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Holidays in Foros: what to see, what to do? Landmarks and Beaches of Foros. Rest in foros on the black sea in Crimea Velerechivy foros

The Crimean village of Foros is not located in the most noteworthy area of ​​​​the South Coast - exactly in the middle between Sevastopol and Yalta. And to go from it to these iconic cities of Crimea is a little more than an hour, and transport in it is not the most frequent pleasure. There is not much to do in the village itself and there are almost no bright tourist spots. In other words, deafness.

But the history of this wilderness is not the most boring! It was at the Frosskaya dacha that Brezhnev was located during the August coup, and the famous sanatorium for Soviet cosmonauts was also located there. And at one of the dachas, Yuri Gagarin himself rested after a flight into space. Is it a joke!

But now Foros is a quiet, calm, a little provincial place, where the Sovdepiya still breathes. You will not find any parties, noisy clubs, places of tourist pilgrimages and other social life in it. Even climbers do not settle in it, although the rocky massif of Forossky Kant, which is much higher than the village, is for climbers.

In general, you should go there only if you want to take a break from the crowds of people, the noise and the frantic rhythm of the city. In those moments when you just need to go to the end of the world and not see or hear anyone, and live a quiet simple life with minimal signs of civilization.

I, having arrived there, went a little crazy from stagnation, emptiness, lack of signs of violent activity and silence. I just then had a neforos state. But in moments when I wanted to be alone with myself and my thoughts, with full confidence that no one and nothing would distract me, I, dripping with saliva, remembered Foros and dreamed of being there. Away from noisy tourist crowds and bustle. In general, this place is for a certain state of mind.

How to get there

Foros is located on the Crimean peninsula, which can be reached by all means known to us: on foot, by bicycle, by boat and even on horseback. And of course, by car, bus, train and plane.

By plane

There is only one civil airport in Crimea, in Simferopol - SIMFEROPOL International Airport. There is a military airfield in Sevastopol, but planes full of tourists, unfortunately, do not fly there. But you can fly to almost all leading airlines. From Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg and other million-plus cities, on average, there are 5-7 flights a day, and if you take care of tickets in advance, they will cost quite cheaply: about 7,000 rubles. You can search for tickets for convenient dates on well-known search engines, and it’s convenient to compare prices from different sellers. Travel time will be about 3 hours, so this is the best option.

Way from the airport


As in every airport, here you will be met by friendly, but greedy taxi drivers. A trip from Simferopol to Foros, including luggage, will cost around 3,000 rubles. The journey will take about an hour.


For lovers of public transport, there are several options for the development of events. In any case, you need to go with a change in Yalta.

If you want to take a leisurely ride along the South Coast Highway, stopping at every stop and enjoying the mountain and sea views, then you can use the trolleybus number 55, following the route: airport -. The cost of such a trip is 100 rubles, the duration is about 2.5 hours. These trolleybuses run rarely, but on any other city trolley you can get from the airport to the railway station, and from where trolleybuses No. 52 and other buses run every 20 minutes towards Yalta. Also, you can get to Yalta by buses and fixed-route taxis, following to Yalta and departing from the airport every half an hour. They don't have specific route numbers, just a sign on the windshield with the destination. Travel time - about 2 hours, cost - 150 rubles.

The bus station, from where trolleybuses and minibuses depart, is located opposite the main entrance to the airport, through the parking lot, right behind the fences.

Minibus No. 128 runs from Yalta to Foros every 40 minutes. The last one, like, at 8-9 o'clock. It departs from the upper platform of the bus station.

There is another option to take any Sevastopol bus from Yalta (they run every 20 minutes) and get off on the highway at the Foros stop. But then you have to walk down the track for about 3 kilometers. With suitcases, this is not the most pleasant thing to do.

By train

For lovers of the romance of trains, Russian Railways came up with a "Single ticket" to the Crimea. By train from all major cities of the country, you can either go to Anapa or Krasnodar, from there by bus to the ferry crossing. Then you find yourself in Kerch and there you already travel by other buses to the villages and villages of the Crimean peninsula.

You can find this route on the Russian Railways website.

But personally, I don’t see the point in such a ticket: making a bunch of transfers in the heat, and even the risk of hanging at the crossing for several hours is very high. Tourists following the “Single ticket”, whom I met at the stations, had a very sad and “rumpled” look, they were no longer happy to come to the Crimea, fatigue from numerous road troubles took over.

This option may be relevant for residents of remote regions, where air fares are quite high, in order to save money. Getting to the Crimea by plane from Central Russia is not at all expensive.

By bus

Regular buses run from Moscow and St. Petersburg to Kerch. The ticket price is about 3 thousand rubles. Having reached Kerch, you will need to independently get to the city you need. Fortunately, the bus service between Kerch and the rest of Crimea is quite well developed.

There is another option: to buy bus tours, where all connections and logistics are already thought out for you. Similar offers can be found at many travel agencies. It's a bit more expensive, but you won't have to wait long for transfers. The same tours are organized to cities such as, and Bakhchisarai. Then no change at all. Travel time is a little over a day.

Buses that take long distances are quite comfortable - my acquaintances traveling this way did not complain of discomfort.

By car

From Moscow by car to Yalta can be reached in 18 hours, excluding stops and food breaks. The cost of gasoline will be about 10 thousand rubles. The road will run through Ukraine. From Moscow you need to go along the E105 highway, which leads directly to Yalta, the length of the path is 1,481 km.

It is not difficult to get from Yalta to Foros - you need to move west towards Sevastopol for 40 kilometers, and turn towards the sea at the turn to Foros, indicated by a sign.

The road from St. Petersburg will take about 30 hours. There are options: to go either only through Ukraine, or through Belarus and Ukraine. The average is 2,200 km. If you go only through Ukraine, then you should move along the E95 highway, in Bryansk go to E101, along which you move to Belgorod, and then change the road to E105. This is the most optimal, simple (less likely to get lost at interchanges and turns) and fast option.


Foros - the time is now

Hour difference:

Moscow 0

Kazan 0

Samara 1

Yekaterinburg 2

Novosibirsk 4

Vladivostok 7

When is the season. When is the best time to go

The best time for a holiday in Crimea is mid-August - late September. Not so hot, not so stuffy, the sea is warm and rarely stormy. Local fruits, berries, nuts and vegetables have already ripened, young wines are made from a new grape harvest, and markets begin to sell all these riches of the Crimea. And the crowds of tourists are no longer so impressive. In general, without exception, absolutely all the delights of the southern resort life can be tasted during this period.

Foros in summer

Numerous sanatoriums of Foros are all booked in the summer. But the streets are as deserted as ever. Well, maybe a little more crowded than in the off-season. Powerful elderly couples and mothers with small children rest there, for whom the quiet, desolate and non-criminal Foros is the sausage.

And in general, in Crimea, things are like this:

  • the sea warms up to a comfortable temperature(about +23°C) by the middle of June and keeps this temperature until the end of September. Until this time, bathing has some hardening and invigorating effect: + 18–20 ° С. But on a small city beach (only three gaps between the breakwaters), all free places are full almost from 7 in the morning, and if you want to lie on the pebbles, and not on the hands and feet of your neighbors, then you need to snort on the far beach "Europe".
  • warm weather has been established in the Crimea since May. But the hottest time is at the end of July - beginning of august(usually it lasts 2-3 weeks). The heat is simply debilitating, and at night the earth does not have time to cool down, and there is a terrible stuffiness. And the sea does not refresh at all, it is disgustingly warm at this time. Even the local southerners, fried by the sun to the very bones, are already languishing from the heat and do not know where to go. What can we say about us, cold northerners and other Vikings. At this time, I least of all recommend traveling with children: the poor fellows only get wet in the heat and stuffiness and will not let their parents rest with their “climatic” whims.
  • Well, of course in the summer the largest influx of tourists. There are queues and crowds at all the sights, on narrow two-lane Crimean roads, traffic jams, quite a bit inferior to those in Moscow.

Foros in autumn

In autumn, Foros is beautiful - as it offers a view of the Foros edge, covered with golden and scarlet spots of autumn foliage. Very aesthetic and impressive.

Locals also drag a bunch of tasty treats from their gardens to self-proclaimed markets: fruits, vegetables, pickles, jams. Mushroom pickers sell freshly cut chanterelles and honey mushrooms, fishermen - freshly caught bluefish and horse mackerel. Everything is environmentally friendly, non-GMO, take my word for it. Not frozen-frozen ice cream, not transported for a million years to distant lands, but grown in the fresh mountain-sea Crimean air and brought for sale with the freshest and most delicious :) brand supermacrete.

In general, I repeat once again: autumn is definitely the best time to relax in the Crimea, no matter in which village or city it is.

Foros in spring

In spring, Foros is a pleasant, quiet, sunny place. The sea is still cold (+15 °C), only walruses enjoy swimming. It is quite warm during the day - the temperature rises to +25 °С, and at night to +17 °С. But prices haven't been broken yet. And if you come at the end of May-April, you can catch the blooming Crimea! The plateau is strewn with poppies, and the gardens are in the clouds of the most fragrant flowering in the world. The eye pleases unrealistically! Some lavender fields are worth something.

And yet, on a plateau, in the mountains, which is directly above Foros, a bunch of mountain flowers bloom, and most importantly, snowdrops. At the end of April, thousands of delicate white bells bloom in the mountain glades. The spectacle is beautiful and unique! Snowdrops are all shamelessly torn and dragged home, where they wither in a day. And this, by the way, is a Red Book plant! So, let's just admire them and breathe in their sweet aroma in the forest without leaving the cash register.

Foros in winter

In winter in Foros, the longing is unreal. He, like all coastal villages, is dying out. So he's not the busiest. Since the beginning of November, cafes, stalls and small seasonal hotels are closed to the stick, tourists are leaving, the streets are empty. It is very rare if, stomping somewhere in the village, you meet three people. To see one is good luck. After 6, the streets are deserted - it gets dark early in winter, and street lighting in Foros is limited to just a couple of lanterns. There is absolutely nowhere to go - there are no theaters, no cinema, no fitness centers, no courses, shows, shows, parties, concerts ... Public transport stops running at the same ill-fated 6 pm. After 6 - at least hang yourself. Even when the winter mountain winds howl and the sea storms, and there is no cozy coffee shop nearby at all - it’s a nightmare in general - there’s no other way to convey all the drama of winter in the Crimea.

The temperature in winter varies. It happens that it reaches -10 ° C. This temperature is perceived very disgusting due to high humidity. It happens that a piercing icy wind blows from the mountains or from the sea, when it just blows you off your feet. Sometimes snow will fall, lie down for a day and immediately melt. And most often, of course, sunny warm days from 0 to +5 ° С. Comfortable temperature for outdoor operation. Even in winter, it often storms. And if you want to look at a really raging element with two-meter waves and clouds of spray, then winter is ideal for this.

Foros - monthly weather


Foros - monthly weather

Districts. Where is the best place to live

I do not think that Foros is somehow subdivided into districts - it is rather small. Most likely, it has a classic resort zoning in terms of distance from the sea. Whoever wants to be closer to the sea settles on the first or second coastline, but, of course, he means that housing is more expensive there. Whoever prefers away from spots with a high human concentration rents a hut a little further (although in Foros there is generally a very low concentration of people) Easy, easy :)

An impressive part of Foros is occupied by sanatorium closed territories. Only holidaymakers can live there.

What are the prices for holidays

It's no secret that rest in the Crimea is more expensive than in the same Turkey and Greece. And the South Coast in particular is generally the most expensive vacation spot in the Crimea. Since most of the iconic tourist places are collected here, the Crimeans do not hesitate to break the prices, which rise here every season. They can be understood - in the Crimea it is not easy with work, and the money that the guys earn from tourists feeds them all next year. But nevertheless, there are really quite insolent.

The main thing is not to fall for this - boldly bargain with taxi drivers and shopkeepers, buy not the first souvenir that comes across, but walk between the rows. I give a tooth, someone will have the same product (or maybe even better) for 30% cheaper.


In the high season it is difficult to find accommodation cheaper than 700 rubles per day. As a rule, such prices are offered by private traders. Hotels start from 1000 per day and up to the most sky-high prices. In order not to get into trouble, it is better to compare the cost on the Internet in advance (for example,). And you can book a room on.


Lunch in a canteen or an average cafe will cost 200–300 rubles, and in restaurants and more decent cafes, 500–700 rubles. The average price for visiting excursions and attractions is 300 rubles apiece.


A minibus to Yalta will cost about 50 rubles, in the village - 13, a bus to Simferopol 150 rubles, to Sevastopol - 100.

Main attractions. What to watch

There are not so many attractions in Foros itself and its environs, but still there are quite interesting ones :)

Top 3

Beaches. Which is better

  • Central city beach. A classic of the genre of southern cities - noisy, crowded, a lot of cafes and stalls with food, beer and souvenirs, there is little space on the shore to lie down. Well, in Foros, this is represented to a lesser extent, since this is not the most popular tourist spot.
  • Beaches of hotels and resorts. These beaches are always more civilized, cleaner, more well-groomed and not as densely populated as city beaches. Some Foros sanatoriums and hotels let non-guests into their territory for a fee. It can vary from 50 to 200 rubles. It often includes the use of sunbeds and umbrellas.
  • Derevyashka Beach. Crimea is not Crimea without nude beaches! In every coastal village there is always a place where people with free morals are pulled up. In Foros, this beach has the characteristic name "piece of wood".
  • cold beach. It is named so because there are several cold springs under the water, and the water on it is always a little colder than anywhere else. It is located in a very beautiful and quiet bay, there are usually not so many people there.

Churches and temples. Which are worth a visit

Definitely worth a visit Foros church on the hill above the village. At least just because of the gorgeous views that open from its observation decks.

Museums. Which are worth a visit

There are no museums as such in Foros. But there is the Tesseli estate, where all sorts of counts lived in the 19th century and Gagarin himself rested after the flight, as well as Gorbachev's dacha. Tourists are not allowed to go there or there, and there are no excursions. But no one forbids walking next to them and taking pictures.

tourist streets

Terletskaya and Shkolnaya streets lead to the beach, which means they can safely be called tourist streets - there are a lot of stalls with Crimean delicacies and souvenirs, several cafes and guest houses on them.

What to see in 1 day

In one day you will go around the whole Foros five times :)

Well, let's say you came there from Yalta.

  • So, at 10:00 you are in Foros.
  • 10:00 - 12:00 - swimming on one of its cleanest beaches.
  • 12:00 - 13:00 - an escape from the heat to the coolness of the Foros park.
  • 13:00 - 14:00 - Lunch at any cafe you like.
  • 14:00 - 15:00 - Inspection of the Tesseli estate and Gorbachev's dacha.
  • 15:00 - 17:00 - visiting the Foros church and Baydar gates.
  • 17:00 - 18:00 - Dinner at the Shalash.

What to see in the surroundings

The environs of Foros are the entire South Coast and. Therefore, it is simply possible and even necessary to travel around the surrounding villages, and.

Food. What to try

  • Of course, in the Crimea, the first thing to do is fill your belly with all the southern delicacies - crayfish, oysters and mussels, boiled corn, dried Black Sea fish, churchkhela and baklava. Definitely worth eating Crimean fruits and vegetables in autumn: figs, cherry plums, peaches, grapes, plums, dogwood, cherries, walnuts, pistachios and olives. All this is in stalls on the beaches and embankments, as well as from merchants walking along the tourist streets.
  • Since Crimea is famous for its rich Tatar culture, Crimean Tatar cuisine establishments are most common here. And you should definitely try pilaf, pasties, lagman and other national gastronomic delights. There are no chickens pecking at such cafes in all the villages of big Yalta, and on average lunch in them costs 500 rubles. Local friendly Tatars, diasporas of excellent gourmets and chefs cook there, so everything is very tasty and satisfying.
  • Besides, in the high tourist season, a bunch of canteens and cafes with European cuisine open. Many of them boast chic view outdoor terraces.
  • And the most important thing! Try everything that grannies sell in the markets and just on the streets! Do not be afraid of unsanitary conditions and generally discard such prejudices! The products are unique, unparalleled, and always incredibly tasty and unusual. You can’t taste this anywhere else - grannies drag the most incredible things from their gardens and kitchen gardens, pickle it all in Crimean mountain herbs, bake with spices unknown to us, and most importantly - with love and creativity. Mind eat! Seriously, don't be afraid to try, you won't regret it.

Intermediate level

  • Cafe-bar "Fondue", st. Cosmonauts, 9


  • Villa "Foros" st. Northern, 20


Sometimes, in coastal villages celebrate the day of Neptune - the holiday of the god of the sea. Mass celebrations, costumed performances for children, competitions for adults and games for children are organized on the beaches. At the end of the performance, the god Neptune comes out with his subjects and throws everyone into the sea :) In the neighboring village, he is always held, I won’t say for sure about Foros. Maybe there is a tradition there. It usually falls at the end of June.

Security. What to watch out for

In general, Foros is a citadel of tranquility and security, but there are things that it is better to warn yourself against:

  • Intestinal infections- they, like food poisoning, should be most avoided in the heat. You should thoroughly wash fruits and hands, do not swallow sea water from the beaches, drink vitamins to increase immunity.
  • Pocketnicknames. Pay special attention to your bags and wallets. Do not wear them open, do not leave them unattended on the beach. Thieves of all sorts flock to resort towns for easy prey. The gaping tourists, who were exhausted by the southern sun, forget about safety and walk along the embankment with their mouths open and a backpack. This is the most tidbit for any pickpocket. Don't become one of those suckers! The windows on the ground floor that are not protected by bars are also recommended to be closed at night and during your absence. Just be vigilant and everything will be fine. Although these guys don't go to Foros - it's a "dead" place for big booty, but it's worth keeping in mind the possibility of a robbery.
  • Storm. They also need to be careful. It is easy to go into a storm at sea, but not so much to get out. I was once well thrown against the rocks before I could get out. Do not be presumptuous and play with the elements - strong waves can pull you far from the coast or simply cripple you on the coastal rocks.

Things to do

In the village itself - lie on the beach, go to the market, eat southern delicacies, try sea fishing, go to Mount Mshatka, walk in the park. But besides this, you need to explore other cool corners of the South Coast, go on excursions and take all sorts of interesting tours :)

Shopping and shops

They are presented in Foros only in the form of grocery stores and one stall of Soyuzpechat. The real salt of shopping in Crimea is walking around the markets for local delicacies and souvenirs :) You can’t grab branded clothes in Crimea - because of the sanctions, all European and American labels have closed their shops here.

Bars. Where to go

Every southern cafe, which works only during the season, is also a bar and a club. They sing and dance and order karaoke. 90% of cafes and restaurants in Foros provide all these services. And everywhere they

same level, quality and plan. Just walk in the evening through the center of the village and along the embankment - you will immediately understand where to go, by the characteristic music and singing.

But in Partenit, these establishments are very amateurish - they seem to be stuck in the 90s and do not know that there are singers besides Rosembaum and others like him, and bar culture has already stepped much further than sticky tables and cocktails only from vodka and juice.

extreme sports

The Southern Coast of Crimea is a real expanse for extreme sports. Steep forest trails are perfect for cycling downhill and freeride, mountain cliffs - for rope jumpers, mysterious waters of the Black Sea - for divers and kayakers, high rocky massifs - for rock climbing and mountaineering, relief plateaus - for jeeping, mountain riverbeds - for canyoning, deep caves - for speleotourism. And I'm sure this is not the whole list.

Above Foros, there is Forossky Kant, the rocky massif of Mshatka and Uarch-Kaya. All of them are dotted with climbing routes, and in general are the most popular place for training and competitions among domestic climbers. Right under the massif there is a good campsite, so climbers do not settle in Foros itself.

Souvenirs. What to bring as a gift

As a gift from Crimea, you should definitely bring sweet Yalta onions, fragrant sunflower oil, Crimean teas and wines (only it is better to buy them at wineries, the markets are full of fakes), local spices (the Svan mixture is especially good), aroma oils and soap, nuts and olives, honey and jam from local fruits, bracelets and necklaces made of shells, paintings by local painters, ceramics made by potters, toys carved from wood. All this can be found in the markets.

Classic souvenirs like magnets, shell beads, teas and soaps can be purchased for 100 rubles. The price of tourist cards is the same. The cost of illustrated publications about Crimea starts from 300 rubles. Spices cost from 30 rubles per bag. Wines - from 250 per bottle. In addition, in the markets and souvenir stalls, you can safely practice the art of bargaining and bring down the price a little :)

How to move around the city

On foot, of course! How else can you move around a small coastal village? The only thing is that it has a lot of slides with sickly height differences. At first, it is unusual - you are out of breath and your muscles hurt. But by the time the vacation comes to an end - the legs and lungs are already getting used to and adapt :)

Taxi. What features exist

A taxi ride in Yalta or Sevastopol costs an average of 150 rubles. You just need to call the ordering services, and not use the services of the bombers, who lure tourists-rotoseans. They shamelessly jack up prices. There are taxi numbers on the Internet, I just called the first number that came up in a search engine. Unfortunately, convenient Yandex-taxi and other applications have not yet reached the Crimea. Taxi drivers usually charge 2000-3000 rubles to the airport. From Foros to Yalta and Sevastopol - from 500 to 700 rubles.


According to the locals, minibuses do not go around the village itself. I take their word for it, but I haven't tested it myself.

From the Foros bus station you can get to Yalta, Sevastopol, Simferopol and Bakhchisaray.

The schedule changes from winter to summer, you need to check it at the bus station, and as a rule they are hung up at bus stops and in the passenger compartment.

Transport rental

Many practice car rental and for good reason. This is much more convenient than shaking in crowded summer minibuses, not knowing where to get off and whether you will have time for the last flight.

There is no rental in Foros, but there are in Yalta, Sevastopol, Bakhchisarai and Simferopol. There are several offices of various car rental companies at the airport itself. On average, renting an economy class car for 7 days costs about 8,000 rubles. Business class - about 15,000. In the high tourist season, you need to book cars in advance, at least a month in advance. You can see possible rental options.

Be careful on winding and steep mountain roads - that's my only advice. Driving on flat terrain is different from driving on mountainous terrain. The latter requires more skill and skill. So don't be shy, just be careful :)

Foros - holidays with children

Foros is ideal for families with small children. Clean, quiet, calm, without crowds of tourists and cafes screaming chanson until the night. Clean large beaches, a picturesque shady park for walking with a stroller, playgrounds. Good for kids and parents :)

The church attracts the attention of many tourists and believers. The rite of the sacrament of marriage in the Foros church is gaining particular popularity. A visit to the temple will leave many positive impressions, give a sense of the presence of the Divine.

"Baidar gates" are located on the road "Sevastopol - Yalta" - below the Laspinsky pass. Nature, mountain climate and indescribable beauty never cease to amaze the guests of Crimea, and the Crimeans themselves. I want to come back here again and again - to this extraordinary place, more and more enriched with new impressions!

There are places in Crimea covered with legends, mystical secrets, riddles. Adherents of esoteric teachings call them "Places of Power". Here, nature placed 9 large menhirs in the form of teeth around the central "sacred" stone. The first rays of the sun in the morning fall exactly in the center of the circle. According to legend, climbing the central stone of Tyshlar, you can make a wish. The temple concentrates energy and magical power, which means that the wish will come true.

These lands went to Potemkin, the favorite of the Empress. It was he who built the first, very small house here. The place, no doubt, was very beautiful: views of the sea, the unique nature of the South Coast and mild climate. The estate was only fifty meters above sea level, and was protected from cold winds on all sides. It is because of this that it got its name, "tessel" in means "silence".

The choice of a site for the Crimean residence of the president shocked many KGB generals. It was incredibly difficult to protect this place, because nature was all around: dense forest, mountain and rock massifs, the sea.

The village of Foros is located between Yalta and the hero city of Sevastopol. It has the southernmost position on the map of the peninsula. A piece of paradise is located along the coast, so access to the sea is not limited by anything. Due to its geographical location, the village has earned fame as the most expensive resort, but at the same time the most beautiful.

Foros, attractions on the map 2020

Foros is the pearl of Crimea. There are a lot of not only cultural monuments, but also unique natural attractions, which you can’t refuse to visit. All of them are presented on the map of sights of our site. With the help of this map, you can create your own, unique route that will allow you to see everything that the Crimea offers in general and Foros in particular.

Crimea, Foros, attractions 2020

It is simply impossible to list all the sights of Foros, but our website contains the most complete information about them and about excursion routes that are definitely worth a visit.

  1. The Foros Church of the Resurrection of Christ is a kind of symbol of the South Coast. The church is incredibly beautiful, it stands on a sheer cliff, as if floating in the clouds.
  2. Foros Park or "Paradise" is a magnificent example of multi-tiered landscape design. There are a lot of trees, shrubs, rose gardens and greenhouses. Lakes located at different levels create a unique atmosphere of a truly paradise garden.
  3. The Palace of A. G. Kuznetsov is a magnificent palace built by the tea magnate A. G. Kuznetsov. Now there is a museum here, the expositions of which tell about the life of the estate at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century (by the way, this estate was also a “temple of art”, Chaliapin, Rakhmaninov visited here. Gorky, and an exemplary economy, wonderful Foros wine was made here, which was sent even overseas).

You can find out about the work of all museums, parks, palaces on our website. Also on our resource you can book a tour in advance, choosing the most convenient time for you.

Attractions of Foros and surroundings 2020

There are a lot of interesting things around Foras. You just need to visit the Baydar Gates and look at the steep Baidar-Kastropol wall, as well as make a trip through the Baydar Valley. This dizzying landscape will remain in your memory for a long time. It is also worth seeing the Tesseli estate, famous for the fact that A. S. Pushkin visited here, and M. Gorky generally lived here for a long time (although the entrance to the building is closed, you can walk around the park). You can go on an excursion to Cape Syrac, where the famous (and now operating) lighthouse is located. It is worth a ride along the old Sevastopol road or the Roman military road (yes, there is one near Foros and on our website you can find all the information about this interesting place). Look at the Temple of the Sun, the Laspinsky Pass and the Uzundzhi Canyon.

Fans of extreme entertainment, such as diving, will be curious to learn about the sunken cargo ship in Batiliman Bay and the Stone Underwater Garden in Laspi.

All information on how to dive correctly and safely is available on our website (by the way, you can find information on how you can relax in the Batiliman tract and in Laspi Bay on our resource).

Sights of Foros, photo with description 2020

All the most interesting about Foros, photos with descriptions of sights, you can find on our website. We try to tell about everything that Foros offers tourists. It is here that you can find information about the Skelskaya cave and Skelsky minghirs, M. Gorbachev's dacha, the Devil's Stairs and much more.

Sanatorium Foros is immersed in the beauty of the Foros park spread over 50 hectares, the park territory of the sanatorium is well-groomed, and the park is one of the largest and best in the Crimea. The resort offers accommodation in comfortable rooms and high-level services. After a two-year downtime, the Foros health resort reopened its doors to tourists in the early summer of 2016 after the reconstruction of the number of rooms, park area, beach and service facilities of the health resort.

Accommodation in the sanatorium "Foros"

Sanatorium Foros consists of two bedroom buildings in which tourists are offered accommodation.

Main building- This is a fourteen-story dormitory building, in the building there are rooms of the category economy, standard, junior suite and suite, suite and apartment. In the building there is a restaurant-type dining room, a children's playroom, a conference room, billiards and a medical unit.

Corps "Coastal"

All rooms are equipped with: an electronic lock with a magnetic key, a spacious wardrobe and large mirrors, a coffee table / comfortable chairs, soft terry towels and slippers, a bathroom with a shower or bath, TV, air conditioning, telephone, hairdryer (on request or in the room) , a bed with an orthopedic mattress, a corkscrew, a shoehorn, a sponge for shoes, a brush for clothes, beach towels, an ironing board (corridor of each floor), glasses, 2 bottles of water (0.5 l).

Rooms in the sanatorium "Foros"

Economy double room (mountain view)- This is a comfortable room with an area of ​​15 sq.m. In total there are 18 rooms of this category in the sanatorium Foros. The room has one double bed, bedside tables, wardrobe, table with chair, air conditioning, telephone, plasma TV with satellite channels, Wi-Fi. The modern bathroom is combined with a shower room, contains a shower cabin, a set of disposable perfumes, a set of towels. Room without a balcony with a window. The height of the window above the floor is 1.3 m. The size of the window is 1x1 m

Double one-room standard category (mountain view)- This is a comfortable room with an area of ​​21 sq.m. and mountain views, there are 58 rooms of this category in the sanatorium Foros. The room has 2 single beds that can be combined, bedside tables, a wardrobe, a table with a chair, air conditioning, a telephone, a plasma TV with satellite channels, a balcony with a summer table and chairs, Wi-Fi, a hair dryer. The modern bathroom is combined with a shower and contains a shower cabin, a set of disposable perfumes, a set of towels. It is possible to accommodate people with disabilities in a Standard room.

Double one-room junior suite (sea view)- These are comfortable rooms with an area of ​​27 sq.m. and sea view, in total there are 119 rooms of this category in the sanatorium Foros. The room has 2 single beds that can be combined, bedside tables with lamps, a wardrobe, a table with a chair, a coffee table, air conditioning, a telephone, a plasma TV with satellite channels, a balcony with a summer table and chairs, a set of dishes, Wi-Fi, a hair dryer. The modern bathroom is combined with a shower and contains a shower cabin, a set of disposable perfumes, a set of towels and slippers.

Double two-room suite category is a comfortable room with an area of ​​45 sq.m. with a view of the mountains, in total there are 9 rooms of this category in the sanatorium Foros. The room consists of a living room, a bedroom and a bathroom, Wi-Fi is available.

Bedroom - the bedroom has 2 single beds with the possibility of combining, bedside tables with lamps, plasma TV with satellite channels, telephone, coffee table, mirror, air conditioning, wardrobe, access to the balcony with outdoor furniture.

Quadruple two-room suite (Main building) is a comfortable room with an area of ​​56 sq.m. with a view of the mountains, there are 10 rooms of this category in the sanatorium Foros. The room consists of two bedrooms and a bathroom, Wi-Fi is available.
Living room - sofa bed, TV, desk, armchair.
Bedroom 1 - the bedroom has a double bed, bedside tables with lamps, plasma TV with satellite channels, telephone, coffee table, mirror, air conditioning, wardrobe, safe. In bedroom 2 - two single beds with the possibility of combining.
The modern bathroom is combined with a bath and includes a shower, washbasin, hair dryer, mirror, toilet bowl, a set of disposable perfumes, bathrobes, a set of towels and slippers.

Quadruple three-room apartment (Main building)- This is a comfortable room with an area of ​​94.5 sq.m. with sea view, located on the 5th floor.
Living room - includes a soft sofa, coffee table chairs, TV, set of dishes, electric kettle, telephone, air conditioning, exit to the balcony.
Bedroom No. 1 - the bedroom has a double bed, bedside tables with lamps, a plasma TV with satellite channels, a work desk, a safe, air conditioning, a wardrobe, access to a balcony with outdoor furniture.
Bedroom No. 2 - the bedroom has a double bed, bedside tables with lamps, a plasma TV with satellite channels, a table, air conditioning, a wardrobe.
Modern spacious bathroom: with shower; washbasin, hair dryer, mirror, toilet bowl, disposable perfume set, bathrobes, towels and slippers.

Service in the sanatorium "Foros"

Vacationers in the sanatorium Foros can use the following services:

  • Sports hall with volleyball net and mini football markings – on reconstruction.
  • Table tennis.
  • Large equipped tennis court.
  • Gym from 07/01/2019
  • Outdoor sports ground.
  • Fitness room
  • Open field for playing mini football.
  • Spacious restaurant with 400 seats.
  • Karaoke club
  • Lobby bar.
  • Finnish sauna is open from 07/01/2019 included in the tour price
  • Beauty salon opening hours: 9:00-21:00
  • The billiard room with tables for playing American and Russian billiards is open from 01.06.2019
  • Parking for guests of the resort.
  • Children's playroom with a teacher and slot machines for children.
  • A large conference hall for 350 people is open from 07/01/2019
  • Equipped conference hall for 60 seats.
  • Restaurants and cafes on the embankment of the resort.
  • Children's room
  • Children's area, trampolines, karting on the beach area and in the park of the resort

Round-the-clock hot and cold water supply.

Beach resort "Foros"

The best beach of the Southern coast of Crimea is the coastline, with all amenities, on the territory of the Foros Sanatorium. The picturesque, pine-covered hillsides of Forossky Park stretch straight to the sea, forming a rugged coastline of capes and bays. Through the shady alleys of the park, you can go to the sea coast and take a walk along the most beautiful embankment, which offers a picturesque view of the Crimean mountains.

Fresh sea air, clean small pebbles, changing rooms, showers, toilets, restaurants, and free Wi-Fi - all this is at the disposal of the guests of the beach of the Foros Sanatorium. You can use comfortable sunbeds and sit in a shady area or by the sea, taking an umbrella with you.

Own 2 maps of a small-pebble, equipped beach; located 100 meters from the main building. Housing "Coastal" is located 10 m from the sea.

The beach is equipped with showers, changing cabins, sunshades, sun loungers, umbrellas.

On the beach there is a bar, toilets, medical center, rescue station.

There is a rental of equipment for scuba diving.

Organized boating, "banana", water skiing, jet skis, catamarans, boats, windsurfing.

The length of the equipped beach is 200 m, unequipped - 1 km.

Meals in the sanatorium "Foros"

breakfast or 3 meals a day according to the “Swedish table” system in the restaurant of the sanatorium in the Main building.

Rules for settling in the sanatorium "Foros"

Check-in time at the Foros sanatorium is 14:00, check-out time is up to 12:00, while breakfast is considered the last service.

Pets up to 5 kg are allowed in the resort. Payment of 600 rubles per day at the cash desk of the sanatorium.

When the Guest checks into the room after 14:00 of the current day local time, payment for accommodation is charged in the same amount if the check-in was made at 14:00.

Hourly payment for accommodation in the Sanatorium is not provided.

When placed before the check-out time and if there are free and ready-to-move-in rooms, the fee will be charged in the following order:

 100% of the room rate upon arrival before 00:00;

 50% of the room rate upon arrival from 00:00 to 12:00.

Upon expiration of the paid period of stay, the Guest is obliged to vacate the room no later than 12:00 or extend the period of stay in the room. In case of untimely release of the room by the Guest, the Administration has the right to evict the Guest without his participation.

In the event of an extension of the Guest's stay and subject to availability of rooms, a fee is charged in the following order:

 50% of the room rate upon check-out before 18:00;

 100% of the room rate when leaving the room after 18:00.

To check into the Foros sanatorium, you must contact the accommodation service and provide a passport and a voucher, and in case of undergoing medical procedures, you must additionally provide a sanatorium card. When settling with children under 14 years old, you must provide a birth certificate for children.

Treatment in the sanatorium "Foros"

In the Foros sanatorium you can not only relax and spend your holidays on the Black Sea, but also undergo a course of treatment. The ideal location on the coast and rare plants in the park form a healing air, which contributes to the speedy recovery of the tourist with regular walks in the park and receiving a package of necessary medical procedures.

Sanatorium Foros offers to pass all the necessary examinations on the latest equipment and get the right treatment.

For children, medical or wellness services included in the cost of living are provided from the age of 5 years. Children under 5 years of age are not provided with medical services.

Sanatorium-resort treatment is carried out in the presence of:

 for children under 18 years of age - certificates of vaccinations and certificates of the epidemiological environment (issued at the place of residence);

 for adults over the age of 18 - a health resort card - form No. 072 / U-04 (issued at the place of residence).

Sanatorium-resort card in the sanatorium is not issued!

Suggested procedures:

  • Galvanization.
  • Electrophoresis.
  • Centimeter wave (CMV) - therapy.
  • UHF procedures - therapy.
  • Short-wave ultraviolet radiation (UV).
  • Magnetotherapy.
  • Ultraphonophoresis.
  • Inhalations.
  • Gymnastics.
  • Terrencourt.
  • Evminov's profiler.
  • Electrocardiography (ECG).
  • Various massages.
  • Mud cure.
  • Aesthetic medicine of the face and body

In the sanatorium Foros you can visit the following doctors:

  • General health therapist
  • Pediatrician
  • Physiotherapist
  • Cardiologist
  • Gynecologist


Respiratory treatment.


Chronic nonspecific respiratory diseases without exacerbation, incl. with bronchospastic syndrome and symptoms of respiratory failure;

Bronchial asthma in the interictal period at normal body temperature and ESR;

Chronic bronchitis, tracheitis;

Consequences of transferred pneumonia (in the stage of convalescence);

Infectious-allergic bronchial asthma.

Allergic diseases


hay fever;

food allergies;

Allergies caused by the action of detergents and household chemicals;

contact dermatitis;

Atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, chronic recurrent urticaria in remission;

Other allergic diseases.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis of the spine without pain syndrome, arthritis, polyarthritis, arthrosis)


Osteochondrosis of the spine, spondylarthosis, spondylosis without pain.

Arthritis (polyarthritis).

Arthrosis (polyarthrosis).


Enthesopathies, including "heel spur".

Diseases of the spine (osteochondrosis with secondary neurological disorders, scoliotic disease).


Osteochondrosis of the spine, spondylarthosis, spondylosis with pain syndrome.

Herniated intervertebral discs (not requiring surgical treatment) with pain syndrome.

Other dorsopathies: dorsalgia (cervicalgia, cervicocranialgia, cervicobrachialgia, thoracalgia, lumbalgia, lumboischialgia, coccygodynia), including those with limited range of motion of the spine, sacroiliitis.

Neurological manifestations of dorsopathy: radiculitis, intercostal neuralgia, sciatica (sciatic neuropathy), piriformis syndrome.

Neck migraine.

Vertebrogenic dizziness.

Reflex manifestations of dorsopathies: bursitis of the shoulder joint, humeroscapular periarthropathy, shoulder-hand syndrome, medial and lateral epicondylitis.

Vertebro-visceral manifestations of dorsopathy: pseudocardiac, pseudopleural, pseudogynecological, pseudourological pain.

myofascial syndrome.

Gynecological diseases


Treatment of infertility against the background of chronic diseases of the uterus and appendages, vagina (Salpingoophoritis, bacterial vaginosis, colpitis.)

Hormonal infertility, menstrual dysfunction, ovarian hypofunction, miscarriage.

Treatment of symptoms of menopause.

Adhesions in the pelvis, chronic inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs.

General therapeutic diseases


Atherosclerosis of the vessels of the heart and brain.

Chronic cerebral ischemia.

Syndrome of circulatory failure in the vertebrobasilar arterial system.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Posture disorders in children and adolescents


Posture disorders: scoliosis, increased lordosis, increased kyphosis, pterygoid scapulae.

Oblique or twisted pelvis.

Functional leg length difference.

Violations of the motor stereotype.

Disorders of muscle regulation.

pediatric diseases

Chronic diseases of the bronchopulmonary system (chronic bronchitis, tracheitis).

Chronic diseases of ENT organs (chronic tonsillitis, adenoiditis, sinusitis).

Travel to the sanatorium "Foros"

Foros sanatorium address: Russian Federation, Republic of Crimea, city of Yalta, urban-type settlement Foros, Foros descent, 1, sanatorium "Foros"

The unique nature, excellent climate and magnificent beaches make the Crimean peninsula an ideal place for a vacation. On its coast there are many recognized resort centers, one of which is the village of Foros. Crimea has always attracted tourists with such mini-tourism centers, where you can arrange an unforgettable vacation.

Where is the village located in the Crimea?

The city of Foros is the southernmost point on the map of Crimea, occupying part of the most beautiful coastline between Yalta and the hero city. The mild Mediterranean climate makes it possible to have a comfortable stay in these parts all year round. The village is known for its unique park where you can enjoy the healing air. It is no coincidence that the first and last president of the USSR, and later the top leadership of Ukraine, liked to relax here. The first mention of the settlement, found in the treasury papers of the Genoese, date back to 1360. Now about two thousand people live in the town.

Foros on the map of Crimea

Where to stay for vacation?

As in all resort corners of the coast of the Crimean peninsula, rest in Foros means accommodation in one of or within the private sector, where there are many guest houses, houses and apartments. If you negotiate with the owners directly, that is, without intermediaries, you can save a lot on accommodation.

Even in Soviet times, it was revered as one of the best health resorts in the country. And now the ships should come to people who have problems with the circulatory and respiratory systems. The institution has all the conditions for a comfortable stay. The housing stock includes both VIP suites and rooms for families. There is a swimming pool and tennis court on site.

You can perfectly accommodate the whole family in small cozy rooms, some of which have access to the terraces. Equipped with no frills, they have everything you need for a comfortable stay. A clean private beach with sunbeds is literally a three-minute walk away. Nearby are inexpensive cafes and bars.

You can comfortably stay during your vacation in Foros in Forossea. It has only five rooms, but they are all deluxe. The interiors are beautiful and have climate control systems. The apartments are furnished with quality furniture and equipped with the necessary household appliances. You can eat on your own, cooking in a compact shared kitchen or in a restaurant located next door.

Deserves special attention, where you can arrange an elite stay in the village. Crimea can not always boast of such establishments. Holidaymakers will appreciate the large restaurant, where several cuisines of the world are presented, an excellent spa center where it is easy to order wellness treatments, and a fitness room equipped with the latest sports.

What to see in Foros?

The main attraction of the city is called, located on a stone cliff above the sea. It was erected in 1892 in honor of the miraculous salvation from death during the railway accident of Emperor Alexander III. Temple -
this is a beautiful building, which is crowned with eight mini-domes, arranged in two tiers and surrounding the main dome, it can be seen from the sea from afar.

In the center of Foros Park there is a beautiful building built in the middle of the 19th century for the tea magnate Alexander Kuznetsov. made in the traditional Russian architectural stylistic direction. Its luxurious terrace is surrounded by a stone balcony, which offers wonderful views of the park and the Black Sea. In the halls you can see magnificent wall panels.

Another place that is recommended to visit is those erected at the highest point of the pass, along which the old road from Sevastopol to passes. The massive gate, decorated with two large semi-columns, has two porticos of impressive size. The whole building looks majestic. Sitting on the observation deck, you can admire the views of Foros and the Foros Church against the backdrop of the sea landscape.

Where to go with children?

Undoubtedly, you need to spend a day with the whole family in, which was broken in the first third of the 19th century. It is considered the pearl of the landscape design of the Crimean peninsula. In Foros, relaxing along the shady alleys surrounded by plane trees, magnolias and cedars, you can enjoy the wonderful air, admiring the luxurious flower beds. In the park area there are many small forms in the form of gazebos, openwork bridges and sculptures.
In small ponds you will see large carps.

A real adventure for a child will be an excursion to, located in the vicinity of the village. In this original natural formation, you can wander along the ladders surrounded by stalactites, sometimes taking the most unexpected forms, resembling the figures of people or fantastic creatures. The entire route with a tour of the high vaulted galleries is easy to complete in an hour. Children are just crazy about acoustic effects and love to be photographed against the backdrop of stalactites.

Not a single child will remain indifferent to. There are many of them, although they are all pebbly. Most of all, the children love to frolic on the coastal edge of the children's camp of the same name with the town of Crimea. Entering the sea is convenient here - the reviews confirm this, so families often settle down for passive pastime here. You can also note other beaches - Green and Derevyashka. Children are always delighted with sea bathing!

Where can you eat in Foros?

For gourmets who prefer fish dishes, the A’More restaurant will be an ideal meal option. Order here dishes from a kakan, a flounder, a sea bass or a dorado. In addition to amazing taste, they will be exquisitely decorated and served. It is not difficult to order a unique treat from the chef. After a meal, treat yourself to a cup of aromatic coffee or a cigar with a glass of elite cognac.

The Shalash restaurant, whose building is stylized as this simple structure,
will offer guests to dine dishes of the Crimean Tatar cuisine prepared according to old recipes. You won’t find a better barbecue or pasties than here, on vacation in Foros. The wine list includes excellent drinks made in the Crimea.

In the cafe "Grand Fleur" you can always eat inexpensively, treating yourself to dishes of Ukrainian and Russian cuisine. The service here is fast and the atmosphere is very comfortable. The establishment makes excellent coffee and offers delicious desserts. The staff treats visitors with great respect, often discounts are provided here to save money.

True connoisseurs of culinary masterpieces will appreciate the Fondue cafe-bar, located at 9 Kosmonavtov Street. The helpfulness of the staff also plays a big role - it is clear that the owners make sure that due attention is paid to customer service.

How to get (get there)?

You can get to Foros from Yalta by minibus number 128, departing from the Yalta bus station literally every half hour. Travel time will be about 1 hour. It is easy to get there by any transport going to Sevastopol. From - from the bus station "Kurortnaya", which is near the Railway Station - regular buses also go here. Here is the schedule of the nearest bus routes:

By car, you can get to Foros from Yalta in this way:

From Sevastopol by car you will have to overcome the following route:

Today it is easy to arrange a measured and relaxing holiday in the Crimea. Foros is one of the best villages on the peninsula for such a pastime. Here you can have a wonderful rest with health benefits, getting a lot of positive emotions. In conclusion, we offer a short video review of the resort town. Enjoy watching!

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