Computer literacy, assistance and repair

Star boom keyboard trainer. How to learn to type quickly on the keyboard

Want to become a speed dial master? Type 100 words per minute and type boring documents faster?

Fast typing is almost a vital necessity. Proper use of the keyboard greatly affects our productivity. By typing quickly, you become more productive and “keep pace with your brain.” The skill of fast typing allows you to write down the thoughts that constantly sound in your head before you lose them.

In addition, it reduces fatigue. When you type long text and constantly move your eyes from the keyboard to the screen and back, your eyes get tired very quickly and begin to hurt. The thing is that they constantly have to change their focus. And if you add the difference in lighting, it becomes clear why unpleasant sensations appear even after short work on the computer.

These 7 tips will help you type quickly and efficiently even while blindfolded:

1. Get rid of bad habits

This point is the most difficult on the path to the art of fast typing. And I'm not talking about eating cakes at 2 am. Although it’s better to get rid of this habit too :) Most likely, you type the text in the same way that you used when you first got acquainted with the keyboard. Right? This also applies to the placement of hands on the keyboard and peeking.

If you like to play games, then most likely you keep your hands over the “C”, “F”, “Y”, “B” keys. And there are those who use only 2 fingers out of 10. If you are one of them, you have to keep looking at the keyboard to press the correct letter.

But do you want to work for speed? You urgently need to get rid of this habit and start using your hands correctly.

2. Use all 10 fingers

You ask, What is the correct way to place your hands on the keyboard? If you look closely at your keyboard, you will see that the letters "A" and "O" ("F" and "J" on the Latin layout) have small protrusions. This will help you find the correct place for each finger without looking at the keyboard.

Place your left hand fingers on the “F”, “Y”, “B”, “A” keys, and your right hand on the “F”, “D”, “L”, “O” keys. This is the middle main row of the keyboard. Place the index fingers of both hands on the keys with protrusions.And then look at this diagram:

The colors indicate the keys that are convenient to press with each finger from the starting position.

There is an alternative hand position that many will find more comfortable. Place the fingers of your right hand over the letters “Y”, “B”, “A”, “M”, and your right hand over “T”, “O”, “L”, “D”. In this case, the hands are in a more natural position, but your little finger will have to work hard.

Choose the position you like best. This factor does not greatly affect the speed.

3. Learn to touch type

People who type large volumes of text every day remember where each key is located. Looking at the keyboard only slows down the process.Learning to keep your eyes open takes practice. And it will take you more than one hour. But if you constantly train, you will notice within a few weeks thatyour fingers “remember” which area “each of them is responsible for”.

Even if it slows you down a lot right now, try not to look at the keyboard. Try entering a sentence. Remember where each letter is. You can sneak a peek at one symbol just once. But you don't need to look where each letter is located. Every day it will become easier for you to type.Once you remember where everything is, all you have to do is choose your typing speed.

4. Remember basic keyboard shortcuts

It is not surprising that in every operating system There is a set of “hot keys” that perform different functions. Your hands are already on the keyboard, so why waste time and be distracted by the mouse?You don't have to remember absolutely every combination.Only the most basic:

  • Ctrl+C – copy;
  • Ctrl+X – cut;
  • Ctrl+V – paste;
  • Ctrl+Z – cancel;
  • Ctrl+S – save;
  • Ctrl+F – find a word;
  • Ctrl+A – select all;
  • Shift+→/← — select the next letter;
  • Ctrl+Shift+→/← — select the next word;
  • Ctrl+→/← — go to the next word without highlighting;
  • Home – go to the beginning of the line;
  • End – go to the end of the line;
  • Page Up – go up;
  • Page Down – go down.

you can use some keyboard shortcuts for quickly working with pages in browsers. Here are some of them that will be useful for you:

  • Ctrl + Tab – go to the next tab;
  • Ctrl + Shift + Tab – go to the previous tab;
  • Ctrl + T – open a new tab;
  • Ctrl + W – close the current tab;
  • Ctrl + Shift + T – open a tab that was just closed;
  • Ctrl + R – refresh page;
  • Ctrl + N – open in a new browser window;
  • Shift + Backspace – go forward one page;
  • Backspace – go back one page.

Most of these keys are located near the little finger, so it will be involved in typing “hot combinations” most often.

5. How to learn to type online at speed

You don't have to turn the art of ultra-fast typing into a boring, gray task. There are many programs you can use to add fun to the process. Here are a few “allies” that will help you conquer the keyboard and enjoy typing:

  • TypeRacer

This fun program will teach you how to quickly type on a Latin layout. Your typing speed is shown as a typewriter. You are given a small piece of text that you need to type faster than other users. It's like racing. The one who completes it first is the winner.

  • Touch Typing Study

This app allows you to learn to type in a wide variety of languages. There are even hieroglyphs. You are offered a list of lessons. With each new one the task becomes more difficult. It all starts with memorizing the main row. In the first lessons you are asked to type a meaningless set of letters. This helps to concentrate not on the meaning, but on the arrangement of symbols, in order to print full-fledged texts at speed in the future.

  • Stamina

One of the most popular simulators in the CIS. This small program can be downloaded from the official website. Adds a little fun to your workouts and offers a selection of different letters and words.

  • Sense-lang

Also provides you with a set of lessons. First, you need to type a set of letters; with increasing complexity and speed, words and sentences appear. You can take a test to test your typing speed and select any language, or type a piece of text of your choice.

6. Practice the rhythm

Typing rhythm is the amount of time between key presses. The smoother it is, the faster you will learn the technique of touch typing. Return your fingers to the starting position after pressing the key.

7. How to learn to type quickly

Take your time when you first start learning touch typing techniques. Increase the speed only when you feel that you have learned the location of the keys and press them out of habit without thinking. Take your time to avoid , and always keep 1-2 words in mind that come next. By gradually increasing your speed, you will not only type quickly, but also begin to do it efficiently.


Now you know how to learn to type quickly. You may ask, does it make a difference on what type of device and manufacturer you type text on? No!Of course, there are several designs, models and layouts. Choose their design to suit your taste. And these recruitment rules are universal. The only thing that changes if you have a keyboard with a layout different from the standard “QWERTY” is the location of the letter “Ё” and some other symbols.

In order to learn to type quickly on the keyboard, many sign up for speed typing courses, undergo training and pay money to purchase various educational materials. This is not necessary. In this article we will tell you how to learn how to quickly type on a keyboard for free and on your own. But before moving directly to the tips, recommendations and review of programs for learning fast typing, I would like to say a few words about the benefits that a person who acquires this skill acquires.


The main advantage of fast printing is time savings. For people whose daily work involves typing a huge number of characters and texts, this skill is simply priceless. In addition, the fast typing technique has a beneficial effect on productivity and earnings in professions such as copywriting and rewriting (however, there are many professions where this skill is useful).

Having learned how to quickly type on the keyboard, you will be able to enter text more rhythmically, which in turn will reduce the degree of increase in psychological and physical fatigue. You will even get some satisfaction from how quickly and freely your fingers move across the keyboard, and therefore overall enjoyment of your work.

When trying to find a job, this skill can help you find a job sooner. It will certainly be a good addition to your other skills and abilities listed in your resume and voiced when passing an interview.

Another significant advantage of fast typing on the keyboard is the logical presentation of the full scope of thoughts. By learning to type quickly on the keyboard, you can easily keep up with the flow of your own thoughts when writing something new. After all, sometimes it’s enough to be distracted for a split second, looking for the right key, for the thought to leave you.

Our eyes get tired faster when we constantly look from the monitor to the buttons and back. Therefore, by mastering the touch typing method, we also take care of our vision.


First you need to remember the location of the keys. We can suggest the following exercise. For ten to fifteen seconds, look at one of the three rows of the keyboard containing letters (it is better to go in order and memorize the top row first). Then try to reproduce them in the correct order on a piece of paper. This exercise should be repeated several times for each row until you can reproduce the order of the letters (in your head or on paper) automatically. Next, you can try typing the entire alphabet from “A” to “Z” on the keyboard. Do this until you can do it quickly enough. Bad memory? Read, or rather watch and repeat - “ Exercises for memory development».

Also for those who want to start learning how to quickly type on a keyboard, it is important to choose the right tool. For a professional or someone who aspires to become one, best choice There will be an ergonomic keyboard (where the buttons are divided into two areas with empty space, for the right and left hands), or, in extreme cases, a regular curved keyboard will do.

An important role in mastering the skill of high-speed typing is played by the correct position at the desktop, posture, and posture. You can find out how to position yourself correctly and comfortably from this article - “ Organization of a workplace when working at a computer».

Even the perfect skill of typing with several fingers will be much inferior to modern printing methods (for example, such a technique as touch typing with ten fingers). Therefore, in order to learn to type faster, you need to use as many fingers as possible on both hands. Some speed typing programs define different keys for each finger. Of course, at first it will be difficult to adjust to a new way, because relearning is always difficult. But gradually you will forget the two-finger method and begin to work according to new rules. The main thing is to notice in time the moments of transition to an old habit and return to the one you are mastering.

The touch typing method, formerly known as American ten-finger touch typing, was developed by a stenographer on one of the American ships, Frank Edgar McGurrin, in 1888. Basically, at that time, when typing text on typewriters, people used the sighted eight-finger method. McGurrin, being the only one who uses the method he invented in order to prove its superiority, proposed a bet to a certain Louis Trobe. Having won the bet and five hundred dollars on top, Edgar McGurrin proved the superiority of the touch printing method. And for more than one hundred and twenty years, secretaries, typists and people of other professions have been trained in rapid typing using a technique invented by an American stenographer, which has made it possible to increase labor productivity significantly.

When mastering the touch printing method, it is better not to rush at first. Try to avoid mistakes and typos. Of course, speed is the main thing here, but it will drop significantly due to excessive haste and constant text editing. In any case, speed will come with experience, but in the meantime, make sure it’s correct, write thoughtfully and carefully.

Regular practice is the basic rule for acquiring any skill and any ability, including the ability to type quickly. So if you decide learn to type quickly on a computer keyboard, don't be lazy and exercise more. If you want to achieve good typing speed, don't try to learn the method in one sitting. In order for a skill to be formed and gradually consolidated, it is better to work on it less, but more often. You can start with twenty to thirty minutes, gradually increasing your daily work time.

Touch ten-finger typing method

As you may already understand, the basic rule of the touch typing method is to type text with all ten fingers without looking at the keyboard.

This method involves placing your hands on the keyboard while typing in a specific way. The base of your palms should be located (lie) on the front edge of the laptop case or, if you have an ergonomic keyboard, on the wrist rest. In this case, the shape of your hands should be as if you were holding a tennis ball in your hands.


Each finger of both hands has specific keys assigned to it. This is no coincidence! On any keyboard, the arrangement of letters and symbols is planned specifically for the ten-finger typing method. The use of the principle of the highest probability of using a particular key when determining the keyboard layout is what makes this method so popular, profitable and durable. This layout has remained unchanged for many years.

So, the buttons on all keyboards are arranged in six rows. You don’t have to think about the top row (“Esc”, “F1”, “F2”...) when touch typing, since it is not used and is more auxiliary. The series of numbers that follows is used by some, but not by others. Some people, instead of the top row of numbers, use a number block, which is located to the right of the main one. They explain this by the fact that the fingers have to reach far, and this affects speed and an increase in the number of typos. Well, it’s convenient for anyone. However, it’s still worth mastering the top row with numbers.

Learning how to quickly type on a keyboard begins with the initial placement of your fingers.

There are several known ways of placing fingers, but you can see the main one in the figure:

  • The fingers of the right hand should be positioned as follows: the little finger is above the letter “F”, the ring finger is above the “D” key, the middle finger is above “L”, the index finger is above “O”.
  • The fingers of the left hand take the position: the little finger is above the “F”, the ring finger is above the letter “Y”, the middle finger is above the “B”, and the index finger is above the “A” respectively.
  • The thumbs are positioned above the spacebar.

Initially, in order to control the correct placement of the hands, the index fingers should feel the small protrusions present on the keys of the support row - “O” and “A”. Gradually, your hands will stop feeling these keys and the need to lean on them will no longer exist. Your fingers will hover over the keyboard, at a distance of several millimeters, this will be a consequence of switching to a new, more quality level print. However, you should not forcefully speed up this process, it can only do harm.

Memorizing the buttons on the keyboard with your fingers should be done in the following order: First, all “own” letters are studied by the index finger of the left hand, then by the right; then we practice the action with the middle left finger, then with the right; after this, you should study the location of the keys with the ring finger of your left hand, then with your right; The last to practice “their” buttons are the left and right little fingers. You can immediately go the other way and try working with text. However, the best option is to select texts from dictionaries for specific fingers (such dictionaries are available in any online simulator or program for quick typing).


All training programs that teach how to learn to type quickly on the keyboard, begin with a story about the correct striking technique. And it is clear to a beginner that touching the key is done with the pad of the finger, but not everyone knows that not only the finger, but the entire hand should be involved.

The basic principle of the touch typing technique is the clarity and ease of abrupt strokes, with the fingers constantly returning to their original position after each strike.

We hit the space with the edge of the thumb of the hand that was not used during the last blow.


Rhythm plays an important role in learning to type quickly. It means that pressing should occur at equal intervals of time. By observing the rhythm, you are more likely to achieve automatic typing. And even if you think that you can type some keyboard combinations faster, still stick to a certain rhythm. To develop rhythm and learn to quickly type on the keyboard, we recommend using a metronome. This function is provided by some programs for learning fast typing.


The following programs will help you learn how to quickly type on the keyboard::

  • “Stamina” (you can download it on the official website - is a free keyboard simulator that will help you learn how to touch type using the ten-finger method.
  • "SOLO on the keyboard"- a training program, the author of which is a teacher at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, famous journalist and psychologist V.V. Shakhidzhanyan. As they assure on the official website (, this keyboard simulator will help you master the skill of fast typing in a fairly short time.
  • “VerseQ” ( is another popular program for mastering the touch typing method. This is what the creators of this simulator write: “ Literally within an hour after you start practicing on our simulator, you will be able to touch type, and after eight to fifteen hours you will be able to type at the level of a graduate of touch typing courses».

There are other, less popular programs: “Bombina” (, “RapidTyping”, free keyboard trainer “iQwer”, keyboard trainer for children "Funny Fingers", “BabyType” is one of the first keyboard simulators that teaches fast typing in a playful way, etc.

You can also use the following services to learn fast printing online:

  • “Klavogonki” ( is both an exciting online game and at the same time an effective simulator for fast typing on the keyboard. This game has many analogues, but “Klawagonki” is one of the most popular.
  • “All 10” ( is a free online simulator.

And also: “Time Speed” (, “VerseQ online” ( - an online version of the famous VerseQ keyboard simulator...

Fitness equipment and online services a lot, but I think the ones we listed in this article will be enough for training. Moreover, our list includes the best ones.

Let's summarize. The touch typing method is based on the fact that each of the ten fingers has a fixed key area that it constantly serves. The process of learning to type quickly comes down to developing “muscle memory” of the fingers. Knowing how to learn to type quickly, you just have to want it. Regular classes and the rules described in this article will help you master this skill in a short time.

If you find an error, please highlight a piece of text and click Ctrl+Enter.

Greetings, friends and colleagues! In today’s article I want to start a new series of materials devoted to the most important skills and abilities that every modern person needs to learn. Especially for those who work remotely via the Internet or build their own business on it.

I'll start with such a simple skill as touch typing with two hands. I’ll tell you what it is, how to learn to quickly type on the keyboard and what auxiliary tools exist for this.

I once understood the meaning and importance of the skill from a conversation with a successful Internet entrepreneur, sitting in a small Indonesian warung on the island of Bali.

Let me share with you my thoughts about its benefits, which you may not even know about.

Why learn to touch type with 10 fingers?

Surprisingly, I learned to touch-type with both hands back in college, trying to occupy myself with at least something useful during lessons. The fact is that I studied at an ordinary Russian college, where it was possible to enter for free, since my parents were not able to pay for my education, and I myself was not eager to strive for anything at that time, limiting myself to herd mentality.

Well, most of our teachers, I don’t know how it is in others educational institutions, put a big emphasis on our knowledge and training, because the main thing for them is to work out the training hours in order to earn money.

So, in pairs on one specialized subject, while the teacher played a browser game, we learned to type on keyboard simulators. There were no modern smartphones and unlimited Internet at that time, and college computers only had educational software and standard Windows games.

In general, I believe that this is one of the few important skills acquired during 4 years of study, which now helps me earn a lot of money, by Russian standards.

Save time

The first advantage of the two-handed touch typing method for me, of course, was the typing speed, which is increasing to this day. Typing haphazardly, it is hardly possible to develop this skill so systematically, since you have to constantly look at the monitor and keyboard.

Nowadays, we began to communicate more in writing and being able to type quickly is already a necessity. It happens that I communicate in social network with 10 - 20 people at once, which is impossible to do during live communication, since these are completely different people, including my employers, clients, friends and readers. Such a conversation in writing saves a lot of time.

Increased Productivity

The second advantage for me is that I began to keep up with my own thoughts when writing an article and communicating. When you have to write and communicate a lot, with a low typing speed you don’t always have time to type out what you just formulated in your head, and the thought gets lost. This happens even during a conversation, and we speak much faster than we type on a computer.

For this reason, in our course, where we teach people to write texts, formulate their thoughts correctly and earn 20 - 30 thousand rubles a month without leaving home, we pay special attention to training in correct typing on the keyboard.

Maintaining health and energy

The third and fourth advantages are the preservation of energy and health when working at the computer. There is no need to constantly switch attention from the monitor to the keyboard. Your eyes and neck become less tired, your productivity has increased, and the chance of damaging your eyesight and ruining your health has decreased.

Brain Development

I’ll finish with the fifth plus, the essence of which is that by training all the fingers of both hands, new neural connections are formed in the brain, which also affect our ability to think, learn and remember information.

Since childhood, our parents teach us new skills that affect our mental and physical development. But then, when we grow up, for some reason we stop developing these skills consciously, deciding that we already know how to do everything. I will talk about such “invisible” skills that need to be constantly developed, for example: the ability to ask questions, the ability to build relationships, etc., in this regular column.

If you want to always be in the know, . Let's learn them together.

How to learn to type quickly on the keyboard

The main secret here is that you need to learn a simple technique developed by an American stenographer more than a hundred years ago, and then continuously train it. The technique involves using all 10 fingers correctly.

Correct placement of hands on the keyboard

The letters and symbols on the keyboard are arranged according to a special layout and divide it into 2 parts - for both hands. It is enough to understand and learn the correct placement of the fingers. Here's how they should be positioned.

In the following image, zones are highlighted in different colors, indicating which finger should press which button. In college, we always had this color reminder picture hanging next to our computers.

Learning to type correctly is a rather difficult process, it’s like learning to write again or learning to write with a different hand. I remember how my hands didn’t obey, my fingers couldn’t straighten and couldn’t reach the keys.

Tags for the blind

Ever wondered why there are small protrusions on the letters “A” and “O” on the keyboard? They are specially made so that you can place your fingers correctly without looking. Start typing when you feel them.

Pressing the spacebar and duplicate keys

I want to pay special attention to pressing the spacebar and duplicate keys (shift, ctrl, alt) when typing capital letter or some symbol. According to the rules, you cannot press 2 keys at once with one hand. That is, when, for example, you type the exclamation mark “!” - these are the shift + 1 keys, you need to press “1” with your left little finger, and “shift” with your right little finger.

With a space you do the same thing: when you type a character with your left hand, put the subsequent space with your right and vice versa.

I understand that at first it will seem wildly inconvenient, but then the result will surprise you.

There's no need to rush

Don't try to type quickly right away, work on your technique. Try not to peek, you can even cover the keyboard with something. At first the speed will be very slow, but as the fingers “stretch” and muscle memory appears, it will begin to grow.

Workplace organization

I also recommend that you choose a comfortable workplace. This is important not only for mastering touch typing, but also for staying healthy and efficient. Here, read the article about how to organize a place to work and what can happen if you sit incorrectly (link will be later).

Constant practice

Well, the last piece of advice is to never type incorrectly again! By spending a month or two (maybe more) starting from now on learning, you will save tens and hundreds of hours over the course of your life.

Training simulators

There are already dozens of different simulators on the Internet, some of them are free, some are paid.

Keyboard solo

SOLO on keyboard(best) - This is a very old machine that I used in college. The author is a famous psychologist and journalist Vladimir Shakhidzhanyan.

You can install a program for your computer or study online. It is constantly updated and recently the developers made new version training.

It’s very cool that there are sequential lessons here that train all fingers separately. In total you need to complete 100 lessons.

In addition to the course for the Russian keyboard, there are also other languages. I'm currently taking English, since I also have to type a lot in Latin.

It has a good function - typing speed test.


Stamina is also a very good training program that allows you to learn the ten-finger typing method. The course is also based on step-by-step lessons.


VerseQ is a very simple simulator that adapts to the mistakes you make. There are no consistent lessons and no sense of achievement of some kind of goal, but in itself it is not bad.

VerseQ online- online version of VerseQ.

Analogues are worse

  • Bombina
  • RapidTyping
  • iQwer
  • Funny fingers
  • BabyType
  • Clavogons- the most popular in the game format.
  • All 10


It takes time to master this skill; it can take months to train until your fingers begin to obey and press the right keys automatically, without even thinking about where the right symbol is.

The basis of training, of course, is the correct key press, and not speed. Try not to make mistakes, type slowly but correctly.

All I can do is wish you success and hope that you won’t miss the next skill that I will discuss on the blog.

Leave your feedback on how you learned to type quickly and what programs you used. Bye!

Upgrading my typing skills took six months. But the game was worth the candle.

In the USA, 95% of PC users use touch typing. In the post-Soviet space - only 5%. The prevalence of computers is comparable in both cases, but in the first case a 10-finger touch typing course is included in the school curriculum, in the second it is not. And it's strange.

In the modern world, the ability to type text quickly and without errors is akin to the ability to count and write. After all, the computer has already become an integral part of the life of almost every person for five to ten years. Yes, it is quite possible to type with two fingers, and if you do this often, the speed will be impressive. But the efficiency of the set is lower in any case.

At a minimum, you get more physically tired, because you have to constantly look from the keyboard to the screen. Even with the so-called “semi-visual” typing method, which I developed over years of practice typing with two to four fingers.

Below I will tell you about my experience in mastering 10-finger touch typing and the problems that arose in the process. After all, relearning is always more difficult than starting from scratch. But the final result was worth overcoming all the difficulties.

I hope my example will encourage you, dear readers, to improve your typing skills. Believe me, investing time and effort now will give a tangible advantage in the future and increase labor efficiency in many areas of human activity.

Why break something that works well?

I started studying blind typing at the end of January and finished in October. Was the game worth the trouble? Definitely yes. The reasons were described above - this is the opportunity to double the typing speed (for me personally), and more comfortable work in any conditions, and the absence of binding to Russian symbols on the keyboard.

It seemed to me that I had long ago reached the level of a “keyboard ninja” and there was nowhere to develop further, and there was no need to. The problem is that when there is nothing to compare it to, it is difficult to understand the full benefits of a new initiative. Therefore, I ask you to take my word for it. Typing became... how to put it more accurately... more fun - that's the right word.

What tools to use? Any - I described the most popular ones. If you want to try learning touch typing on an automatic machine without much effort, try KeyKey. If you don’t want to spend extra money, VSE10 and “Klavogonki” will help. We decided to approach the issue thoroughly - “SOLO on the keyboard” is an excellent option, albeit the most expensive.

There is only one piece of advice - exercise daily. It’s better to spend 15, 30–60 minutes every day than to try to study touch typing in bursts of three to five hours once a week or two. Also, if typing speed is not critical, try typing with ten fingers in everyday life from the first lessons. The learning process will go faster.

Nowadays, almost every person would benefit from learning how to type quickly on a keyboard. This will help, first of all, in work, since almost all workplaces are equipped with computers. You can master fast printing techniques on your own, you just need to follow certain instructions. By fast typing here we mean “touch” typing, that is, a method in which a person does not look at the keyboard while typing.

There will be no disadvantages after learning touch typing. You'll spend your time practicing how to type correctly, but once you've mastered the material, all that's left to do is reap the rewards. There are many professions that require fast typing skills. But even if your work does not require high typing speed, this skill will in any case become your advantage.

After learning this technique, you will develop the skill of rhythmically entering text. You'll also enjoy the work you do better because you'll feel less tired of the keyboard.

In addition, your eyes may become less tired, since looking from the monitor to the buttons can be tiring.

It is known that the ten-finger touch typing method was developed by American court stenographer Frank Edgar McGurrin in 1988. Before him, people used the sighted eight-finger method when typing on typewriters.

Edgar McGurrin has proven in practice the superiority of his development. And for more than a century, fast typing has been taught to secretaries and other professions that require speed dial text, goes through the technique he invented, which made it possible to significantly increase labor productivity.

Basic rules for fast printing

Modern keyboards are designed specifically for the ten-finger method. In this case, a specific finger is “assigned” to each key.

Initially, the fingers are positioned as follows:

  • left hand: the little finger is above “F”, the ring finger is above “Y”, the middle finger is “B”, and the index finger is above “A”;
  • right hand: index finger over “O”, middle finger over “L”, ring finger over the “D” key, little finger over the letter “F”;
  • the thumbs are above the space bar.

The picture shows the color scheme for attaching fingers to the keys. To allow you to blindly control the placement of your hands, there are small ridges on the O and A keys that you can feel with your fingers.

It is necessary to work on each finger in order to assign automatic actions to it. For example, first we blindly practice pressing the left little finger on all “its” keys, then the right little finger, etc.

For the spacebar, the following rule is used: we press it with the thumb of the hand that was not used when the previous key was pressed.

When you strike a key, not only your finger, but also your entire hand should work. The hand returns to its original position after each blow. Thus, the printing process consists of abrupt rhythmic strokes. If you paid attention to the work of professional secretaries, for example, in some old movie, then most likely she typed exactly like that.

You can practice well on special simulators, a list of which is given at the end of the article.


Try to memorize the location of the keys on your keyboard and then write them down in the correct order on a piece of paper. For simplicity, try to memorize just 1 row of the keyboard.

Try, without looking at the keyboard, to type all the letters of the alphabet from “A” to “Z” one by one. Use the ten-finger method described above.

The following tips will help you improve your typing speed:

  • A keyboard that is curved or broken in the center is considered more convenient and ergonomic. This arrangement of keys will allow your hands and fingers to be less tired.
  • Watch your posture and posture. The back should be straight, the arms should be lowered and relaxed, and should be located approximately in the middle of the abdomen (not at the level of the navel or chest).
  • Practice. The speed at which results are obtained depends on the volume of training.
  • Don't try to simplify your work: don't look at the keyboard and use all ten fingers.

Keyboard trainers

There are several free keyboard simulators that will help you master fast touch typing.

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