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Charging your smartphone for the first time after purchase. How to properly charge a new phone

Battery charging problems are quite common. When purchasing a gadget, you will notice that it is usually 30-80% charged. This charge is supported for a reason, but because it is the most optimal for a smartphone. In this article we will look at how to properly charge a new Xiaomi phone, and what not to do to make the battery last a little longer.

New lithium-ion and lithium-polymer batteries do not need to be pre-calibrated, and they do not need to be discharged to 0 and charged to 100% the first three times ( this can be done after some time, more on that below). However, new gadgets also have problems with energy consumption. It happens that after purchase the battery holds a charge for quite a long time, and after a month of operation its lifespan battery life drops significantly. This happens due to improper charging of the phone, excess loads and many other factors.

Why does my smartphone battery drain so quickly?

This question is of a general nature and does not only apply to Xiaomi phones. The battery on your old phones drained just as quickly as your new ones, only now smartphones use a lot more energy. This is because we use them every day, always and everywhere, which is why they have so many useful applications and functions.

It's all about background applications that cannot be disabled. This is the Android system itself, and a modern phone will last no more than 1-2 days (with constant use) and this will be considered the norm. But due to battery wear, this figure will decrease, as a result of which you will begin to blame the phone itself, but it should be due to your incorrect use of the device.

Below in the pictures you can see an example of using the battery on my . The data was taken after charging.


As you can see, voice calls take up the largest percentage of consumption; everything may be different for you. This data does not show the whole picture, but roughly you can see who is “eating” the largest supply.

For most phone owners, the Android system itself consumes about 40% of the battery.

Proper Battery Setting

There is a myth that the battery of a new phone you need to discharge to zero and then charge to 100%. However, it is not. This technology worked well on older devices. The new Xiaomis have galvanic elements installed that work differently. In simple words, The power controller connected to the board is responsible for charging the battery, and when it reaches 100%, it will protect your battery from the network, even when charging is turned on.

For modern smartphones, the optimal solution is to keep the indicator at an average level without completely discharging and completely refilling the battery. Such extreme conditions may damage or reduce its service life.

Attention! This is not a battery calibration, this is a test of the power controller for a new phone. It is not necessary to do it, there are no side effects. Decide for yourself.

When charging for the first time after purchase, do the following:

  1. We charge a switched off smartphone immediately after purchase. It must remain connected to the power source, even after the indicator is completely filled, for at least 12 hours (it is best to leave it overnight).
  2. We disconnect it from the network.
  3. We turn on the phone and charge it for an hour while it is running.
  4. Disconnect the charging cable and turn off Xiaomi.
  5. After five minutes, we connect the already switched off device to power.
  6. We charge for an hour.
  7. Turn it on and use it.

This instruction was tested on my Xiaomi Mi 5, Redmi 4X and Redmi 5 Plus immediately after purchase.

How to properly charge a new Xiaomi phone, or extend the battery life

Below I will talk about the 5 most important tips that will help extend the life of your smartphone battery. It is these recommendations that most experts agree on.

Modern smartphones charge quite quickly, but when connected to the mains for a long time, they deteriorate faster. This is especially important for models with batteries older than a year. Therefore, the device should not be left overnight.

Better leave your phone near you, while you work or do something else, this way you will control the charging process. All the same, your Xiaomi will eat no more than 3-5%, even if it lies in standby mode all night.

Always use the original charger

Absolutely any smartphone manufacturers recommend using their original charger. It’s not even a matter of marketing, it all depends on the current strength of the charging itself. New models increasingly use the “ fast charging" And for Quick Charge to proceed correctly, use only “original” power supplies.

What to do if the original charger is broken

Before purchasing an original charger, you can use any other analogue. It is important to note that the power supply must be identical in characteristics to the original one.

If possible, try not to use third-party cables or boxes. It is better to buy a new charger from an official seller in your region (order on Aliexpress from a trusted seller) than to risk your device.

Don't let your phone overheat

Even if you want to play a heavy game, remember that if the phone overheats too much, it can also affect the battery, the consequences will not appear immediately, but over time you will notice a loss of charge much faster than before.

The normal temperature of a smartphone should be between 35-38 degrees. Thanks to the craftsmen from Xiaomi, their smartphones are equipped with a built-in thermometer and antivirus. You can immediately check the heating of the device through the settings, and even cool it down (by resetting active applications).

Do I need to charge my smartphone to 100% and discharge to 0%?

As we mentioned above, magic numbers 100 and 0 No! Modern touch phones It is recommended to keep the charge at 10-90%, and then there will be no problems with battery wear.

To avoid damaging the battery initially, follow the instructions described above. For preventive purposes, you need to do calibration once a month: It is worth completely discharging your battery to 0%, and then charging it to 100% while it is turned off.

Frequently asked questions and their answers

Is fast charging effective?

The new Xiaomi has a fast charging function. There is an opinion that it harms the battery, but this is not so. If your smartphone has such a function, then you can safely use it. But you should not resort to it too often, since the battery may get used to it, and then in normal mode the indicator will take longer to fill. Tested on Xiaomi Mi5.

Is Power Bank harmful?

Some people like to use special devices for mobile charging smartphone anywhere. This will not only allow you to comfortably fill the battery without being tied to sockets, but will also allow you to safely recharge your Xiaomi during a long trip. PowerBank does not cause any harm to your phone's battery and can be used an unlimited number of times.

What can cause the charge indicator to start lying?

This situation can actually happen. In this case, the device usually shows more power than it actually is. This happens due to improper charging. If you fill the phone's battery only a small amount all the time, the gadget will change the indicator data, calculating them from the new discharge parameters. To fix this problem, once a month you need to completely shut down the Xiaomi and then charge it to 100%.

Video instruction

With proper use, your smartphone will serve you for many years. Follow the helpful tips below.

  1. Do not expose touch phones to too low temperatures. Normal work process can be carried out up to -20 degrees, some a little more, some a little less.
  2. Try not to carry your Xiaomi in your outerwear pockets. This can negatively affect the operation of various components, as can exposure to direct sunlight in summer and hot weather.
  3. Xiaomi recommends monitoring your phone's charge, and when it reaches 19-10 percent, put it on charge, this will double the number of charging cycles.
  4. If your model supports QC 3.0 and 4.0 and you constantly use this technology, it is better to sometimes charge the device in the usual way.

If after reading our article you still have doubts, misunderstandings, questions, or you would like to share useful additional information - write in the comments or in our telegram chat @mifaq_chat. Long service to your Xiaomi everyone!

Owners of most modern smartphones are not happy with the operating time of the electronic device without recharging, so many are thinking about optimizing its operation. It is equally important to put the gadget into operation correctly so that the battery subsequently works longer and more efficiently. To do this, it will be useful to know how to charge new battery on a smartphone so that after that it retains its original capacity for a long time. Achieve desired result Practical advice will help.

Charging the battery after purchasing a smartphone

For normal further use of the battery, it must be charged in a certain way the first few times.

First, you need to wait until the smartphone is completely discharged and turns off. Then you need to immediately connect it to the mains using your original charger and start it up. Add 2 hours to the recommended charging time listed in the user manual. Modern chargers are capable of turning off the power after the battery reaches the required capacity, but it is better not to rely on this, but to disconnect it from the outlet yourself. After this, you can start using the gadget normally.

This procedure will need to be repeated with the battery 2-3 more times.

Continued use of the smartphone battery

After several repetitions, bringing the battery level from 0 to 100%, you will be able to use the device in the most convenient mode. Experts recommend keeping the battery charge level at approximately 10-90% to increase the number of available discharge cycles.

It is important to remember that storing a mobile device for a long time with a completely empty (0%) or full (100%) battery is undesirable.

Monthly prevention

It consists of repeating the procedure performed immediately after purchasing the gadget approximately once a month, which includes completely discharging and filling the battery to 100%. In this case, one repetition is enough.

Charging device

It is recommended to use only original models, especially when leaving the smartphone unattended for a long time. In this case, there is a high probability of overcharging the battery. Particular care must be taken when choosing chargers that receive power from the car cigarette lighter so that they are ideally suited to the characteristics of a particular battery.

By following the described requirements, the smartphone user will be able to make the operation of the new battery trouble-free and as efficient as possible.

Modern mobile device, in addition to its original purpose - a means of communication - performs many other functions. This includes access to the Internet, a photo and video camera, the ability to watch movies, listen to music and play games, and much more. Therefore, the batteries of such devices have to be charged frequently. How to do this correctly to extend the life of the battery and increase its resource?


Types of telephone batteries

Modern smartphones use lithium-ion (li-ion) and lithium polymer (li-pol) batteries. Lithium-ion replaced their predecessors - nickel-cadmium and nickel-metal hydride - and surpassed them in many respects. However, during operation, their shortcomings were also discovered. Lithium electrodes turned out to be unstable. Therefore, this material was no longer used in its pure form, replaced by various compounds. The resulting batteries met all the requirements, and therefore firmly occupied their niche.

Modern smartphones also use lithium polymer batteries. It uses the principle of the transition of polymers to a semiconductor. Electrolyte ions are introduced into polymers, this improves conductivity.

Today the following types of batteries are produced:

  • polymer electrolytes with lithium salts embedded in them;
  • dry polymer-based electrolytes;
  • microporous matrices into which non-aqueous solutions of lithium salts are embedded.

Developments in this direction are ongoing to this day, so the technology continues to improve.

Older phones usually use nickel-cadmium and nickel-metal hydride.

How to properly charge a new smartphone battery

Many people have heard that a new battery needs to be charged in a special way, otherwise it will fail faster. But if the battery is non-removable, then replacing it will not be easy at all.

  1. Completely discharge the battery to zero. There is no need to do this on purpose, torturing the smartphone in every way - let the discharge occur gradually, during normal use. The main thing is that it is complete.
  2. Then put the device on charge. You need to look in the manual for it to see how long a full charge and discharge cycle takes, and add a couple of hours to the battery recovery time.
  3. After fully charging, use the phone as usual, but again wait until it is completely discharged and repeat the procedure. And so - 3-4 times. This increases the battery life and allows it to last longer.

Important! Such a “buildup” is acceptable only for new smartphones; if the device has been in use for a long time, then the reception can, on the contrary, be harmful.

How to properly charge a new phone with a li-ion battery

There are some nuances here. Lithium-ion batteries do not handle full discharge and charge very well. Therefore, even at the very beginning of operation, you should not abuse the “swing”, limiting yourself to 2-3 times. In the future, the battery charge should be kept within 20-80%; you should not allow it to completely discharge, nor should you keep it plugged in all the time. It would be optimal to not allow the battery to charge completely, leaving the charge at 90-95%.

How to properly charge a new smartphone with a li-pol battery

Li-polymer batteries do not like deep discharge at all. Manufacturers recommend charging the battery completely the first few times, but in this case it is better not to let it drop to zero. At an indicator of 10-15 percent, it is worth connecting the device to the mains. In the future, it is recommended to recharge it at every convenient opportunity - in small portions.

There are different opinions on whether a new phone should be completely discharged and charged. On the one hand, li-ion and li-pol do not have a memory effect, so this makes no sense. On the other hand, during production, an inhibitor is added to the battery, which should extend the life of the battery, and it is during the first charging and discharging that it is destroyed, which allows for maximum life expectancy and capacity to be achieved.

How to extend your phone battery life

Different batteries require different approaches, but there are general rules that should be followed for all types of batteries to extend their service life:

  1. You should only use the “native” charger - when it reaches full charge, it stops supplying power to it, even if you do not disconnect it from the network. Therefore, recharging will not occur in any case. Using someone else's charger can damage the battery's performance. “Native” chargers also meet all the requirements for this particular model: voltage, output current, power.
  2. It is necessary to maintain the optimal temperature both during operation and during storage of the smartphone. This is room temperature. Both overheating and hypothermia, as well as sudden temperature changes, are equally harmful to the device.
  3. If no one will use the mobile device for a long time, then you should not fully charge it before doing so, nor should you discharge it to zero. This will damage the battery. It is optimal to turn off and put away the phone when the charge level is about 50%.

How to properly charge a smartphone with a li-ion battery

Lithium-ion batteries do not like to be completely discharged (except for calibration) and recharged. It is optimal to maintain the charge level between 20 and 90%.

You can charge in different ways:

  1. Standard charger. Its characteristics are optimal, so it is advisable to use it. Only if this is not possible, resort to other methods.
  2. While working at the computer, you can also connect your mobile device to it and charge it. However, this will take much longer than charging through a wall outlet.
  3. Cigarette lighter in a car. Convenient for those who drive, but the process may also not be quick, depending on the device parameters.
  4. Universal memory. Such a device is popularly called a “frog”. Suitable for different types of batteries.

How to properly charge a phone with a li-pol battery

Lithium-polymer batteries do not like overdischarge and 100% charge. It is better to keep it in the range from 20 to 90%, and when this indicator is reached, disconnect from the network. If, while discharging, you still miss the moment and the device turns off, you do not need to keep it in this state, but should immediately put it on charge.

With lithium-polymer batteries, you should not be afraid of recharging too often - on the contrary, this should be done in small portions whenever possible. The main thing is not to keep it on charge for several hours and not reach 100% of the scale.

It is harmful for such a battery to be constantly connected to the electrical network. The controller built into the charger will disconnect it from charging at the right moment, but heat will continue to flow. This harms the lithium polymer battery.

All batteries have a built-in controller that controls the charging and discharging process. That is, when the battery is discharged to zero, there is still some amount of charge left, and when it reaches 100%, the controller stops sending current into the battery; as soon as the charge level drops to 99%, the voltage will flow again.

Do not charge your phone while lying on a fabric surface as this will cause the battery to heat up.

How to properly charge a phone with a ni-mh battery

Nickel-metal hydride (ni-MH) batteries are less durable than modern ion batteries. They also have a memory effect. That is, the battery “remembers” what state its charge reached before and begins to discharge faster.

To prevent this from happening, such batteries need to be “trained”: periodically completely discharged and then fully charged. This allows you to increase capacity by an average of 5%.

What is not allowed when charging a phone battery

All batteries, without exception, do not tolerate:

  • hypothermia;
  • overheating;
  • blows and other physical damage;
  • sudden change in temperature;
  • use of non-native memory;
  • permanent connection to the power grid.

Depending on the type, they also have some other “predilections”.

With li-ion battery

  • frequent complete discharge;
  • constant 100% charge;
  • storage in a discharged state;
  • too frequent charge calibration;
  • overheating and hypothermia.

It’s better to keep the battery charge up to 90%, and do a “training session” every few months, and everything will be fine.

With li-pol battery

The following should not be allowed with this type of battery:

  • full discharge;
  • training or calibration;
  • full charge;
  • permanent connection to the power grid;
  • overheating and hypothermia.

Just like with li-on, the optimal charge will be in the range from 20 to 90%.

With ni-mh battery

The following should not be allowed with this type of battery:

  • recharge;
  • frequent charge “little by little”;
  • storage fully charged or completely discharged;
  • overheat.

In order not to lose the capacity of such a phone, it is recommended to charge it completely and discharge it as much as possible. “Train” periodically.

Video: How to properly charge your phone battery


It's worth understanding that whether you have an Android, an iPhone, or an old black and white cell phone, none of these devices can last forever. Battery aging and failure is an inevitable process. However, with proper handling you can slow it down and extend the life of your mobile device.

For your phone to live a long and happy life, you must not only be wary of awkward falls, but also remember to properly charge the battery. Read more about this issue in our text.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

Have you already turned 18?

Most people still believe that new smartphone, in particular its battery, after purchase it must be immediately discharged to zero. And only then can the new battery be used to its maximum potential. Unfortunately, this is not the case at all.

The fact is that a modern cell phone differs from its prehistoric predecessors not only in its touch screen, the presence of the Internet and a built-in camera, but even in its battery.

Previously, mobile phones were equipped with iron-nickel batteries, which actually had to be discharged immediately after purchase. This is due to the fact that these types of batteries had the so-called “memory effect”. The essence of the effect is very simple: when the battery was charged from 20%, the device accepted 80% as a full charge. Thus, due to the first unsuccessful charge, you have already lost 1/5 of your potential energy reserve. Therefore, it is not surprising that buyers of new smartphones are worried about such an issue as the first charge.

But there is no need to panic. Nowadays, in modern smartphones, iron-nickel batteries have been replaced by lithium ion batteries (i ion). Therefore, in modern realities, it is correct to ask not how much to charge this or that device, but how to do it correctly.

Modern smartphones, for example, Honor or iPhone, require more regular recharging rather than charging the device in 1 times from 0 to 100%.

Under no circumstances should you allow your smartphone to discharge to 0% - such actions lead to the device gradually beginning to lose a potential amount of energy that cannot be restored in the future.

This is why smartphones remind you of low battery charge already at 20% and repeat when 10% remains. Remember that if your battery reserve has reached such a low value, then it must be charged. The optimal battery charge is between 40 and 80%. Stick to it, and then your smartphone will live as long as possible.

Also, experts from the Battery University portal note that it is advisable to charge the smartphone with 50% of the remaining energy. If you follow this nuance, then, according to research, the life of the battery will increase 4 times. If the smartphone has restored its power reserve to 100%, then you should not leave it on charge, since the device’s battery overheats, which also leads to a reduction in potential.

However, if you have such a lifestyle that your smartphone can only be charged at night, then energy-saving sockets are sold especially for you on the modern market. This device has a built-in timer. Therefore, if you know that your gadget will reach its maximum charge in an hour and a half, set the time on the timer and relax.

Also, high-quality original smartphones already have built-in charge controllers, which, when reaching 100%, independently turn off the flow of additional energy.

However, you need to periodically discharge the device before turning it off, but not more than once a month. This is due to the fact that due to regular recharging, the sensors that monitor the remaining energy may become confused. It is because of this that your device may unexpectedly turn off at 10%. Therefore, once a month, do not be afraid to discharge the equipment before turning it off, and then charge it to 100%, because in this way you will restore the correct operation of the sensors.

By the way, you can find out about the capabilities of your battery easily and for free thanks to the Battery Life application. It will show the number of charge cycles of your device, battery wear, and also indicate which specific applications require the most energy.

How to properly charge a Xiaomi phone

If you are thinking of purchasing a new and fashionable one or have already acquired the ultimate Redmi 4x, then there is no point in worrying: charging such a device is much easier than discharging it, because the battery capacity of the latter is 4100 mAh.

However, if your “Xiomi” still loses ground and turns off at 20% charge, there is no need to panic; nevertheless, our instructions are universal and suitable for all types of modern smartphones. You just need to calibrate the charge sensors by discharging the phone to 0% and charging it to 100%.

If this does not help you, then the problem is probably due to the technical aspects of the device. In this case, do not be lazy to refer to the instructions, paying attention to what it says about the recharging duration. Leave the phone connected to the outlet for the specified amount of time. After this, if the phone is 100% charged, you can unplug it. Next, adhere to the above rules. If the phone still continues to act up, then you should contact technical support for advice.

How to properly charge your Android phone

Basically, modern smartphones produce monolithic devices without the ability to change the battery. Dead battery - consider a new smartphone. That is why many owners of modern devices have become so careful about the health of the battery.

However, Android owners have repeatedly noticed that their phone begins to discharge faster in hot weather. The fact is that a lithium-ion battery drains much faster if you allow the device to overheat. Therefore, make sure that your smartphone is not charged while lying in the sun or near a radiator that is on.

Also, owners of Android smartphones are accustomed to using low-quality chargers, as well as cheap Chinese power banks. Despite the similarity appearance, the contents of such devices are seriously inferior to the original analogues. Therefore, no one can guarantee how many years such charging will last, and how its operation will affect your phone.

It is also worth considering that a traditional charger is divided into two types of charge:

  1. Transformer: a traditional charger that charges the device with a constant, equal amount of energy.
  2. Pulse: A charger with a built-in timer that stops the constant flow of energy after 4 hours of use. After this period of time, charging supplies the equipment with small impulses, maintaining the device’s charge without dangerous overheating.

How to properly charge a Samsung phone

As for the Korean media giant, charging the new Galaxy correctly is a piece of cake. In addition to the fact that the entire line of smartphones has software on Android, which is constantly updated, and the contents of the models are getting better and better every year.

Eg, Samsung Galaxy The S9 has a battery capacity of 3000 mAh, while its big brother S9+ has a capacity of 3500 mAh. It is not so easy to waste such a charge, but it is possible.

Remember, if your device is discharged, under no circumstances leave it in this state for a long period of time. One of the most common reasons why customers contact technical service is the reluctance of the smartphone to turn on after a long discharge.

Otherwise, if you follow the above rules, there is no reason to worry. Samsung is reliable technology.

How to properly charge your phone battery with a frog

If you still have not acquired a smartphone with a built-in battery, and your phone cannot be charged using a standard charger, then you can always resort to using a “frog”.

The frog is a charger that can replenish the energy of completely different batteries. Externally, this unit has nothing in common with an ordinary amphibious creature - on one side of the device there is a plug for the socket, and on the other side there is a clamp that ensures contact with the battery.

An important advantage of this device is its versatility, which can charge both a phone battery and a camera battery. The operating principle is very simple: you just need to remove the battery from the device and connect it to the frog terminals. Once you plug the device with the battery into the outlet, the indicator lights will tell you whether it is charging. The light will also change to green when the battery is 100% charged.

It is also worth noting that modern models of this device got adapters and a USB port for phones with a built-in battery.

So, let's summarize:

  • do not allow your smartphone to discharge to 0% (except for monthly preventive discharge);
  • if it is discharged, put it on charge as quickly as possible;
  • try to recharge your smartphone throughout the day;
  • completely discharge and charge the device once a month;
  • do not leave your smartphone on charge all night unless you use an energy-saving outlet;
  • Do not allow the device to overheat.

Majority latest smartphones Apple, Sony, Samsung and other manufacturers produce monolithic gadgets without the ability to replace the battery.

This has become a prerequisite for properly charging the phone, because now its service life directly depends on. To properly charge your smartphone or tablet, you need to follow simple but effective methods. There is a “three no” system that will prevent rapid wear of the battery and ensure its long operation.

Counterfeit chargers

DO NOT use cheap counterfeit chargers.

Despite the external similarity with the originals, their technical component is significantly different. By using such devices you will not receive any warranty. As part of a test purchase, the foreign portal Lifehacker compared the quality of adapters from original manufacturers, third-party companies and cheap counterfeits. As a result, it turned out that only certified chargers work 100%. Chargers from KMS and Belkin are a little behind them, and the operation of counterfeits does not meet the requirements and rules.

Be sure to check out our material about Android smartphones.

Full discharge

NOT allowed full discharge batteries.

This is one of the most controversial statements. In fact, everything is simple: experts who prove the opposite mean nickel-cadmium batteries of the last century. Due to their inefficiency, manufacturers have switched to installing modern lithium-ion power supplies. It is recommended not to allow this to happen, but if this happens, charge the device as quickly as possible.

Warm places

DO NOT charge your smartphone near working radiators or in other hot places.

This thesis is explained by the plate below. It shows the approximate charge consumption depending on temperature. Not only the battery suffers from overheating, but also the phone screen.

At the end of the article I would like to give some useful tips on extending the life of the battery:

  • Once every 2-3 months, practice fully discharging/charging the battery. This will allow you to correct the correct display of the charge level on the device screen. Otherwise, the gadget may show unreliable percentage figures.
  • If your gadget discharges quickly, accept the situation.
  • Try not to leave your smartphone behind. This may have a detrimental effect on battery performance, and relying on the automatic power-off function in charger- quite a risky step.
  • To extend battery life, turn off the device at night at least a couple of times a month. A complete lack of activity has a positive effect on battery life.
  • Be sure to check out our article about.

Following these simple rules will ensure a long and stable work smartphone or tablet battery.

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