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Options for switching to the latest generation ERP solution line configurations. Options for switching to the latest generation configurations of the ERP solution line Cost management and cost calculation

>> Comparison of versions

Colleagues, I plan to speak at the conference this year Infostart Event 2019.


About the program "1C: Integrated Automation", edition 2.x

On October 2, 2015, 1C released information mail about the release of a new program -"1C: Integrated Automation", edition 2 on the platform 1C:Enterprise 8.3. The program delivery contains a processing assistant for transitioning to a new edition from the program"1C: Integrated Automation", edition 1.1. However, according to the old tradition, this processing transfers only directories and balances to the beginning of accounting. The proposed data transfer allows you to transfer all necessary types of documents, except for the transfer of salary and personnel data. To transfer salary and personnel data, it is recommended to use the second stage of processing a standard transfer from 1C. If you have any questions regarding this processing, please contact us for advice.

Accepted abbreviations

KA 1.1- standard configuration "1C: Integrated Automation, edition 1.1". Updated to current release KA 1.1.115.x.

KA 2- standard configuration "1C: Integrated Automation, Edition 2". Updated to current release KA 2.4.7.x.

UT 11 - standard configuration "1C: Trade Management, edition 11" . The transfer has been updated to the current release UT 11.4.7.x!

Transfer Description

Based on user requests, a transfer of documents from KA 1.1 V KA 2 And UT 11. Made it based on . Users have repeatedly asked whether it is suitable for transferring from KA 1.1 V KA 2 or . I checked this, no they do not fit, the structure of the configurations is different, these transfers terminate with an error.

Configuration Description KA 2, you can study its functionality in the same information letter from 1C. In fact, it is not a combination of programs Accounting, Trade Management And Salaries and HR management, and by cutting ERP 2. Thus, this is not a configuration developed from scratch, but ERP 2 with reduced functionality. This is good because... means that the program is not crude, its functionality has been developed for many years and is already used in many large organizations using ERP 2.

The transfer (upload stage) is performed using processing. In this case, the download is performed in a zip archive. When loading, you must KA 2 / ERP use standard built-in processing Universal exchange in XML format.

It is also necessary to keep in mind that in the current development, salary and personnel data is not transferred. To transfer them, you should use a standard development from 1C. I provide consultations on the transfer of salary and personnel data using standard processing, you can contact us.

Transfer Demonstration

If you are interested data transfer demonstration , then you can familiarize yourself with the database KA 2, obtained by downloading from the demo database KA 1.1 to an empty database KA 2. Transfer settings are selected - documents for the entire period, without the date of opening balances.

Video demonstration of the transfer

The following types of documents are transferred

Attention! The list of supported document types is constantly expanding based on customer requests. We do not always have time to update it on this page. Therefore, you can request a list of the types of documents that are currently being transferred by creating a request or writing a comment on this publication.


Buyer's order Customer order
Invoice for payment to the buyer Customer order
Order to supplier Order to supplier
Invoice received Invoice received
Invoice received Invoice received advance payment
Receipt of goods and services Purchase of goods and services
Adjustment of receipts Acquisition adjustment
Retail sales report Retail sales report
Returning goods to the supplier Returning goods to the supplier
Advance report Advance report
Sales of goods and services Sales of goods and services
Implementation adjustments Implementation adjustments
Return of goods from the buyer Return of goods from the client
Invoice issued Invoice issued for advance payment
Invoice issued Invoice issued

GTD import

Customs declaration import
Adjusting register entries Register adjustments
Advance report Purchase of goods and services
Movement of goods Movement of goods
Receipt of additional expenses Purchase of services of other assets
Receipt order for goods Receipt order for goods
Output Output
Issue note for goods Issue note for goods
Production order Production order2_2
Operation boo Operation boo
Internal order Transfer order
Nomenclature complete set Assembly of goods
Requirement invoice Movement of products and materials
Shift production report Output
Buyer's order Customer order
Invoice for payment to the buyer Customer order
Transport connection Transport connection
Order to supplier Order to supplier
Requirement invoice Domestic consumption of goods
Write-off of goods Write-off of shortages of goods
Posting of goods Capitalization of surplus goods
Inventory of goods in the warehouse Conversion of goods
Changing a buyer's order
Closing customer orders Adjusting the purpose of goods
Debt adjustment Debt offset
Debt adjustment Debt write-off
Commissioner's sales report Commissioner's report
Sales report to the consignor Report to the committent
Debt adjustment Register adjustments
Debt adjustment Register adjustments
Shift production report Production without order
Receipt of goods and services in NTT Purchase of goods and services
Supplier invoice Order to supplier
Piecework outfit Employee development
Invoice for payment to the buyer Invoice for payment to the client

Item prices


OS upgrade OS upgrade
Acceptance of fixed assets for accounting Acceptance for accounting
Acceptance of intangible assets for registration Acceptance of intangible assets for registration
Write-off of intangible assets Write-off of intangible assets
Decommissioning of OS Decommissioning of OS
Preparing for OS transfer Preparing for OS transfer
Depreciation of fixed assets Depreciation of fixed assets
Depreciation of intangible assets Depreciation of intangible assets
Advance payment of a foreigner for personal income tax
Insurance premium verification report
Restoration of VAT on real estate
Uploading regulated reports
Production of intangible materials Production of intangible materials
Additional sheet of the purchase book for electronic transmission
Additional sales book sheet for electronic transmission

Invoice journal for electronic transmission

Record kudir Record kudir
Request for an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs
Request for taxpayer information services
Request for information services for the policyholder
Application from a special communications operator subscriber
Application to the Social Insurance Fund for reimbursement of funeral expenses
Changing the OS state Changing the OS state
Changing the terms of the writ of execution
Changing the terms of payment for parental leave
OS Inventory OS Inventory
Performance list Performance list
Purchase book for electronic transmission
Sales book for electronic transmission
Controlled transaction Controlled transaction
Payment according to average earnings Payment according to average earnings
Holiday to care for the child Holiday to care for the child
ED package ED package
Bundle of documents SZV 6 4 Bundle of documents SZV 6 4
Stack of documents SPV 2 Stack of documents SPV 2
Packet of sections 6 of the RSV calculation 1
Moving OS Moving OS
Data transfer Data transfer
Recalculation of insurance premiums Recalculation of insurance premiums
Procurement plan Procurement plan
Sales plan Sales plan
Production plan Production plan
Explanations for the VAT return
Distribution of other costs Distribution of other costs
Regulated report Regulated report
Notice of controlled transactions
Dismissal Dismissal
Certificate of completion
Act on the provision of production services Sales of goods and services
Reflection of wages in regulatory accounting Reflection of salaries in financial accounting



Receipt of cash documents
Account cash warrant Account cash warrant
Account cash warrant Account cash warrant
Receipt cash order Receipt cash order
Payment request issued
Payment request received
Payment order receipt of funds Receipt of non-cash funds
Incoming payment order Receipt of non-cash funds
Payment order debiting funds Write-off of non-cash funds
Outgoing payment order Write-off of non-cash funds
Application for spending funds Application for spending funds
Payment from the buyer by payment card Payment card transaction
Statement for salary payment to the bank
Salaries payable to organizations
Salary payable Statement for payment of wages to the cashier
Issuance of monetary documents Disposal of monetary documents

Attention. Salary data is not transferred. To transfer salary and personnel data, use the standard standard processing from 1C, included with the program. KA 2.

Requirements for data transfer to databases

The current version of the platform must be installed on the computer 1C:Enterprise 8.3. Configuration releases must be standard and current versions. To transfer between changed configurations, you need to modify the conversion rules yourself or order modifications from me. The source code for the conversion rules is open source. The code for the transfer processing modules is also open source.

Procedure for updating and fixing errors

1) Transfer rules are promptly updated. Sometimes an update is ready, but not yet published. So for updates just contact me.

2) I release the update only for current versions of 1C configuration releases. The current versions are those that are in the second column. That is, I do not release updates for planned or trial releases.

3) For some publications, a whole set of rules is available upon purchase, including for older releases. All “old” versions of the rules are provided for informational purposes only, that is, on an “as is” basis. They may not contain enough data to transfer, and errors may occur. Errors in the rules are corrected promptly. But if you have an old release, it’s better to take the time and update. And if after this there is an error during the transfer on the new release, I will promptly correct it. Likewise, I am not making any modifications to the old transfer rules.

In some cases, if it is impossible to update, it may be important for you to take new rules and upload them to Data conversion and “downgrade” the rules to older releases of configurations (or to your non-standard configurations) and carry out the transfer in this way.

4) I fulfill almost all user requests for modifications (development) of the rules for free. The condition for revision is that it must comply with the standard accounting methodology from the 1C company. Must concern current version rules And, of course, only modifications to standard configurations.

5) The transfer has been tested on a large number of user databases. However, the way of keeping records, the data itself in the databases is unique for everyone. And your database may experience errors during transfer. In this case, contact the author of the transfer as soon as possible. You may be required to either detailed description a method for reproducing the error on a demo database from 1C, or providing an information base on which the specified error is reproduced. The database must be standard, current release. The migration refund guarantee does not apply to cases where the correct source base for reproducing the bug is not provided.

Data Transfer Purchasing Options

The set of transfer rules is the same for all purchase options. Only the requirements for the source databases differ, as well as the condition of who will carry out the data transfer. The conversion rules themselves are open for editing; you can load them into the Data Conversion program and change them yourself for your non-standard databases, if there is such a need.


PRO - a set of processing for transfer is provided, including non-standard processing with extended functionality, current rules for the transition between the latest releases of 1C programs, an archive of rules for old releases, and instructions.

You do the transfer yourself.

Options: are missing.

Technical support - 1 month, questions about the transfer mechanism via mail and requests on the website. Transfer consultations are not provided.

Standard - contains a set of transfer treatments, the same as in the version PRO, and a number of additional options.

Requirements for the source database: The standard configuration is supported, the size is no more than 5 GB in expanded form and the number of documents to be transferred is no more than 10 thousand pieces. Personnel and payroll documents are not transferred. You do not need to independently clarify the number of documents, you can contact us, we have the appropriate processing.

Tariff options: Execution by our forces without the involvement of your resources, or in their absence; Reconciliation of balances and turnover.

Technical support - 1 month, correction of identified errors and comments on the transfer.

VIP - contains a transfer kit similar to the tariff Standard, with more advanced options.

Requirements for the source database: There are no restrictions on configuration and database

Tariff options: Transfer of personnel and settlement documents, transfer of settings and modifications, user training, reconciliation of balances and turnover.

Priority Technical support - 3 months, consultations on working with a new configuration, and user training.

Technical support regulations

If you have questions about an already purchased data transfer, you must initiate a request. You can initiate a request in various ways, based on your tariff.

Communication channel\Tariff




Contact on the site

Let me remind you that the main program settings are made in the sectionReference data and administration. Today we are discussing the section:

Nomenclature - Accounting sections

Please note: by default, all views, except item types, are disabled. First of all, this is about caring for the user. If you do not use the accounting section, then users will not see any fields, selections, or other frills associated with it.

Well, the structure of the database will be simplified.

It is better to think over the sections for accounting for items that will be used during the launch, better on shore, before starting work.

How can we determine in which case we enable analytics right away, and in which case it is better to enable it later, after you get comfortable with the program?

What product analytics will we implement immediately when implementing 1C Integrated 2 (UT 11)

The criterion here is primarily that you are already using the analytics in question in your current work. The key word here is "use". It means two aspects at once:

  • Do you have data on item balances in this section, and
  • There are employees in your company who analyze reports in this context, or benefit from them in other ways.

Then we connect analytics right away and think through the rules for entering initial balances and working with users taking it into account.

When do we not introduce analytics in a new program right away?

If you have not conducted such analytics before and, at the same time, accounting in the previous program differs significantly from 1C Integrated 2 or UT 11.

For example, you have long wanted to start keeping track of items by expiration dates. In the previous program you did not have this opportunity. Therefore, none of your employees entered expiration dates, and no records were kept on them. There are no standards, rules or accumulated base.

I understand that it is very tempting, when you see the capabilities of a new program, to use everything at once. Moreover, at the same time - to resolutely survive all the changes once and live a happily new life.

But in this case, it’s better to postpone it. Why? Yes, because it just doesn’t work out decisively and happily.

The introduction of a new program inevitably entails the adjustment of work processes to it, since the accounting logic is different. We have to get used to the new rules and teach users how to work with it.

Scattered programs and tables teach users to live their own lives, their own reference books and rules, and then suddenly they have to look at their neighbors and build a unified approach in one system.

This in itself is a critical load on the administrative resource of your company. To keep changes on track will require costs. It is clear that the greater the changes, the greater the costs. But this rule only works - in geometric progression. Gradual, smooth changes require much less resources and preparation time than taking and rebuilding all the work at once.

To change work processes, it is necessary to prepare the restructuring process in detail: and this means: describe “as is”, build a detailed picture of “how it will be” and plan the transition process itself.

If you plan too many changes, you risk that the preparatory work will drag on indefinitely. Now the environment in which enterprises operate is changing rapidly and requires constant adjustment. Much of the work done will be doomed to be redone before it has been implemented. And this is money.

With step-by-step implementation, you decide what to work on before each stage of work and avoid such losses.

The principle is simple: in the first step, you implement what you know on at least one side: or you are familiar with accounting new program or you are already familiar with the subject matter in your work. This is the minimum insurance for success.

Then in the second step you will be able to successfully apply this principle again - after all, you will already be familiar with the program.

Of course, there are situations where analytics were not used in a previous life, but now it has become mandatory. For example, new industry requirements have emerged. Then there is nowhere to retreat. The requirements of regulations, to some extent, will replace your in this case Experience with analytics.

Now let’s look at what sections 1C Complex 2 and UT 11 offer us in this section.

Types of nomenclature

By default, the "Many types of items" flag is checked. What does it do besides report analytics:

1. Divides the nomenclature into types: goods, services, works. Works differ from services in that they have a purchase cost, like goods. And they differ from goods in that they are not stored in a warehouse. When reselling works, we will see the cost of purchase. This is good.

2. In the item view, you can configure default values ​​for some of the item details. Convenient too.

3. You can set up general accounting rules, units of measurement, etc. for the items included in it.

This is no longer done in the program settings and filling out the item type deserves detailed consideration in a separate article.

Item sets for sale

Convenient if you sell something in standard kits. You can assign a price to it that is not equal to the prices of the components included in it. Can be selected for customer orders and sales.

But it is not a specification for production. That is, the kit is designed so that the components are taken from the warehouse and are not produced directly for this order.

Reusable packaging

If you have container accounting, check the box. There is a service to remind you about adding containers; to use hints, check the second checkbox in the Suggest adding reusable containers to documents field.

For the nomenclature, it will be possible to indicate that it is supplied with reusable containers.

Product characteristics

As in the previous generation of 1C 8 programs, characteristics are arbitrary properties of the nomenclature.

Separate warehouse records are maintained for them and prices can be set according to characteristics. This is very important, since this is the only arbitrary section of selling prices other than the nomenclature itself. The price can be considered a request to any data, but it must also be stored. And it is stored only by nomenclature, characteristics and unit of measurement.

As a rule, this characteristic is used for this purpose - to maintain different prices.

It can also be used as an additional warehouse accounting section. But, you need to enter it carefully, since the characteristic is selected manually into the goods movement documents, which complicates the life of a simple user.

Product packaging

If there are different units, for example, they come in boxes, but we sell them “retail”, individually, then we set the setting.

Can be used to set a universal unit of measurement. Such units are used to make it possible to compare data in reports on items taken into account according to absolute different units measurements. For example, you produce products in linear meters and pieces. Or pieces of different nomenclature differ greatly in material consumption and other parameters. We will dwell on this point in more detail in the article on the types of nomenclature.

Selling prices can be set independently for different packages. If, for example, wholesale - cheaper :).

Product series

Series are a big topic of conversation.

  • Often used for accounting by expiration dates.
  • Certificates are usually tied to series and require series accounting.
  • Through series, the accounting of rolls, skeins and other similar goods is realized. When accounting for such goods, you cannot limit yourself to packages, since it matters in what form the balance is physically located in the warehouse: in one roll (sheet, etc.). Or are they small scraps?
  • Numbered items are often counted by series. Well, the actual series with numbers is also here.

Here, in the 1C settings, we enable the directory itself. Basic accounting settings for series are defined in the directories of warehouses and item types. And the technical settings are legion. Also a topic for a separate article.

The software product 1C Integrated Automation 2 (hereinafter referred to as 1C KA) was released by 1C back in 2015 and today the 1C Integrated Automation configuration runs under the latest release of the 1C Enterprise 8.3 platform.

In the 1C product line, the system occupies an intermediate position between the flagship configuration 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2 (hereinafter referred to as 1C ERP) and the trading solution 1C Trade Management 11 (hereinafter referred to as 1C UT).

The system is positioned by 1C as a solution for automating medium and large enterprises that want to implement comprehensive accounting of business activities in one information system with a minimum of investment.

Below we will give a detailed description functionality solutions, consider the 1C Integrated Automation interface, 1C Integrated Automation configuration mechanisms, and separately dwell on the differences between 1C KA and two other products.

Program 1C Integrated Automation 8.3: general information

First of all, we note that today, of the three systems listed above (1C UT, 1C ERP and 1C Integrated Automation 8.3), 1C is developing only one product - 1C ERP. The other two configurations are assembled from the original one by excluding part of the program code and objects from the developed ERP configuration. Those. in fact, both 1C KA and 1C UT are stripped-down versions of 1C ERP and everything that is still being developed for these systems separately from 1C ERP is part of the integration mechanisms.

In light of this, it would seem, why not install the “maximum” configuration of 1C ERP, especially since using functional options (system settings) you can disable unused functions before starting work, but if necessary, return to them some time after implementation, when will the current processes be debugged in the system?

You can, of course, do this, but there are three reasons why it still makes sense to focus on the implementation of complex automation from 1C, if its current capabilities are quite sufficient today:

  1. 1C KA costs half as much as 1C ERP;
  2. Due to the fact that the configuration takes up less space, the system itself is less demanding on hardware resources;
  3. There is always the opportunity to “upgrade” 1C KA to the 1C ERP level using the standard update mechanism.

Below we will not only give short review 1C KA system edition 2, but also compare the capabilities of 1C KA with 1C UT and 1C ERP, focusing on the important differences between these systems.

As an object of comparison, we will take the subsystems that make up latest version the listed configurations.

1C KA 2.0 implements powerful mechanisms for budgeting, primarily financial planning. Moreover, one of the significant advantages of 1C KA in terms of budgeting over other specialized systems is that 1C KA is designed for maintaining operational accounting, and the data of this type of accounting is reflected in budgeting “on the fly”, without the need to implement uploads to external systems.

Planning in 1C KA refers to volume-calendar product planning, implemented through sales, procurement, assembly/disassembly plans.

Despite this division, nothing prevents budgeting from keeping records in terms of not only total indicators (which is mandatory), but also quantities, and in volume-calendar planning, taking into account the cost of planned commodity items.

The differences in budgeting and planning between the three systems under consideration are given in the table below:

1C traditionally pays a lot of attention to trading solutions, especially since the first configuration in the line was 1C Trade Management 11.

Therefore, it is not surprising that in the list of 1C KA capabilities, special attention is paid to working with basic regulatory and reference information important for trading activities (the “Nomenclature”, “Customers” directories) and a number of changes and flexible settings have been made to reflect management information through these directories.

For example, the client directory is divided into two: the “Partners” directory (storing the interaction participant as a management entity) and the “Counterparties” (legal entity). So, for the first time in 1C products, it became possible to separate the actual structure of the enterprises with which we conduct joint activities and their legal structure. A similar solution applies to “Contracts”. And the “Nomenclature” directory, although present in a single copy, has so many settings that it is quite possible to change significantly appearance product cards depending on which group they belong to.

Pricing (and marketing promotions) are also located in the “CRM and Marketing” section, they include not only interconnected price lists (types of prices), but also discounts, and the ability to flexibly manage these discounts depending on a large number of predefined conditions, linking discounts to agreements with clients.

As for the capabilities of CRM itself as a customer relationship management system, it should be said that the system is configured primarily for b2b interactions and implements only the basic functionality of specialized systems, nevertheless allowing you to register all contacts with clients in the context of advertising interactions, initiate them depending on the conditions and, if necessary, strictly control the conduct of transactions, starting from the very first stages.

There are no differences in the capabilities of the CRM and Marketing subsystem between the three compared systems.

As we wrote above, sales are perhaps the strongest side of 1C systems: accounting for wholesale and retail sales has been implemented, sales of goods transferred on commission are kept track of sales, the latest legislative requirements regarding work with EGAIS and VETIS have been taken into account, integrations with services such as 1C itself have been implemented (1SPARK), and a number of other third-party systems.

Separately, it should be mentioned that the mechanism for conducting mutual settlements with customers allows you to track not only mutual settlements from the point of storage of accounting records, but also management settlements that take into account payment schedules and deferments provided. Allowable receivables are monitored, it is possible to create a list of partners who are prohibited from shipping (including all legal entities they own) and much more.

As with the previous point, the trading capabilities of the 1C KA solution are identical to those of the other two systems.

The purchasing block supports all processes typical for trading and manufacturing companies: purchasing goods from wholesale suppliers and individuals, supporting uninvoiced deliveries, working with returns, and much more.

In this block, it is worth mentioning separately the support for working with suppliers, each using their own name and labeling of the same products. Thanks to the separate directory “Supplier Nomenclature”, it is possible, without duplicating the item items in the main directory, to keep records of such goods in the context of different suppliers.

This functionality is also the same for all three compared systems.

This section in 1C KA can be divided into several, although interconnected, but still separate blocks:

  1. Warehouse Logistics. 1C KA allows you to keep records of goods in the context of not just different warehouses, but also premises within one warehouse with the allocation of storage zones. Work with order warehouses is supported, and this functionality (although it cannot compete with specialized solutions from market leaders) will most likely suit a company with a small/medium warehouse and not very intensive turnover.
  2. Transport logistics. In 1C KA it became possible to automate a small own transport service. In this part, the system’s capabilities are quite simple; the emphasis is on generating route sheets and tracking the completion of transportation tasks.
  3. Meeting needs allows you to set up supply schemes for each product item and automate the maintenance of the required quantity of goods in warehouses.

The functionality of the “Warehouse and Delivery” subsystem of 1C KA is completely identical to the capabilities contained in 1C UT and 1C ERP.

1C KA is not intended for large manufacturing companies, and although it allows you to register transfers (and returns) of materials to/from production, product releases, and distribute costs for these releases, it does not have product production planning functionality.

Within the framework of this subsystem, 1C KA implements work with processors; it is possible to keep records of materials and semi-finished products transferred for processing, as well as receive finished products from the processor.

The method of implementing production accounting in 1C KA may well suit manufacturing companies that do not require automation of planning processes in the system. Those who still need such functionality should evaluate 1C ERP, which, among other things, implements inter-departmental and operational planning.

In 1C UT11 there is no “Production” section, and in this context it is worth mentioning only the ability to keep records of simple operations of assembling/disassembling goods.

In the cash management block in 1C KA, the key mechanisms are planning and cash control.

Control is implemented either through budgeting mechanisms (we talked about them above), using which you can specify the budgets for which funds will be limited, or through a separate limitation mechanism. Moreover, both mechanisms are mutually exclusive: if budgeting is enabled, then the limiting of funds is implemented on the basis of budgets, if not, by separate documents.

As for planning, it is implemented through the mechanism of requests for payment, reflected in the payment calendar.

The process of making payments is not very different from how it is done in other 1C products: integration with the bank can take place either through a direct connection to the bank’s services (direct bank) or through file exchange.

You can add a fly in the ointment by mentioning that the process of approving applications for payment is done in an extremely primitive way: through the statuses of application documents. But earlier, in the first versions of 1C UT, an approval mechanism was implemented through business processes. Unfortunately, the 1C company decided to abandon the development of this mechanism and now offers organizations that want to implement complex processes for approving payment requests (and other documents) to purchase a specialized product 1C Document Flow, integrated with 1C KA.

The treasury block has identical functionality in the 1C UT, 1C KA and 1C ERP systems.

Personnel, wages, regulated accounting and accounting of non-current assets

The 1C KA system has the ability to keep records of personnel, wages, accounting and tax accounting. True, here regulated and personnel records are implemented a little differently than in the 1C Accounting 3 and 1C Salaries and Personnel Management systems, which may be an unpleasant surprise for those who are accustomed to working with them.

In addition, the main limitation of 1C KA in comparison with specialized accounting systems is that data is transmitted to subsystems from the operational circuit, which imposes understandable restrictions on editing this data.

The functionality of the listed subsystems in 1C KA and 1C ERP have identical functionality, but are not available in 1C UT.


In conclusion, I would like to pay attention to one more difference between the systems compared to each other - Possibility of automating accounting according to IFRS standards. This functional block is present only in 1C ERP, absent in 1C KA and 1C UT.

The purpose of the article was to provide an understanding of the main capabilities of the 1C KA system, its place in the 1C product line and the main differences from the 1C ERP and 1C UT systems. In conclusion, we note that due to its affordable cost and fairly rich functionality, this system can be safely recommended for purchase to trade/service companies that need, on the one hand, a functional and, on the other hand, a simple and quickly implemented solution for complex automation of basic business processes .

The 1C company notifies users and partners about the release of edition 2.4 of the “Complex Automation” configuration. The RG-Soft company recommends starting the transition from version 1.1 now. We remind you that support for current changes in legislation ends on April 1, 2019, and the development of the functionality of the application solution is carried out only in edition 2.0.

Transition from “1C: Integrated Automation” 1.1 to edition 2.4

When implementing version 2.4 of the “Complex Automation” configuration, the goal is to minimize modifications, preserve standard functionality and maximize its use. Accordingly, the transition/implementation includes the following stages:

1. Express examination.
Collection of data necessary and sufficient to draw up a plan and begin modeling. It is assumed that the missing data can be promptly obtained from the Customer in the process of compiling end-to-end examples.

2. Drawing up a modeling plan.
List of blocks/processes estimated in hours. All processes in blocks that require modeling (boundaries) must be specified.

3. Modeling.
Preparation of an example/solution for a block/process in the system, description in Diagrams. Modeling will be introduced in blocks/sections, iterations, with active feedback from the Customer: creating a solution/model – demonstration – adjusting the model – making a decision. At the modeling stage, the maximum use of standard functionality is shown (in some cases, this prompts the Customer to partially rebuild their business processes to accommodate standard functionality), and a list of improvements to the solution is determined.

4. Data migration and implementation assessment.
Elaboration of objects and transfer methods. Description of the content of the data transfer and opening balances. Calculation of labor intensity and implementation time, taking into account the preparation of documentation and personnel training.

5. Correction and layout of the Conceptual Design document (FTT).
Includes a description of decisions on processes and modifications, a description of the content of data transfer and initial balances (may include a description of access rights for user groups, various applications). The Conceptual Design document reflects a certain agreed state in the movement towards implementation between the Customer and the Contractor; it is the initial document for implementation, which:

  • a) describes “to-be” solutions;
  • b) contains information for setting tasks for improvements;
  • c) defines indicators, data transfer and implementation stages.

Thus, it is actually a Technical Specification for subsequent implementation.

An approximate list of further implementation work is as follows:

  • 1. Installation of the system at the Customer.
  • 2. Setting up the system in accordance with the decisions made, reflected in the Conceptual Design document.
  • 3. Development (if necessary). (Includes development of configuration changes according to a specific list of modifications, testing of modifications, delivery to the Customer).
  • 4. Data transfer (if necessary). (Includes the development of data transfer mechanisms (transfer rules or processing) in accordance with the decisions made, testing, delivery to the Customer).
  • 5. Definition and description of access rights for groups of Users (if this is not defined in the Conceptual Design/FTT document). (Includes survey, modeling, description, coordination).
  • 6. Setting up user rights in accordance with the decisions made (creating new roles if necessary).
  • 7. Formation of instructions. By groups of Users in accordance with the accepted scheme of work in the system.
  • 8. Personnel training (by groups of Users).
  • 9. Consulting users during trial operation.

1. Operational accounting blocks – Sales and CRM, Purchasing and supply, Production, WMS warehouse, Volume scheduling, Management accounting and cost accounting.
2. The Personnel and Salary blocks also require partial modeling according to processes agreed upon with the Customer. For example, on the calculation and reflection of salaries by area of ​​activity, on non-standard accruals such as “salary bonus”, etc.
3. The Regulated Accounting block takes data from the operational circuit, so it can be shifted in time relative to operational accounting. But almost all areas of regulated accounting must be modeled, carried out in accounting and tax accounting and demonstrated to the Customer, incl. on the numbers in standard reports.

Cost of transition to edition 2.4 of the "Complex Automation" configuration

* the approximate cost is indicated, the final estimate is possible after an express analysis

We present to you details about the capabilities of edition 2.0 compared to edition 1.1 and what is new in edition 2.4 of the “Complex Automation” configuration:


Financial management

Development of cash management capabilities and control of financial obligations:
  • accounting of credits, deposits and loans,
  • acquiring (payment cards),
  • flexible tools for maintaining a payment calendar,
  • routes for approving applications,
  • analytical reporting on cash flow,
  • inventory of mutual settlements,
  • monitoring and classification of overdue debts according to a set of parameters,
  • advanced tools for generating statistical and analytical reporting on the status of mutual settlements.


Solving problems of financial planning, scenario plan-fact analysis using budget management tools:
  • customizable budget types,
  • modeling in terms of scenarios,
  • support for multiple currencies,
  • tabular forms for data entry and correction,
  • analysis of achievement of planned indicators,
  • the financial analysis.
  • Monitoring and analysis of enterprise performance indicators
Tools for monitoring and analyzing enterprise activities according to target indicators:
  • building a hierarchical model of goals and target indicators,
  • creation of various options for indicators with the possibility of comparison,
  • monitoring of target indicators with transcripts of initial data,
  • extended analysis of financial results by area of ​​activity,
  • variety of graphic forms of analytical reports,
  • access from a mobile device (tablet, smartphone),
  • supplied demo for the metrics model.

Accounting and tax accounting

Modern tools for automating accounting and tax accounting, ensuring the preparation of regulated reporting in the organization:
  • unified chart of accounts for tax and accounting;
  • accounting of the facts of economic activity in a deferred manner with control of the relevance of the reflection;
  • settlements with separate divisions of the organization allocated to an independent balance sheet;
  • accounting and reflection of the movement of own, leased, rented, leased non-current assets (fixed assets and intangible assets), as well as accounting for expenses for capital construction and R&D;
  • use of the 1C-Reporting service for submitting accounting, tax, and statistical reporting to regulatory authorities.

HR management and payroll

Regulated personnel records and payroll calculations are unified with the “Salaries and Personnel Management” configuration, edition 3.0. New features include:
  • salary calculation based on employee output data;
  • complex of settlements with personnel;
  • flexible options for reflecting wages in financial and regulatory accounting.

Manufacturing control

Production accounting for actual releases:
  • description of production processes for manufacturing products (resource specifications);
  • registration of production plans;
  • registration of product releases and work performance;
  • support for releases tailored to customer orders;
  • accounting of employee output.

Cost management and costing

New opportunities for identifying and using the reserves available at the enterprise to reduce the costs of business activities:
  • separate cost accounting for separate releases (according to the intended use);
  • calculation of cost by production batches;
  • analysis of the production cost structure;
  • distribution of other expenses and income by areas of activity;
  • routine closure of the reporting period (month).

Sales management

Creating conditions for successful sales:
  • sales funnel;
  • registration and control of price, financial, volume and calendar sales conditions;
  • formation of price lists with information about remaining goods;
  • use of regulated sales processes, management of complex sales;
  • advanced management of customer orders, standard and individual sales rules, agreements;
  • support for managing the assortment of a chain of stores, taking into account different store formats;
  • customer self-service;
  • management of sales representatives;
  • support for Intercampany schemes;
  • carrying out marketing campaigns;
  • monitoring the status of sales processes;
  • planning the use of vehicles;
  • automatic control of the debt limit.

Customer Relationship Management

Convenient mechanisms that provide support at all stages of working with clients - from first contact to after-sales service:
  • formation of a strategy for relations with partners;
  • business processes for organizing interaction with clients;
  • dossier of a client, partner;
  • customer loyalty analysis;
  • claim work;
  • monitoring of transaction execution;
  • BCG analysis;
  • extended analysis of managers' performance indicators.

Procurement management

New tools for organizing an effective process of providing an enterprise with resources:
  • procurement management;
  • business processes of complex procurement;
  • control of supply conditions;
  • advanced analysis and selection of suppliers based on prices and conditions;
  • formation of the full cost of purchasing goods and materials;
  • control and analysis of supply requirements for products.

Warehouse and inventory management

  • complex hierarchical structure of warehouses;
  • cellular warehouse management;
  • separate accounting for orders - reservation of needs;
  • management of goods movement;
  • support for order document flow scheme;
  • mobile workplaces for warehouse workers;
  • accounting for reusable packaging;
  • statistical analysis of reserves, storage of ABC/XYZ analysis results;
  • calculation of forecast demand;
  • goods in warehouses according to expiration dates.

Improved usability

The default configuration uses the "Taxi" interface, which is maximally adapted to work on any mobile devices and low resolution screens. Along with the "Taxi" interface, the configuration supports the "1C:Enterprise 8.2" interface (in tabs and in separate windows). The user can choose the interface type in the program settings.

Setting up accounting detail is performed in the user mode by selecting functional options.

Seamless integration with the 1C: Document Flow configuration is provided, allowing you to use business process mechanisms to coordinate decisions and documents and save files in the 1C: Document Flow information base.

To prepare the information base for work, a wide range of tools for initial filling is provided, including the “Assistant for filling out settings and reference books.”

The scope of documents for entering initial balances at the time of system launch has been significantly expanded.

To reflect business activities, specialized workplaces are used, which allows you to perform targeted tasks with the ability to quickly search and access the information required for decision-making.

The economic activity of an enterprise is reflected within the operational framework with the possibility of its further presentation in accounting and tax accounting through deferred reflection.



  • The mechanism for using the relevance date when generating budget data has been clarified; in budget copies used to enter planned data, the user independently determines the need for the absence (presence) of later plan adjustments in the budget copy.
  • Work has been carried out to optimize the performance of the main mechanisms of the subsystem.

Treasury Department

  • A new payment offset option has been implemented, in which a payment document can act as an object of settlement and be included in invoices.
  • When offsetting an unused advance payment, you have the opportunity to change the payment offset rate to the one necessary in the current situation; The exchange rate can be changed both in the currency of regulated accounting and in the currency of management accounting.
  • Implemented group processing of payment documents based on data from several orders.


  • The work scheme for “sliding” planning has been optimized, the ability to edit the values ​​of previous plans and keep plans up to date for certain periods of time has been implemented; replacement of plans of the corresponding periods is ensured with subsequent storage of information about the replaced and replacement plans.
  • In production planning documents, the ability to analyze planning results by product launch dates has been added.


  • New features have been added to the "Sales Assistant" workplace: displaying information about the client (partner's dossier), creating requests for the return of goods from the client, quickly filling goods by product segment, forecasting the recommended number of sales to the client, controlling the minimum order amount within the framework of the deviation mechanism terms of sale.
  • To organize and simplify the work on processing documents for the movement of goods between organizations, a specialized workplace has been added, all documents drawn up according to the Intercampaign scheme have been combined, with the ability to quickly move to workplaces for processing documents based on issued orders.
  • It is ensured that assignments for work separated by line of business or customer order are filled in the work completion certificate document.
  • Support for the requirements of Federal Law No. 54-FZ is provided.


  • The procedure for creating agreements on the provision of agency services with the principal (supplier) has been supplemented.
  • Improved purchasing tools.
  • For purchased materials and goods, the “Goods in transit” scheme is reflected in the accounting system.
  • A mechanism is provided for reflecting uninvoiced deliveries of goods when making purchases.

Warehouse and delivery

Development of mechanisms for inventory management and organization of warehousing:
  • to set prices of goods in a currency other than the management accounting currency, a currency selection has been added to internal merchandise flow documents;
  • the list of scenarios for processing the delivery of goods has been expanded;
  • the setup of serial accounting of material assets in warehouses has been improved;
  • it is possible to register the shipment of goods in a volume exceeding the quantity specified in the selection task and the goods issue order, but within the permissible deviation;
  • the procedure for determining the CCD numbers of components when registering the assembly (disassembly) of goods has been changed;
  • control over the status of execution of orders for issuing invoices has been introduced;
  • a mechanism has been implemented to accept goods for safekeeping with the right to sell and use in production.
Toll scheme
  • Work with documents to reflect the tolling scheme has been unified using a common document journal.
  • A unified form of selection for orders/warrants is implemented in receipt and delivery invoices, as well as in documents transferring materials to production.
  • When placing orders, the processor is organized to fill out costing items, which are later used when filling out reports to processors.
  • The possibilities of providing materials for the production of products with the involvement of third-party processors have been expanded using the segregation option within the framework of a toll production scheme.
Financial results and controlling
Cost accounting and distribution tools have been improved, and the cost calculation mechanism has been expanded:
  • independent distribution of itemized expenses in management and regulatory accounting was supported;
  • for options for the distribution of itemized expenses, the procedure for selecting accounting analytics has been clarified;
  • options for classifying itemized expenses (into fixed and variable) have been expanded for a clearer distribution of them into the cost of production;
  • the ability to independently calculate costs in the management accounting currency has been implemented;
  • Separate generation of management reporting for the enterprise and management reporting for the organization in the currency of management accounting is ensured;
  • operations have been added to the month-closing procedure that take into account the procedure for calculating the cost of fixed assets and intangible assets accepted for accounting or modernized in the current period;
  • Diagnostics of routine month-end closing tasks has been expanded.
Regulated accounting
  • It is possible to specify an identification number (tax number) legal entity outside the Russian Federation.
  • Storage of the counterparty's TIN and KPP details in received invoices is supported.
  • The mechanism for reflecting information on registration with tax authorities of separate divisions of the organization, allocated to a separate balance sheet, has been improved.
  • The registration of a special taxation procedure for property tax has been changed.
  • The forms for declaration and calculation of advances on property tax have been updated.
  • VAT accounting for the export of raw materials has been supported.
  • Defined new order setting accounts when reflecting settlement transactions with counterparties using the parameters of GFC settlements.
  • The procedure for setting up accounts within the “Setting up the reflection of documents in regulated accounting” workplace has been improved.
  • Separate accounting for contracts was implemented in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 275-FZ.
  • The mechanism for accounting for non-current assets in managerial and regulated types of accounting has been improved; all types of accounting for non-current assets are based on data from the operational circuit.
  • The mechanism for calculating depreciation has been optimized for carrying out calculations with a large number of accounting objects.
HR management and payroll

Regulated personnel records and payroll calculations are unified with the configuration "Salaries and personnel management PROF", edition 3.1.3.

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