Computer literacy, assistance and repair

How to identify a pass-through switch. Connecting a pass-through switch

Walk-throughs were created for convenient control of lighting in long corridors, staircases, walk-through rooms and other places. They are installed between floors, when going down to the basement, near the doors of rooms that have several entrances. While in your home, it is convenient to switch utility rooms. Or control the porch lights and personal plot. The walk-through switch makes it possible to control lighting from different places, saving people from inconvenience. This also saves electricity.

A regular switch contains a two-position key and a pair of contacts. Wires are connected to them. In contrast, the built-in switch pass-through switch consists of three contacts: one common and two changeover. Each of them is also connected to a wire. To control lighting from several places, for example from two, a 4-pin switching device is required. In addition, there must be one wire connection to each. Thus, you can control not only lighting, but also any other electrical appliances, although installation of the circuit becomes more complicated.

How does a single key switch work?

The principle of operation is that a changeover contact opens one circuit, and at the same time closes another. The connection diagram for the pass-through switch is always on its reverse side. One of the contacts is common (1), and the other two are changeover (2, 3). From two such devices located in different places, you can assemble the simplest and most common scheme for controlling a lamp from two different points.

Terminals 2 and 3 of switches PV1 and PV2 matching in number are connected to each other by wiring. Input part 1 from PV1 is connected to the phase, and PV2 is connected to the lamp. The other end of the lamp is connected to the neutral power wire. How the pass-through switch circuit works is tested by turning it on. To begin with, voltage is applied. In this case, the lamp sequentially lights up or goes out when any of the switches is switched independently. If the circuit of one of them is broken, the circuit stops working. But at the same time, another line is being prepared to turn on.

How to connect a simple pass-through switch?

Before installation, you should draw a diagram of all connections.

First, (RK) is installed. All wires will be collected and connected in it. Power is supplied here from the control panel. To do this, a three-core cable 3 x 1.5 mm is laid. It is the most common for all connection schemes. Here, two wires are power supply, and the third is for grounding electrical appliances. In addition, 2 socket boxes are installed in which the switches will be placed. Three-core cables are laid from each glass and from the lamp to the RK.

Once all the wires and cables are in place, connections are made. First, the phase L wire is connected between the output of the machine and the input of PV1 (No. 1). Then the corresponding output contacts (2-2, 3-3) of the switches are connected to each other. Next, they are installed in the socket box. Two cartridge terminals to input PV2 (No. 1) and to the blue neutral wire from the control panel. If it is supplied from its output contact, if single-pole - from the zero bus. The end of the grounding conductor is insulated. Or it is connected to the lamp body if it is metal.

When all connections are completed, the light bulb is screwed into the socket. Then the circuit of the pass-through switch is checked by turning on the machine in the panel. The lamp may light up immediately. Or after turning on PV1 or PV2. You can turn it off by pressing the key of any of the switches. Important! The switches do not have fixed “on” and “off” positions.

Cross switch

Connecting pass-through switches in three places requires additional installation of a device with cross-connection of contacts. It consists of 2 single-key devices with internal jumpers, assembled in one housing.

A cross switch (CS) is installed between two conventional ones. It only applies to them. His distinctive feature is the presence of four terminals (2 inputs and 2 outputs). To control from four points, you need to add another such device to the circuit. The PP should be connected to the changeover contacts of the pass-through switches in such a way that a working power supply circuit for the lamp is created.

Complex contact groups require a large number of wires and connections. It is preferable to assemble several simple circuits. They work reliably and are easy to use. Note! All main connections are made in junction boxes. No twists should be made on the supply wires.

Which model should you choose?

Which pass-through switch to use depends primarily on the type of wiring. For open ones, overhead models are selected. Under the hidden you will need socket boxes. Suitable sizes should be selected so that they can be connected to each other. It is important to set the normal and cross switches with the same appearance. Devices can be rotary, keyboard, lever, touch. Contacts are selected for the appropriate load. Switching should be easy. The devices must be securely fastened.

Installation of a three-point switching system

To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Draw a wiring diagram.
  2. Mark and drill grooves and recesses for wiring and boxes.
  3. Install distribution parts. They are selected in large sizes so that 12 connections can be made inside.
  4. Install socket boxes.
  5. Lay the cable from the panel to the connection points.
  6. Connect the wires to the switches and terminals in the boxes. Label the wires. Assemble the circuit sequentially, checking the correct connections.
  7. Place the switches in their places.

Connecting pass-through two-key switches

The device consists of 2 single-key independent switches. They are collected in one building. They work on the same principle of transferring contacts. But at the same time, the number of inputs is 2, and the number of outputs is 4. The difference is that the 2 switches are located at different points. Their keys work for different lamps.

Installation of two-key switches for control from two places

The sequence of actions should be like this:

  1. A diagram is drawn up, without which it is difficult to make connections.
  2. Distribution boxes and socket boxes are installed.
  3. 2 lighting groups are installed.
  4. Three-core cables are laid based on connection to the 6 contacts of each switch and to the lamps.
  5. According to the drawn up diagram, the cable cores are connected in the junction box, to the lamp sockets and to the switches.

The two-key pass-through switch can be replaced with a circuit of four single-key switches. But it will be irrational. Since more junction boxes will be required and cable consumption will increase.

Control of two lighting systems from three places

A two-key pass-through switch can be a cross switch. It is installed as a kit. That is, it also includes two two-key limit switches if you need to control the lighting from three points. It will have 4 inputs and 4 outputs.

Installation is carried out as follows:

  1. To install the circuit, a standard box with a diameter of 60 mm is not enough. Therefore, its size should be larger. Or you need to install 2-3 pieces in series. ordinary.
  2. There are 12 wire connections for connection. To do this, you will need to lay 4 three-core cables. Here you should correctly mark the cores. Two limit switches have 6 contacts each, and the cross switch has 8 contacts.
  3. A phase is connected to PV1. Then you need to make the necessary connections. On the back of the device there is a diagram of a two-key pass-through switch. It must be correctly combined with external connections.
  4. PV2 is connected from lamps.
  5. The four outputs of PV1 are connected to the inputs of the cross switch, and then its outputs are connected to the 4 inputs of PV2.


The pass-through switch is convenient. No extra walking up stairs or long corridors is required to turn a light bulb on or off. Sometimes it is simply necessary. In addition, energy is saved due to fast switching. It is important to choose the right devices and correctly install electrical connections.

Conventional switches that are installed in our homes are capable of turning lights on and off from one place. Agree that the chandelier, which is located in the bedroom, can only be turned on with the switch, which is located there.

But what to do if you need to control one lamp from different rooms at the same time. It is difficult to assemble such a circuit using conventional switches. Pass-through switches, or switches as they are also called, will come to the rescue.

Such switches are used to organize control of lamps independently from several places. The proposed connection scheme is not only very convenient, but also allows for quite significant energy savings.

Let's consider in this article how to assemble in the junction box.

The use of walk-through switches to control the lighting of staircases is especially important. Often, circuits using time relays are used for this purpose, but it should be recognized that they are not so convenient to use, less reliable and economical.

Everyone moves up stairs at different speeds, and you yourself can climb light today, and tomorrow with a heavy suitcase. Setting large time delays taking into account the reserve means reducing savings.

The proposed scheme allows you to turn on the lamps below with one switch, and when going up the stairs, turn them off with another. If you need to go downstairs, you use the walk-through switch at the top to turn on the light and at the bottom to turn it off. It is also convenient to use a similar scheme for lighting long corridors.

However, pass-through switches will be useful not only for owners of long corridors and multi-story buildings. They will also be very useful for residents of small apartments. Typical situation. Your apartment has a walk-through room, when entering which you turn on the light, then go to the next room, turn on the light in it, and turn off the lighting in the walk-through room that has become unnecessary. Agree - very convenient. Eliminates unnecessary walking and saves electricity.

One more example. You go into the bedroom and turn on the light at the door. When you go to bed, you turn on the table lamp or sconce to read a book before bed, but now you have to get up again, go to the door and turn off the chandelier! But you don’t have to do this if you have previously installed a pass-through switch at the head of the bed.

To implement such a control scheme, so-called “pass-through switches” are used, which, strictly speaking, are actually switches. Unlike conventional switches, they have not two, but three contacts and can switch the “phase” from the first contact to the second or third.

Any type of lamp can be used as a light source in such a scheme - from conventional incandescent lamps to fluorescent, energy-saving and LED. However, using the same scheme, you can connect not only lamps, but also any other load, the activation of which you need to control from several places.

How to connect a pass-through switch - control circuit for a lamp from 2 places

The procedure for connecting a pass-through switch is not much different from connecting a conventional switch. The only difference is in the number of contact terminals and wires supplied. The pass-through switch has three of them.

Please note in advance that you need to stretch a three-core wire from the junction box to such a switch.

Pass-through switch connection diagram - control of a lamp from 2 places

The circuit uses two pass-through switches and a distribution box into which wires from the controlled lamp and three-wire wires from the switches are inserted.

The phase wire from the junction box is connected to the common input contact of the first pass-through switch. The other two (output) contacts are connected to wires coming from similar contacts of the second switch. And the common (input) contact of the second switch is connected to the wire coming from the lamp.

The second wire from the lamp is directly connected to the junction box zero.

The cross-section of the three-core wire supplied to the pass-through switches must be selected in accordance with the power of the controlled luminaire.

How to connect a pass-through switch - 3-place lamp control circuit

In certain cases, it becomes necessary to provide not two, but more control points for lamps. For example, the light on the stairs of a multi-story building must be turned on and off on each floor. The same situation occurs with a long corridor into which the doors of several rooms open.

It is possible to implement such a scheme, but in addition to simple pass-through switches, you will also need cross switches. Such switches no longer have three, but four contacts - two input and two output, representing two pairs of simultaneously switched contacts. Accordingly, a four-wire wire must be connected to such switches.

Pass-through switch connection diagram - control of a lamp from 3 places

In this control scheme, conventional pass-through switches are used at the first and last control points of the lamps and cross switches at all the others.

The number of control points is not limited; only the complexity of switching in the distribution box increases due to the large number of wires connected to it. And here you cannot do without proper marking of the wires when laying them, otherwise you will simply get confused in them.

The connection principle is as follows: the output pair of contacts of the first pass-through switch is connected to the wires going to the input pair of the next cross switch, and so on, up to the last pass-through switch, the common contact of which is connected to the wire going to the lamp. The phase wire is connected to the input contact of the first switch, and the second wire from the lamp is connected to the zero of the junction box.

We stretch a three-wire wire to each pass-through switch, and a four-wire wire to each crossover switch.

The diagram presented shows the connection of three lighting control points, consisting of one crossover and two pass-through switches.

A little clarification on the connection diagrams

Let's look at how it works. The presented diagrams use the following elements: connection box, lamp, pass-through switches and connecting wires, for which, during the installation process, cables of different designs are used.

The first of the proposed schemes is a connection of a pass-through switch, in which control is carried out from two different locations, this type The circuit is considered quite simple to implement.

With this type of connection, one wire, which is neutral, is directed from the source of electricity to the lamp through the junction box. The second, which is phase, is also directed through the junction box to the switch contact.

Thus, two pairs of switch contacts are connected to each other. To light the lamp, the phase is supplied to the lamp from the common contact of the second pass-through switch.

The second diagram shows the connection of pass-through switches together with a changeover or cross switch. This scheme makes it possible to control lighting from three different places.

We’ve figured out the connection diagram, now let’s learn more about its installation. It consists of installing pass-through switches and further laying three-core cables from them. Lamps connected in parallel are also installed, from which a two-core cable extends.

At the same time, we also install a junction box, where we lay cables from: switches, lamps, and power supply, to connect them together, in accordance with the above diagram. In this case, you should pay attention to choosing a suitable location for installing the junction box, taking into account the length of the cables used.

I hope this article “” helped you deal with all connection issues, if you have any questions or suggestions, ask them in the comments, I will be happy to answer.

Pass-through switches are devices designed to provide control of a single light source from two or more different locations. Schemes using them are somewhat more complex than traditional ones, since they involve the installation of several switching devices.

Lighting using walk-through switches is usually installed in long corridors, on stairs, garden paths, and in bedrooms. This scheme allows you to turn on the light at one end of the room and turn it off at the other without returning to the first switch.

Pass-through switches are classified in the same way as regular switches.

By number of keys:

  • single-key;
  • three-key
  • one- or two-key cross (used in cases where lighting control must be carried out from three or more places).

By type of control:

  • keyboards;
  • sensory;
  • with remote control, etc.

The main criterion when choosing a pass-through switch is the number of keys: it must correspond to the number of groups of simultaneously switched on lighting elements.

The type of device (keys, sensor or something else) is of secondary importance and depends entirely on personal preference and budget.

Operating principle - features of electrical circuit switching

Based on the principle of operation, it would be more correct to call pass-through light switches switches. Externally, they look almost the same as ordinary switches. The main differences between them are their contact systems.

The purpose of traditional switches is to make and break electrical circuit. Switches also perform similar functions, but their specificity determines some design features.

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You can find out which dimmer installation scheme to choose for a specific lighting system.

Similar to two-gang switches, the pass-through switch circuit has three contacts. However, this additional contact has a completely different function. When a conventional switch is tripped, the circuit simply breaks. , opening one circuit, simultaneously closes another, which, in turn, is the contacts of a paired switch (these devices are not used individually).

The connection of pass-through switches is based on changeover contacts operating on the rocker principle. Some of these devices have a zero position, when turned on, both circuits are open, but in practice such devices are used extremely rarely.

When the switch positions are changed, the current is redirected to the corresponding terminal. As a result, one of the possible power circuits of the light source remains closed. The lighting fixture turns on when both switches are in the same positions.

A feature of the lighting scheme using pass-through switches is the mandatory presence of a switching box in it.

Cross switches: lighting control circuit from three or more places

Pass-through crossover switches are used in cases where it is necessary to organize lighting control from three or more places. These devices can perform transit functions without affecting the operation of pass-through switches, and at the same time they themselves are a switch.

Their design feature is the presence of five connection terminals, of which two are connected to the first switch, two to the second, and the fifth, which provides control from three places, is transitive. To control lighting from four places, you will need to install two crossover switches.

If there are several lighting groups in the room, two-key cross switches are used.

Pass-through switches significantly simplify lighting control and make it more convenient. If previously the use of such schemes was mainly due to the peculiarities of the layout of the room, now they can be found almost everywhere.

Video instructions demonstrating the principle of operation of a pass-through switch

A pass-through switch is a device that can be used to control one light source from different places. These devices are installed in long corridors, as well as in passages and on stairs. Recently, they have increasingly begun to be used in bedrooms: one switch at the entrance to the room, and the second near the bed. Their convenience lies in the fact that in order to turn off the light in the corridor or room, there is no need to return. They are also used in offices: in this case, sitting down at the table and turning on the table lamp, you can turn off the top lamp without leaving your workplace. In this article we will talk about how to make a pass-through switch from an ordinary one yourself.

Features of the pass-through switch

Unlike a conventional double switch, a pass-through switch has three contacts. These devices are connected to each other via a three-core cable, which can run openly from the outside, or can be hidden inside the wall in a grooved groove.

The connection is made in such a way that neutral wire went to the light source, and the phase went into the open circuit to the switch. The neutral cable goes through the power distribution box to the lamp, the phase cable goes to the input.

Two cables are connected to the output, and the electrical circuit is alternately closed using a jumper. These wires are connected to the second switch, and one of them goes further to the lamp. Thus, electricity is transferred from the first line to the second.

Such a device as a triple pass-through switch is available for free sale today, but its cost is quite high. And if you don’t want to overpay a lot of money, you can make a pass-through switch with your own hands. This does not require any special tools or any special professional skills.

Externally, a pass-through switch is indistinguishable from a regular one, and may have one or more switch keys. The difference between them is internal structure. At home, main switches with one key are usually used. However, it is more correct to call a transition device a switch, since it is designed to switch electrical circuits. If the room is large, you may need a device with several keys.

Rework: procedure

Redesigning a conventional walk-through switch involves adding a third contact. For this operation, it is advisable for us to have two switches made by the same manufacturer: one and two keys.

They should not differ in size from each other. When purchasing a two-key device, you need to pay attention to whether it is possible to swap the terminals in such a way that the closing and opening of each circuit occurs independently of the other. Thus, one of the positions of the switch key will correspond to the inclusion of the first circuit, the other - to the second.

Now let’s move on directly to the actual work of remaking the device:

  • We loosen the clamps of the suitable cables, as well as the screws of the socket box spacers - this is necessary in order to pull the switch out of its socket in the wall. Naturally, the electricity must be turned off. It is also advisable to determine the location of the phase using a probe and make corresponding marks on the plastic insulation of the wire. This will make reinstallation of the device as easy as possible.
  • Having removed the switch, turn it over to the reverse side, unbend the body clamps and remove the electrical part. Using a regular screwdriver, this can be done in two to three minutes. Then, using a thick slotted screwdriver, remove the spring pushers located in the frame. You won't be able to do this with a thin screwdriver. When removing the pushers, be careful and take your time so as not to break or bend the elements.

  • There are two teeth at the ends of the dismantled part of the switch - they need to be pryed off using a slotted screwdriver.
  • Let's move on to the main stage of the procedure. On the ceramic base of the device there are three groups of contacts: general, individual and movable (rocker arms). One of the rocker contacts must be rotated 180 degrees, after which one contact pad belonging to the general group must be cut off (there is no need to insulate it after this). After this, the previously removed part of the product is installed in place.

  • The key is then removed from the single switch and installed on the converted two-key device. If you don’t have a single switch, you can glue two buttons together. The easiest way to do this is with a special gun. Now, when the contacts of one circuit are closed, the other will hang in the air.

As can be seen from the above, the procedure is quite simple and will not take much of your time.

Disadvantages of pass-through switches

It should be noted that these devices, due to their specific nature, have minor disadvantages:

  • It is impossible to determine whether a device is turned off or on based on the location of its keys.
  • You cannot turn the lamp on or off from different places at the same time.

These minor drawbacks do not affect the operation of the device in any way and are unlikely to influence the decision to install them or make them yourself, but you must be prepared that in the first time after installing the switch, some confusion may arise.

The process of converting a conventional switch into a walk-through one is clearly shown in the video:

If you don’t want to disassemble the switch, then the next video shows how to connect directly. It is not as effective as the first one, but as an option in case of emergency it can be useful:


A pass-through switch, either purchased in a store or made independently, is a very convenient device. Turning a light fixture on and off from different locations eliminates the need to go back and forth from one end of the room to the other just to click a button.

In this material, we looked in detail at how you can convert a regular switch into a walk-through switch. With some skill, you will not only save your money, but also make a fully functional and neat switch yourself, practically in no way inferior to a factory one. It can be used in the same way as a factory product. And not everyone can boast of having such a homemade device in their home, so this will be an additional reason for you to be proud of yourself.

The article discusses the operating principle of a pass-through and changeover switch, and provides wiring diagrams for switches designed to control lighting from two, three or more places. Tips are provided on the correct performance of installation work related to connecting pass-through switches.

The idea on which the pass-through switch was created is not new, the first circuits appeared in the homes of radio amateurs back in the 60s, and it gained particular popularity in the 90s, when the first imported switches appeared on the market, “tailored” to control a lamp from different places

Design and principle of operation of a pass-through switch

The simplest representative of the family of pass-through switches is its single-key version.

Externally, it is no different from a regular switch, except for the internal diagram, which is usually indicated on the back of the case.

The operating principle of a pass-through switch is simple: when you move the switch key, the internal moving contact opens one circuit and automatically closes the second (the so-called changeover contact). In the figure, terminal “2” is the common contact, terminals “3” and “6” are the changeover output.

The circuit diagram of the pass-through switch looks like this:

Using this effect, you can create the simplest pass-through switch circuit, in which one lamp will be controlled from two different places at once:

1,2 - pass-through switches; 3 - to the lamp body

Connecting a pass-through switch

Installation is carried out with a three-core cable. To simplify installation work, its cores must have factory color markings. The cross-section of the selected wire must withstand the load connected through it. Since the power of the switch contacts is limited to 10-16 A, flexible copper cable with a wire cross-section of 1 to 1.5 mm 2 is most often used for installation.

  1. On the pass-through switch you need to find a common terminal (in the diagram it is indicated by the number “1”).
  2. We supply a “phase” to the first switch, located closest to the distribution box, and connect it to the common terminal “1”. For installation, we use the brightest wire (usually red or orange, white is used in the explanatory drawing).
  3. We connect the two remaining wires to the output terminals of the pass-through switch (according to the diagram these are terminals “2” and “3”), remembering the correspondence of the color of the core used and the markings on the terminal block of the pass-through switch.
  4. On the second switch, we connect the cable in the same way as the first (we strictly observe the color marking of the wires and the corresponding switch terminals).
  5. In the distribution box we connect the brightest wire (in the explanatory figure it is white), which came from the second pass-through switch with the lamp phase.
  6. The other two wires, in accordance with the color marking, are connected to a wire of a similar color that came from the first switch (for example, green to green, blue to blue, etc.), in the explanatory figure the green and red wires are connected.
  7. We immediately connect the neutral and ground wires in the distribution box to a cable of similar purpose that goes to the lamp.
  8. We tighten the twists, tin them if necessary, and efficiently insulate the exposed sections of the wires.

You can also use the following connection:

1 - branch box; 2 - to the lamp body; 3, 4 — socket boxes

The pass-through switch is assembled in the following sequence:

1. Disassemble the switch.

2. Connect the wires to the pass-through switch according to the diagram.

3. Insert the switch into the installation box and fix it in it.

4. Cover the switch with protective and decorative covers.

Important! Using a tester, make sure which wire in the distribution box is “phase”. Before carrying out installation work, turn off the supply voltage. Do not twist copper and aluminum wires together.

Checking the operation of the circuit

Make sure that each switch can turn the lamp on or off, regardless of the position of the other switch.

Each switching of the pass-through switch should cause the electric lamps to turn off or on; if this does not happen, it is necessary to find and eliminate the error in the installation performed.

Two-key pass-through switches

These walk-through switches physically consist of two single pass-through switches assembled in one housing.

1 — pass-through two-key switch; 2 - pass-through switches

A double pass-through switch allows you to control multiple lamps at once. To do this, you need to assemble the following diagram:

1, 2 — two-key pass-through switch; 3 - to the lamp body

For switching, you can use either three-core wires laid in parallel or six-core wires, the main thing is not to make a mistake when connecting.

The assembled circuit allows you to independently turn on and off two lamps or two lamps from two different places.

For example, let's turn on lamp No. 1 by changing the position of the first rocker switch.

You can turn on the second lamp in the same way.

Disabling can be done using either the first or second switch.

Lighting control from three or more places

In some cases, it is not enough to be able to control the lighting from two places. To effectively control the lighting of a three-story flight of stairs, you will need at least three control points. In this case, together with the classic pass-through switches, an additional type of switch is used - a cross switch.

A crossover switch is installed in the connection gap between two pass-through switches, this allows you to create another lighting control point.

1, 3 — pass-through switches; 2 - cross switch; 4 - to the lamp body

With the help of additional sequential installation of cross switches, you can increase the number of places from which the lighting is controlled.

As can be seen from the diagram, switching any of the switches will turn the lighting on or off.

Assembling the lamp control circuit from three different places can be done as follows:

1 — pass-through switch; 2 - cross switch; 3, 5 — socket boxes for pass-through switches; 4 - socket box for cross switch; 6 - branch box; 7 - to the lamp body

Installation is carried out similarly to the option discussed above with a single pass-through switch; installation will require a two- and three-wire cable.

As can be seen from the material discussed, using pass-through switches, you can organize control of one lamp from two different places. Using a cross switch allows you to increase the number of control points to three or more.

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