Computer literacy, help and repair

Open radio. Expanding the capabilities of conventional radios

What connection do we use while doing active sports and recreation?

Cell phone, not always convenient, not always working.

Satellite, but in some cases this is the only connection with the "large earth".

Now about everyday realities.

Someone bought “soapbox” walkie-talkies, someone snatched something more impressive, some of them had radio amateurs, many band stations.

When all stations have the same, usually there are no problems, everyone hears each other. And when the stations are different, how to “make friends” with them. After all, not all people engaged in the same kind of activity have the same radio stations.

There can be many situations requiring the construction of different stations:

- Skiing, you want to build walkie-talkies with a guide.

- You go on vacation in several cars, in a large company.

- Communicate in the mountains with other groups of climbers.

If you are in trouble, ask for help.

- Collaborate with other teams on rescue missions.

Let's first look at what radio stations are.

From simple to complex 😉

"Soap dishes"

"Soap dish" - "soap dish discord" ®

and so they are done according to the transmitter power and frequency.

You probably noticed that there are a different number of channels on the walkie-talkies: 69 channels, 22 channels, 8 channels. n with a different number of "subchannels", remember, there are no subchannels, in most cases you call this terrible word a tone CTCSS or a digital DCS squelch. What it is, see the appendix, at the end of the material.

There are also different markings, on boxes, walkie-talkies, or under batteries: LPD, PMR, FRS / GMRS.

Let's see what is here and why.

FRS / GMRS is an American standard for household transmitters that operate on frequencies that are not allowed in Russia for use by a simple layman. It will not be possible to legally use these walkie-talkies.

PMR ("Personal Mobile Radio"), 8 channels are allocated for walkie-talkies with a transmitter output power of not more than 0.5 watts. The European standard for household transmitters (446.00625-446.09375 MHz) due to the grid spacing of 6.25 kHz, they do not fit almost anything, except for the same standard PMR radios. On amateur radio stations where there is no 6.25 kHz step, you can tune in slightly deviating from the given frequency. Registration of radio stations is not required.

LPD (Low Power Device) can be used freely - registration of radio stations is not required. They operate in the range 433.075-434.775 MHz. The most successful household radio stations for active pastime, especially if you bought the “right” models that can be tuned to a slightly higher power (up to 3x W), compared to the allowed 0.01W. There are models with a twisted antenna, you can replace it with a longer antenna from a professional or amateur radio station, which will greatly increase its receiving and transmitting characteristics.

See the appendix for a table of correspondence of frequencies to numbers of channels and tones of the squelch.

P.S. The use of LPD radios (SRD) is not allowed in the following countries: Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Prland, Luxembourg, Portugal, United Kingdom, Spain, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Croatia, Turkey.

There are no such restrictions for PMR radios, you can safely go abroad and use them freely.

As for FRS / GMRS, this range is prohibited primarily in Russia. 😉

amateur radio stations.

How Not All Apples Are Equal

So not every Kenwood is a Kenwood.

(amateur radio wisdom)

A good connection is not cheap. With these words, I want to start a story about mid-range equipment.

Chinese KENWOOD TK-K2AT, TH-K2AT and TK-150S band 137-174 MHz, or TK-K4AT, TH-K4AT and TK-450S band 420-470 MHz work with any LPD / FRS / GMRS "soap dishes" price less than 100 $ piece. These and other similar devices are widely sold in our country.

BUT! Oh, if you only knew how much I dislike such "buts" myself. Walkie-talkies of this price range, with the declared characteristics - a pig in a poke.

Reliability = non-failure operation, durability, maintainability.

That's just the reliability in these KitaKenwoods and is lame.

How quickly it will stop working is also not known. This equipment, class, lucky - no luck, tested on our own experience.

Kenwood is a good manufacturer of professional equipment, for adequate money. If your Kenwood kit breaks down, remember Kenwood has nothing to do with it, he never saw these stations.

There are so-called "two-bend" radio stations that combine the bands of interest to us, the so-called two-meter range and the 70cm range, they are not named so by chance, this is a reflection of the wavelength in the name. These are the frequencies of 137-174 MHz and 420-470 MHz, in the second, as you remember, household walkie-talkies "soap dishes" fall.

So why are we interested in the 2 meter range, do you think? And in fact, a lot.

The first and very important argument is that rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations work on it.

Secondly, a huge "army" of radio amateurs communicates in this range.

Thirdly, it has good penetration in mountainous and wooded areas, the 70cm range wins only in dense urban areas.

Being involved in active sports and recreation, it is very foolish to assume that you, your friend or other people around you in your sport will not need any third-party help. You can not count on a mobile phone everywhere, and you yourself have come across this. So being able to ask for help in time can be very important. When arriving in a new area, find out the frequencies of the radio stations: guides, voluntary rescue units and the Ministry of Emergency Situations. For the Ministry of Emergency Situations, this is usually a frequency of 164.450 MHz, but you must find out on your own what frequency the receivers of local rescue services and their call signs are tuned to.

The calling frequency of radio amateurs (usually 145.500 MHz), all neighboring radio amateurs conduct their communications here, and many have stationary equipment of much better quality and finely tuned than in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. You understand, some people are so addicted to their hobby that they are ready to spend a lot of money and all their free time on their hobby in order to achieve good results. It should also be noted that radio amateurs repeatedly received distress signals and transmitted information to rescuers, so many lives were saved at different times.

Taking this into account, we can conclude that having a 2-meter range in your walkie-talkie is not very superfluous. Radios of this level require registration if you are going to use them legally. There is nothing complicated in this, but more on that later.


Yaesu- well-known brand

among radio amateurs

and is synonymous with high quality

amateur radio stations.

A good combination of price = quality simply forces us to dwell in more detail on the models of this manufacturer. Here are three models of portable stations that you should pay special attention to.




All three stations are dual-band, cost in ascending order.

Briefly about the advantages and disadvantages thereof. All of them are very similar in their characteristics.


Pros: Full 5W transmitter power, price, ability to use: lithium, metal hydride and nickel-cadmium branded batteries, the ability to run on batteries. Dustproof, waterproof.

Minus: large and heavy compared to the other two. Not a very thoughtful headset connector, so as not to fly out, you have to press it with a rubber band.


Pros: Very compact and light, 130g. Dustproof, waterproof.

Cons: Weaker transmitter, no more than 3W. Only lithium branded batteries.


Pros: Full 5W of transmitter power, compact, medium size between FT-60R and VX-3R. According to the requirements of moisture protection, the station complies with the JIS-7 standard (immersion to a depth of 1 meter for 30 minutes). Only lithium branded batteries.

The Yaesu VX-120 stands apart, it can be described as “hope”.

This radio has only a two-to-one range, but its merits are not in a wide reception range, but in reliability. Waterproof and shock resistant to military standard MIL STND 810 C/D/E.

Radio Options

The antenna is the best amplifier.

Whatever your "cool walkie-talkie"

with a bad antenna it doesn't matter.


All antennas supplied with radio stations have very weak characteristics due to their broadband. Since we need antennas for very narrow ranges, you can purchase them and win in quality and communication range.

Yaesu ATU-6B (420-470 MHz) is a good antenna for the seventy, if you put it on the LPD station, for example, the four hundredth midland, you will win great as a connection.

Yaesu /Vertex ATV-6XL Antenna for 136-174 MHz band, tuned to the required frequency by trimming. A cropping card is included in the kit.

Cut it to 145 MHz and the second to 164 MHz and get the most efficient antennas for these frequencies.

Opek 601HV dual band antenna 136-174MHz-420-470MHz. It has slightly more gain than a standard antenna. Flimsy, requires careful handling, strongly breaks at the point of articulation with the coil. The quality has been very unstable lately. With minor home modifications, it shows slightly better results than the standard antennas for the FT-60 or VX-6.

When using radio communications at a considerable distance from each other, the use of antennas tuned exactly to the frequency on which you work is mandatory, since when using standard multi-band antennas, there is no chance of being out of touch or receiving only fragments of phrases.

Headsets - PTTs

Headsets or the same handsfree are very convenient, which frees your hands from the radio station, but you can just as quickly receive the information transmitted to you.

A PTT is a remote unit on a wire that connects to your walkie-talkie with a microphone, speaker and a transmit button. It also has a headphone jack in most cases.

A very handy thing, regardless of the type of station. The radio can be in an inner pocket (for example, so as not to freeze) or in a backpack, and the PTT is brought to a convenient place and connected to the station with a twisted wire.


There are different types of batteries: lithium, metal hydride and nickel-cadmium. Briefly about the pros and cons of them when used in radio stations.

Lithium - have the largest capacity, with a modest battery size. Accordingly, long-term energy efficiency. Their disadvantage is that they are very afraid of negative temperatures, quickly lose tension and the ability to continue working.

Metal hydride batteries have a smaller capacity for the same size, and are not as afraid of negative temperatures as lithium. They do not have a “memory effect” and can be recharged without waiting for full discharge. But they have a relatively high self-discharge current. This means that they lose their charge when they are simply stored waiting to be put into service. For one week of storage of a charged battery, you will lose somewhere around 20% capacity, respectively 20% of the operating time.

Nickel-cadmium batteries have the lowest capacity of the above. They can deliver the most current. They have a "memory effect" and require full discharge before recharging. But their advantages are in low self-discharge current. Therefore, they still enjoy the attention of operational services.

Battery cassettes

Convenient devices for AA batteries. They can help out a lot when there is no way to find an outlet to charge the station.

Cons: due to the many intermediate contacts between the batteries (batteries), micro-resistances are obtained that prevent normal current transfer, while the station will not work at full capacity and for as long as on a standard battery. Inserting larger-capacity AA batteries there and using it instead of a regular battery is also not profitable due to micro resistances. It is necessary to solder all connections with short (about 10-15mm) and thick wires. Well, that's a completely different story.

Increasing the range of radio communication within the group in a given area.

If your area of ​​interest is around a static object (house, gatehouse, campground, etc.), then you can put a stationary base antenna there with good reception characteristics (for example, Diamond X-50) and receive to a small portable station connected via an adapter. or install a station with a high transmitter power and a more sensitive receiver, which equals better reception of weak signals (for example, an automobile FT-2800 on the "two" or FT-7800, FT-8800 on both bands), but in both cases use thick wires (7 -10mm) with a small attenuation factor for your chosen range.

If there is such a “base”, but there is no person in it, everyone dispersed around the bush, and it is impossible to shout from one portable station to another because of the range or terrain. You can connect an Echo Repeater (Parrot), which is a small digital tape recorder, to the "base" station, for an average of 60 seconds of recording. connected instead of a PTT to the station.

It works very simply, it records the voice received at the base station, at the end of the reception it puts the station into transmission mode and plays your words on the air. You yourself and the correspondent who is not available in direct radio visibility hear this. He answers you and the cycle repeats the required number of times. The cost of such devices is comparable to the cost of two simple or one good "soap dish".

Frequencies for work on the air.

2 meters - 144-146 MHz

Here is a small illustration explaining the distribution of frequencies in the range of 144-146 MHz.

From the beginning, what frequencies you should NOT work on, say while skiing or boarding. Do not step on frequencies that are marked with a color other than green in the plates above. With your negotiations, you can interfere with other participants in the broadcast, and they, in turn, will interfere with you. Don't make each other uncomfortable.

Where possible, as you probably guessed, at those frequencies that are marked in green, but there are a few caveats. The frequency 145.500 and two frequencies to the right and left are underlined, commonly used by radio amateurs to conduct local communications with each other. Therefore, do not occupy these frequencies either. There are 25 frequencies in the range of two meters, among which you can definitely choose a free one. Be respectful and polite to everyone on the air, and everyone will be polite to you.

We take out the chassis from the plastic case by prying it with a screwdriver or something similar. The chassis comes out hard, because between it and the plastic there is a rubber moisture-proof gasket laid around the perimeter.

We find a red wire next to the display.

Remove or bite it.

We collect everything in the reverse order and turn it on.

Now, instead of CH, the letters 0A appeared on the screen. This means that the station is in grid A (C) and in nulls. Switching between zeros and fives is carried out with one button P by holding it for a long time.
To switch between grids, you must follow the procedure similar to switching standards in normal mode. Turn off the station, hold down the F button and turn on the station.

The correspondence of the grids to the letters is: A - C, C - B, b - D. Select the desired grid and confirm your choice with the F button.

In addition, the output power of the station increases to 8 watts. This mode is designed for use in a car, as it will drain the battery very quickly. In addition, it is almost impossible to use the open station with your hands, since the increased power begins to cause all sorts of special effects and an ungrounded radio station begins to burn your hands with high-frequency currents during transmission!

This article is useful primarily for groups who have some experience in conventional VHF voice communication with each other.

I have been looking for an opportunity to organize through conventional analog VHF radios exchange of text information and an image.
Previously, all this required a PC connected to the radio station with a cord, special software and hardware (modem), as well as skills, i.e. it was not possible to provide all of their comrades who did not belong to the category of "ham radio" with such devices.
Not so long ago I came across a recommendation in bourgeois software for android, which allows you to carry out all these actions that I so desire, simply by downloading a couple of inexpensive programs on your tablet or smartphone. In a stationary (home use case), you do not need to have any cords to work, the built-in microphone and speaker are used.

I convey the essence- amateur VHF frequencies are used by everyone and it is not always good to exchange messages with your comrades that a lot of people hear. You can, of course, buy expensive walkie-talkies with voice encryption (which, in principle, is forbidden here), you can use codes and special speaking tables, but this requires up-to-date and identical copies of the codes for everyone and serious loss of time for such communication. Poor audibility can create a big nuisance when transmitting codes, and it costs 1 letter or number in such a “radiogram” to be received incorrectly and you will not decipher anything, you will have to strictly observe the culture of radio communication and be sure to dictate it to each other twice for double-checking. In general, it will take a lot of time to transfer a unit of information, and not necessarily with a positive result.

The found program does not require qualification for its use, in order to receive (text or image) it is enough to turn it on and simply put it next to the radio station.
When the hissing and buzzing starts on the air, it will extract information from it and the received letters will run on the screen.
You can write a message for transmission as online, i.e. poking letters in the process of transmission, or you can hammer the text into a memory cell (it's very simple) and, upon agreement on the readiness of reception on the other side, literally shoot a telegram. I tried on, with this method of exchanging airtime for transmission, it turns out to be less than 2 times than if you dictate the same text on the air with your voice slowly and legibly.
Your radio must either have a VOX function, or you will have to manually press the PTT on it at the moment you start transmitting from the device and release it when finished.

For field conditions, it would be nice, of course, to connect the walkie-talkie through a cord so as not to unmask yourself when transmitting and receiving with loud sounds. The software is completely uncritical to sound and radio interference, during the tests, I was engaged in this "nonsense" in the server room, next to the buzzing rack with equipment. I recorded the sound from the tablet to the voice recorder on the phone and immediately played it back in a noisy room, there were practically no errors, occasionally some characters were distorted or skipped, and still the general meaning of what was written was not lost.
The most remarkable thing is that the transmission successfully goes through the repeater, which is important for us. Another convenience is the text transmission of important information, there is no need to ask again, the text can always be re-read and the transmission can be carried out by circular, i.e. from one to all at once.
little inconvenience- You have to write in transliteration in Latin, the software writes in Cyrillic, but does not broadcast. But I think some people remember those times when every SMS cost MONEY! and in order to convey more characters, many wrote SMS in Latin in order to fit the “poem” into one message))).
This is how the experiment with the transmission of images and text through walkie-talkies looks like.
I didn't run it anymore.

I will summarize- you will not receive a serious closure of information punishable by the relevant authorities, but from 90 -99% of curious ears you will close your radio exchange. You can quickly convey something important to all your people. At the same time, people do not have to sit at home in places with the best reception with a walkie-talkie and listen to the broadcast continuously, it is enough to put a smartphone with running software next to the radio station (or connect it via a cord) and do more necessary things. If necessary, you can send a map or photo in low resolution.
You can use this transmission method not only on VHF but also on HF communications, where the range and number of listeners will increase, respectively, a decrease in the audience of those who understand will be even more useful.

Well, the most important thing is the link to the miracle program site, you need applications DroidPSK(text) and DroidSSTV(images). It costs a penny, but there are also ways to find it on the net and for free - for example, look at the forum from where the pictures were taken.

Many novice users of car radios do not know how the grids of SI-B radios are switched, so in this article we will describe methods for some well-known radio stations.

Megajet MJ-50

Grid switching is carried out by the "EMG" button . Central grid "C".

Megajet MJ-100/200/200+
While holding down the A / F button, turn on the radio with the VOL / OFF knob. The screen will display "M" to the right of the channel number. Switching between grids is done by pressing the CH9 button.
After switching on again, P\C remains in multi-grid mode.
Central grid - M

Megajet MJ-150

By holding down the 9/19 button for at least 3 seconds.

Central mesh - C

Megajet MJ-300 new (NVRAM):

To switch from 40-channel mode to 120-channel mode, turn off the radio station with the VR knob, press the A/F button without releasing it, turn on the station.

To switch grids, use the CH9 button.

The central grid is indicated by the symbol "M", when the upper grid is turned on, the symbol "H" appears on the display, when the lower grid is turned on, the symbol "L"

Megajet MJ-300 old (volatile memory)

To switch from 40-channel mode to 120-channel, turn off the radio station with the VR knob, press the A / F and SC buttons, without releasing it, turn on the station.

To switch grids, use the CH9 button. The central grid is not indicated in any way, when the upper grid is turned on, the symbol “H” appears on the display, when the lower grid is turned on, the symbol “L”

Megajet MJ-333/350

While holding down the A / F button, turn on the radio with the VOL / OFF knob. To switch grids, use the CH9 button.

Central mesh - D

MegaJet MJ-400 / YOSAN JC-2204

Press the A / F button and, without releasing it, turn on the station. When turned on
In 240-channel mode, a symbol from “A” to “F” will appear next to the channel number, showing the working grid. To switch grids, use the CH9 / M3 button.
Central mesh - D

MegaJet MJ-500/550/555/555K

Grid switching is carried out by the button "9 / SHT PRI" . Central grid "C".

Megajet MJ-450/ 450T/ 650/ 650T/850

While holding down the A / F (AM / FM for 850), turn on the radio with the VOL / OFF knob. To switch grids, use the CH9 button.

Central mesh - D

Megajet MJ-600 Turbo. (Old)

With AM/FM and SCAN pressed, turn on the station with the knob.
Central Grid - D

Megajet MJ-600 Plus (Old)

While holding down the two buttons "FC" and "ASQ" turn on the radio with the VOL / OFF knob. Grid switching is performed by the CH9 button.
Central Grid - D

Megajet MJ-600/ MJ-600 Plus/600 T/600+ T

While holding down the A / F (am / fm) button, turn on the radio station with the VOL / OFF knob.
Grid switching is performed by the CH9 button.
MJ-600- Hold down DW/M2 to turn on the radio. MJ-600 Plus - Hold BP/RB to turn on the radio.

Central Grid - D

Megajet MJ-700.

Switching between 80CH/450CH.
If *) there is no grid E and others (switching grids with the BD-EMG button, far right)
then turn off the station, hold down the AM-FM and ASQ-TSQ buttons (two extreme left)
turn on the station, wait for the beep signal (5-10 seconds), release the buttons.
After that, switching grids with the BD-EMG button, the far right.

IMPORTANT: when switching 80CH / 450CH and back, the rest of the settings are reset to FACTORY!
those. everything that you yourself have wound up with the FUNC key will be reset.

*) Note: in 80CH mode, the station does not develop maximum power,
stations of the first batch give out 1-4 W,
stations of the second batch - 8.
So everyone usually goes to 450CH immediately after purchase.
And who hasn't switched - he will have a bonus in the form of a station now at 16-18 W
Central mesh - D

Megajet MJ-800

Turn on the power while holding the SCH and TOT buttons.
Grid switching is performed by the CH9 button.
Central Grid - D

MegaJet 3031M

While holding down the two buttons "DW" and "CH9" turn on the radio with the VOL / OFF knob. Grid switching is performed by the CH9 button.
Central Grid - D

MegaJet-3031M Turbo

With the A / F button pressed, turn on the station, switch grids with the Ch9 button.
Central grid - E

Scroll through the channels, the grid will switch automatically.

Yosan Stealth 5

The grids are cycled through by pressing the EMG/-5K – M6 button and displayed to the right of the channel number. The central grid is indicated by the letter "C". Pressing the EMG/-5K button once - M6 turns on the "D" reticle, then "E", "A+", "B+", etc. The highest frequency grid is "E+", after it the lowest grid "A-" is switched on, then "B-", and so on until "E-", after it the grid "A" is switched on, then "B", and again the central grid "C".

Yosan Excalibur/Turbo
The grids are cycled through by pressing the EMG-SHIFT button and displayed to the right of the channel number. The central grid is indicated by the letter "C". Pressing the EMG-SHIFT button once turns on the grid "D", then "E", "A+", "B+", etc. The highest frequency grid is "E+", after it the lowest grid "A-" is switched on, then "B-", and so on until "E-", after it the grid "A" is switched on, then "B", and again the central grid "C".

Yosan Evolution

Grid switching is carried out by the “Band” button . Central grid "C".


While holding down the CH9-CH19-CH15 button, use the Down or Up buttons to select the desired grid (A,B,C,D, etc.).
Central grid - D.


Hold down the CH9-CH19 button for more than 2 seconds, the station enters the frequency band selection mode. Use the Down or Up buttons to select the required grid (A,B,C,D, etc.).
Central grid - D.


UP (Channel Switch) button on the PTT. Each press of the button increases the channel number by 1. Pressing and holding the button for about 3 seconds allows you to quickly increase the channel number in increments of 1. Pressing and holding the button for about 10 seconds switches the channel grids (A, B, C, D, E, F, G , H, I, L).

Central Grid - D

Switching the Vector VT-27LUX to Multigrid Mode

MODE button.
Pressing this button repeatedly allows you to select the desired function.
This button allows you to select the frequency range of the radio.
To select the frequency range of the radio station, turn it on and immediately press the MODE button (when all segments of the LCD display are displayed), then use the up/down channel buttons to select the required frequency range.
To exit the frequency range selection mode, press the MODE button again.

Band codes I0, I2 , DE, D2, EU, CE, SP, FR, UK, PL, SW. The table shows the characteristics of the maximum open frequency standards:

Code What it corresponds to Specification
*EU A*
"European" grid from 1 to 45 ch.
450ch AM/FM 10W

"Russian" grid from 1 to 45 ch.
(Frequency ratings end in "0")
450ch AM/FM 10W

Continuous range: 1 to 45 ch.
"European" grid and "Russian" grid
900ch AM/FM 10W

"Holes": 3, 7, 11, 15, 19 ch. each mesh
(Frequency ratings end in "5")
50ch AM/FM 10W

Vector Navigator
Switching of grids is carried out by the button "BD/DW". Central grid "D".

Vector Radius

Grid switching - by holding down the "CH9-CH19-CH15" button, and using the ▼ (Down) or ▲ (Up) buttons scroll through the grids. Two letters will light up on the indicator - the first indicates the frequency standard (E-European, R-Russian), the second indicates the grid. Central grid "D".

Vector Smart/ Smart Turbo

Grid switching - by holding down the "EM / B" button, and using the ▼ (Down) or ▲ (Up) buttons scroll through the grids. Central grid "D".

TTi TCB-551

While holding down the AM/FM key, turn on the radio. The LCD display shows information about the frequency grid. To change the band, press the Up/Down keys while the grid information is flashing on the screen. Press the microphone's PTT key or wait 5 seconds to confirm the selection and return to transmit and receive mode. Central grid "D".

Albrecht 4200

Advanced mode of the radio station - in this mode, ten grids of 40 channels each are available. In this mode, switching between grids is carried out by the "BAND" button located on the PTT. Central grid "E".

Albrecht 6310

To change the grid (letters A. . . F) in RU and PL standards, the following operations must be performed:

1) Press the "AM / FM" button and hold it down until the indicator shows the letter - the grid identifier (this will take about 1-2 seconds), then release the "AM / FM" button.

2) Use the channel selection switch buttons to select the desired grid (letter A . . .F).

3) Press the "AM / FM" button again and keep it pressed until the indicator returns to the working state - channel number indication.

Switching the radio to multi-grid mode:

Hold down the AM/FM button to turn on the radio station and use the Up and Down buttons to select the desired grid.

Central grid "D".

Optim 270

Revision number 1. Grids and standards switch (0/5). The operating position is the position of the switch in the CH position. To switch d to the European frequency grid, move the switch to position E. The grid letter and standard will light up on the display. For example, dE. Where d is the grid and E is the standard, fives. The channel switching buttons can be used to select the desired frequency grid. There are grids from A to F, a total of 6 frequency grids with 40 channels in each grid. And you need to move the switch back to the CH position. Similarly, switching to the Russian frequency grid, zeros, P occurs. For each standard, the grid and channel number are saved.

Revision No. 2 (12/30/2014) To change the grid, you must move the mode selector to the BAND position and select the frequency grid using the channel switching buttons. Switching between Europe (5) and Russia (0) is carried out in the same way as before.

Central grid "D".

Optim 380

The BAND button allows you to switch frequency grids. A total of 10 frequency grids from A to L. Center grid "D".

Optim 778

"BAND/TOT" button switches frequency grids . Central grid "D".

Power switch: "A/F/HI" button. In combination with the FUN button, it allows you to switch the output power level. 10/20/50 watts in FM and 10/20 watts in AM.

Optim Apollo

To switch grids use the key "BAND / M1" Central grid "D".

Disclosure of the radio station: To enable the extended mode, it is necessary - with the radio station turned off, hold down and hold the - F key (on the PTT). We turn on the radio. We hold the F key until the inscription OPEN MODE appears on the PTT display. The radio station is open.

Power switch: H.L button. Switches the output power of the radio. In HI mode, the station delivers about 8 watts of power, and in LO mode, about 4 watts.

Optim Piligrim

The "BAND" button switches frequency grids . Central grid "D".

How to open a radio station? To turn on the extended mode, turn off the radio, then hold down the AM / FM key and turn on the radio. The 4D icon will then appear on the display. Use the CH+ or CH- keys to select the OP mode and then turn the radio off and on again. As a result, BAND frequency grid switching modes, -5 kHz frequency shift and transmitter output power selection will be available.

Maycom EM-27D
To switch grids, press button 1, the lower menu will light up, then button 6 (under the inscription BAND). The station will switch grid up. Further pressing the button 6 each time the station switches the grid above.
You can simply turn the channel switch knob to go to the next grid.
Central Grid - C

Alan 9001
Switching grids and channels - Valkoder or button BAND.

Follow the news in our Vkontakte group

Each radio station has a characteristic - an operating frequency range. This range is specified in the technical documentation and is responsible for the ability of the radio station to transmit and receive a signal at a specific frequency.

However, for a number of radio stations, this range specified by the manufacturer can be expanded.

How to open a walkie-talkie in Moscow

Range disclosure methods differ for different models of radio stations. Most often, this requires soldering, separation or moving special jumpers on the station board. Such operations require special equipment and electronics skills, so it's best not to try to do it yourself if you've never done it before.
You also need to understand that the manufacturer does not recommend making changes to the finished device and, if the operating range of a particular model or batch of radio stations is limited, it may be guided by various reasons.

In some cases, this is due to the rules for the use of radio frequencies of the specific region for which the batch is intended. Sometimes a manufacturer saves on the production of parts and uses the same main components for different models, limiting them artificially in range.

In some cases, restrictions are set for more stable operation of the device, so as not to increase the load on the transmitter or other components of the radio.

Why should you entrust the work of radio-repair?

It is best to consult with a specialist before making a decision on the disclosure of the range of your station. Is disclosure possible for a particular model, is it worth it or not? Can the disclosure have any negative consequences for the operation of the station, will it be necessary to somehow change the mode of operation of the device after this procedure is completed? All these questions can be answered by our specialist, who has extensive experience in disclosing the range of various models of radio stations.

For example, owners of Yaesu, Icom, Kenwood, Alinco, Midland, Alan, etc. turn to us quite often to reveal the range of their radios.


address: Moscow, sh. Enthusiasts 17, 5th floor (metro station Aviamotornaya).
Service center hours of operation:
from 9:00 to 18:00 Monday - Friday.
The service center is closed on holidays and weekends.
The building has a walk-through system. You must have your passport or driver's license with you.

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