem with transparency in Kohler is that transparency remains truly transparent only in Kohler. When exporting PDF, Corel only simulates transparency, creating a special object that imitates its colors, or simply rasterizing a piece of graphics.

If you are inherently a creative person for whom it is also important to understand, then it will be useful for you to familiarize yourself with our recommendations. Such a program allows you to effectively edit an image, modifying the background, deleting and adding new objects. In the process of performing such creative tasks, a novice web designer sometimes faces a problem when he cannot figure out how to make a transparent background in CorelDraw.

If you are at a creative impasse, not understanding how to achieve background transparency in Corel, then we recommend that you carefully familiarize yourself with the sequence of certain actions, after which you will be able to get a new photo and make a transparent background.

The graphic editor CorelDraw is unique in that it does not limit the user's capabilities and allows you to achieve the designated goal in several ways.

You can also read several instructions on how to make the background transparent in Corel, and then choose the method that will be more acceptable to your creative side.

First way

So, before you start reading our recommendations on how to make a transparent background in CorelDraw, first make sure that the most powerful graphics tool, which is the Corel program, is installed on your computer. If it is missing, download it boot file and complete the installation. If you have previously taken care of installing this program, then you can immediately begin performing the main task.

Launch CorelDraw and create any vector drawing in it. Next, go to the “File” menu item, select the “Export” option, after the window appears, set the PNG format for the picture you created, then click on the “Export” button.

After clicking on this button, another window will appear on the screen again, in which you will need to make some changes. In particular, next to the color mode selection line, select the “RGB Color (24 bit)” option, and in the checkbox next to the “Transparent background” line, check the box.

After completing these simple manipulations, click on the Ok button so that the graphic editor completes all the tasks you have specified. Open the created picture, now you can clearly see that only the picture is displayed in it, since you managed to make the background transparent.

Second way

You can achieve transparency in CorelDraw by using other methods for solving such a graphic problem.

To use the second method, you first need to reformat your vector drawing into a raster one. Don't worry that this will be difficult to do. , accompanied by a large number of successful tools, with the help of which it is possible to solve many problems, while figuring out how to use them is not so difficult.

You will be able to assign a different format if you follow the path that is already familiar to you by selecting “File” and then going to the “Export” option.

Only in this case you need to opt for “CPT - Corel Photo-Paint Image”. You can come up with a new name for the picture you are creating, then don’t forget to check the checkbox next to the Selected only parameter.

Now the graphics editor will prompt you to make a few more changes in a new window that opens. In particular, you will need to decide on the size of the image to be created and enter the desired parameters in the appropriate fields. And also in this window there will be two lines:

  • Anti-aliasing;
  • Transparent background.

In the checkboxes next to these parameters, check the box. This will soften the edges of the picture, as well as provide transparency to its background.

Working in the Corel Photo-Paint editor

We will continue all further actions in the raster editor Corel Photo-Paint. You can open the edited image in it in the usual way by clicking “File” and selecting “Open”.

Once the image is open, go to the Image menu option and then select Paper Size. In the window that opens, the program will prompt you to select one of the background options. We suggest choosing Magenta.

Now you need to basically match the image itself with the background you have chosen. To do this, select the “Object” item, and then go to the “Combine” option, finally select the “Merge all objects with the background” line. After these settings, the image will be superimposed on the background you defined.

Create a mask and get ready to work with another interesting tool: the Magic Wand. At this moment, make the Anti-aliasing parameter inactive, and set the Tolerance parameter to 0. The “Magic Wand” tool will allow you to create a background with a color tint close to reddish.

Next, you need to save the image in .gif format. After that, you can be happy with the result, since the image you created in .gif format is now accompanied by a transparent background. So, you could again see that the algorithm of actions on how to make transparency in Corel Dro is easy to understand. All manipulations are simple and allow the user to quickly achieve the desired result.

Creating a transparent background using an online service

If you need to use an image to decorate your blog page, you may also need to follow steps to make the main background transparent.

The Internet resource Pixlr can be an excellent tool for performing this task. We will also help you figure out how to take a spectacular photo on a transparent background.

Algorithm of actions

Most pictures are already accompanied by a transparent background. If you like an image in .jpeg format, then it’s useful to delve into how to remove unnecessary background material.

Open the Pixlr Internet service using the search. On the page that opens you can find useful information regarding the capabilities of this service. Visually, you can immediately identify that such a resource is an analogue of the Adobe Photoshop graphics editor.

Open the image by specifying the path where the image is saved on your PC. Once the image has loaded, click on the “Layers” option. You will now see layers, one of which will be accompanied by a small padlock. To unlock this layer, you just double-click on it with the left mouse button.

Take the “Magic Wand” tool that is already familiar to you, set its value to 23. Click on the background, most often accompanied by a white color, it will immediately be highlighted, and all you have to do is click on the Delete button. This completes the image transformation, all that remains is to save the result.

So, having studied in detail all the ways to make a transparent background in Corel Dro, you can easily change any images, solving the graphic problems that arise before you.

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