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VKontakte competitions: how to get the desired results and not get banned. How to win competitions in VK How to become a random winner in contact

Good day, dear reader! This article is entirely devoted to an issue that worries many ambitious young people: how to win the competition? How to do it? What qualities should a contestant have in order to prevail over his opponents? Do you think there is no way you can win the upcoming competition? To hell with doubts, take it and win! Now we will show how this is done.

The following recommendation is suitable for almost any type of competition that people have come up with. After all, in essence, they are all the same. Their main meaning is to select from the best the very best who are more worthy of victory than others, and, accordingly, prizes, awards, certificates, honor, success, etc. It's good to win, isn't it? Everyone around is looking at you and secretly envying you! They envy, they envy, how they envy! After all, the one who is “on horseback” arouses, first of all, respect, and with it, envy.

This is fine. Man is designed this way, nothing can be done about it.
But what sorrow does this bring to us? After all, this is US, i.e. They will envy YOU, YOU will be the winner! Don't be afraid to go where you want to go. If you want to be a businessman, open your own business, if you want to become a doctor, get a medical education, if you want win the competition- win, and don’t ask anyone. Just do it! Wipe everyone's nose, let them envy you!

We hope that our victorious calls will not go unnoticed. We simply sincerely want to awaken in you the desire to win, which is very important for winning any competition, even one as complex and contradictory as life. After all, all your successes and victories on the life front depend on your desire, determination and hard work. Do you have all these qualities? Then we begin!

1. Internal attitude to win.

You can't go anywhere without attitude. No one, not even the most experienced violinist in the world, goes on stage to play without first tuning their instrument. In fact, he rather tunes not the instrument itself (since we think that a world-class violinist’s violin can withstand more than one performance without tightening the strings, although who knows), but, first of all, himself.

Therefore, you must immediately decide for yourself why you want to compete in the upcoming competition. Show yourself and see others? If so, then you can stop reading this article. Then you will not find anything useful that could be useful to you in life. If you passionately desire to win at all costs, then you are on the right path! You have the main thing - the mood and desire for future victory. This is the basics. You can’t go anywhere without these qualities.

Conclusion: Do you want win the competition- conquer yourself first. Don’t be afraid of the upcoming battle, don’t belittle your merits, don’t stick out your shortcomings. Charge yourself with energy for the upcoming competition, because a competition is real work, work that will require a lot of energy and strength. Give yourself wings. Connect with a successful person who can encourage you if you lack confidence.

Read books. Read books by successful people who have already achieved success, who have already won their competitions, competitions called life... In short - be charged with enthusiasm! By the way, this word “enthusiasm” means “together with God.” This word has the root "Theo", in Russian spelling, which means "God".

Just don’t run to check a new fact, first read this article to the end. Otherwise, we know that a person who likes to learn new things almost always looks for confirmation of the information received. Such people deserve respect, because they act with a divine sparkle in their eyes - they trust, but check. One word - enthusiasts!

2. Homework must be done with a bang!

Usually in any competition, especially those held between students within a university or between different universities, there is always such a competitive component as homework.
We will immediately warn you that we will show all our “dry” recommendations using a specific example, so that you can understand as much as possible what and how to do based on our advice.

So, homework. What is it? Of course, like a competition, so does homework. Here the organizers of the competition are free to create and come up with a wide variety of challenges. However, the essence of all these competitions is the same. It consists in the fact that your homework, i.e. the way you prepare it, how you present it to the authoritative jury during the competition, will say a lot about you.

The extent to which you invest in preparing for your homework and the extent to which you prepare for its presentation in the competition, the extent to which you can count on winning the competition. After all, your first appearance before the jury is the most important thing. Remember that you won't get a second chance to make a first impression.
Therefore, pay special attention to your homework.

You may need an assistant to complete it successfully. Find such a person among your friends or acquaintances. Only you need a reliable person who will allow you to safely delegate some aspects of your homework to him. This person should be close enough to you; it is best that this person is your friend.

However, finding the right person is another quarter of the battle. The most important thing for you is that this person has a sincere, passionate desire to help you. To do this, you need to motivate him in some way. How? It’s worth writing a whole article on this subject.

If you want to know how you can motivate others to work for you, then subscribe to updates and you will be the first to know about it.

The most commonplace way of motivation is the carrot method. For example, you tell your friend that if he can give you a few hours of his time, you will help him write a term paper. Or draw him a drawing he needs so much... Introduce a friend to a girl... Help him reinstall operating system... This list can be endless. It all depends on your imagination, and on your available skills, of course.

Now let's look at a specific example of homework. Suppose you are to take part in an interuniversity event called “Young Politician”. The homework for this competition is to create an impressive greeting for yourself. After all, this competition will most likely be held in another university, where no one knows about you and has no idea who you are. Your self-presentation will solve the problem described. Plus, you have a unique opportunity to make the right first impression - an impression that will be “imprinted” in the minds of the jury members.

Yes, you have serious work ahead of you, however, if you successfully introduce yourself to the public (while completing your homework), then the likelihood of winning this competition will increase significantly. Don't be like everyone else. Come up with something original and memorable. To do this, work closely with your assistant, conduct a brainstorming session that will help generate interesting proposals for a more unforgettable self-presentation for the public.

In short, surprise people! He loves the show. And since he loves the spectacle, give it to him! Immediately!

This is especially true for jury members. Most likely, people of a respectable age will be sitting there, with various regalia and a “blurry” eye. Believe me, they already have dozens of different competitions behind them, where, in most cases, the same thing happens. The same thing...The same thing. Agree that even reading the phrase “the same thing” several times is boring, and what can we say about the jury members who look at the same program year after year.

Break stereotypes, express yourself one hundred percent. Let them talk about you in the auditorium. Light up the crowd!

3. Find out anything and everything about the competition.

In addition to preparing for any homework, in order to win the competition Homework alone is not enough. To win, you need to thoroughly study the entire competition program.

You should know the following: What events will take place at the competition? How many people will take part in the competition? Which institution will host the competition? Who will be the jury members for this competition? Who is organizing this event?
Answering these and other related questions will give you an undeniable competitive advantage.

Where can I get information on these issues?

Firstly, if you participate in a competition, then someone should inform you about the existence of this competition. It is so? So. Accordingly, this person must have a competition program, i.e. approximate plan for conducting competitive events. Such a program must definitely exist, at least in serious competitions for sure. You don't even have to doubt it.

Information from the program (regulations) about the competition will give you primary (starting) information, which will give you a lot of food for detailed understanding. Remember that whoever owns the information owns the world. Primary information, in most cases, is not enough. We need to “dig” further. You will need more detailed information.

Where can I get it? We think you already understand this. You can now find a wide variety of information on the Internet. There would be a desire. Why, you ask, do you need this additional information? Everything here is extremely simple. You need to find out what your potential competitors and competition opponents won’t think of knowing.

For example, you know the list of jury members. Well, you know, so what now? This is what an amateur thinks. And a pro will immediately realize that if he learns something similar about any member of the jury (and especially about the chairman of the jury, since it is he who makes the final decision), for example, the areas of interest or hobbies of the jury members (someone some of them are fond of fishing, some of them are interested in tennis, etc.), then this secondary knowledge can be well “attached” to your participation in the competition.

For example, in the same homework where you will have to introduce yourself, say that you are very passionate about... what do you think? That's right - fishing, tennis, something else, in general, everything that the jury members are interested in. We think that you have grasped the idea, and it will not be difficult for you to develop it further.

Now you know that collecting primary and secondary information regarding the upcoming competition is the trick that will help you get the coveted prize and win the competition.

4. Dress properly!

It seems like a banal reminder, but few of the competitors, as a rule, pay increased attention to this component. Dress more decently and okay. No, it's not okay! You need to dress in such a way that ah... knock everyone out! Everyone knows that a person is greeted by his clothes... And if you add a sparkling self-presentation to first-class clothes, which will be built taking into account the analyzed primary and secondary information that we wrote about earlier, then you can consider that you will make a good start for the final victory.

remember, that victory in the competition, as a rule, consists of several components, i.e. from several competitions included in the competition itself. At the same time, no one ever announces such a “competition in clothing” (unless, of course, you have to participate in a beauty contest) However a good choice clothes, tasteful clothing will give you that extra hidden edge that is sure to propel you to the top of the competitive race.

Therefore, remember that good clothes are always a big plus in any competition. Nobody has yet canceled the psychology of people...

5. Be active and you will be appreciated.

Now let's move on to the competition. Here you are or have arrived at the competition. What's next? First of all, don't worry. Walk around the room and calmly assess the situation. Look at your competitors (competitors are usually always noticeable - they are more worried than others). Evaluate them with your eyes and... don’t pay attention to them anymore, until the start of the competition. Why should you worry once again, looking at the semi-convulsive state of your opponents? Nerves and perseverance will come in handy.

But here comes what you have been preparing for over the past weeks. The chairman of the jury says welcoming words and off we go... Again, we urge you to think only about yourself, don’t look around, don’t “collect” extraneous fears. First of all, as is usually the case, the main competition begins with homework. This competition is designed to “warm up” the participants. Due to the fact that we spent a lot of time preparing homework a little earlier, we hope that you do not have any questions about this competition.

The main thing to remember is that expressiveness, activity and joyful happy eyes are what you need in order to impress the public.

It would be good to “carry” all these qualities with you throughout the entire competition, because their presence always has a favorable influence on the jury members. People like to see confident, happy people. And since people like something, then, accordingly, they evaluate it as it should, i.e. at the highest level. Radiate positivity during any competition, because people, rather than looking at what you say or do, people, to a greater extent, look at everyone for the spark of self-confidence that most people, including your opponents, lack. competition.

Conclusion: In this article we examined the question: “How to win a competition.” We told you about some of the intricacies of preparing for the competition, about psychological techniques as one of the fundamental components of assessing your person at the competition by the jury.

Now let's briefly recap the most important points. So you should:

1) be internally determined to win.

2) collect all possible information about the location of the competition, the jury members and their hobbies, etc.

3) prepare your homework so that everyone gasps.

4) dress brand new.

5) radiate positivity and be active during the competition.

However, the most important thing of all this, in our opinion, is preliminary preparation. Consider the maximum possible scenarios for the development of events!

Now you know, how to win a competition. We wish you good luck!

If you are interested how to win a repost competition on VK, then this article will be very useful to you. Of course, the probability of your victory will not be 100%, but thanks to our tips you will be able to distinguish a real draw from a scam and slightly increase your chances of winning.

Recently, various communities have been holding competitions in which you can win valuable prizes.

Cheating instead of competitions

But, unfortunately, there are not honest community administrators who only promise a gift, but in fact simply recruit an audience to their group.

At best, you will simply waste precious time, and at worst, they will try to scam you. How? - Yes, very simple. There are a lot of scams involving competitions. An example of the most popular VKontakte scams on the topic of competitions:

Administrator: Good afternoon! You have become the winner of our giveaway and won an iPhone! It's almost yours, you just need to pay shipping.

In fact, no one will send an iPhone. Their delivery is unreasonably expensive, 500-1000 rubles, when average prices are 10 times less and such messages are written to all participants in the drawing. Someone will agree.

Editor: Good afternoon! I'm holding a competition in this community. I am ready to adjust the results of the draw in your favor. Let's split the profit in half. You have an iPhone that costs 20,000 rubles, and you give me 1,000 rubles.

Similar situation.

Draws with no winners:

There are a majority of such pranks on VKontakte. The administration of the contact often bans the community for questionable sweepstakes, but contests are only verified after several user complaints. Therefore, do not be shy and complain about dishonest administrators and scammers, so that fewer people suffer at their hands.

Criteria for the credibility of the competition

Recognizing such pranks is not as difficult as it seems. What should be in the competition description that will serve as an additional guarantee of the organizers’ honesty:

— date of summing up. Ideally, if carried out via online broadcast on YouTube.

— service for determining winners. If this application is Lucky Yu in Contact, then there is 80% deception, because... It is very easy to select the right person by brute force. The most honest is mrandom. There is minimal room for fraud there.

— The person in charge who can be contacted regarding the draw and contact information for administrators or editors. Sometimes they write that people won the competition, but they don’t say who to contact. The divorce is the most natural.

— Photos of prizes. If there are photos of prizes that indicate that they are being given away on behalf of a specific community, then this is a very good sign.

- Information about delivery. If it says that delivery is free, then one of the scam methods we talked about is no longer necessary.

How to win the repost competition:

To win the competition you need to remember the laws of statistics. Based on the experience of holding competitions and being guided by statistics, I can say that most often the winners are those who participated somewhere in the middle of all people. That is, if you were the first to repost, or vice versa the last, then the likelihood that you will win will be small.

Participate in several drawings at once. This will increase the likelihood of winning, but note that some competitions have a condition that there must be no more than a certain number of reposts on the wall of other competitions, and the account must also be in a group and not be a bot.

What to do if the community is not blocked for fraud?

- write to technical support and indicate everything you know and why you are sure that the competition was held with violations.

An iPhone for reposting... A professional camera for joining the group... I'm sure you've seen such posts on VKontakte more than once. And they probably even took part and were upset that you weren’t the winner. But believe me, on the day when you are contacted and informed that you have won a prize, you will not be lucky, but the unlucky one whom the scammers have chosen as their victim. Why? You will find out if you read to the end.

Competitions with prizes: giving away iPhones, iPads and even cars!

The number of different competitions on VK is simply off the charts. Well, the prizes are amazing. Expensive gadgets from Apple, professional cameras and video cameras, tours to exotic countries... To become a participant, just join the group, make a repost or collect the required number of them under the post about the giveaway on your wall. Well, the winner will be chosen randomly or it will be the one who collects a certain number of reposts. I'm sure you've seen such competitions more than once:

If you're lucky, you might even stumble upon some incredible prize giveaways. Do you want a Porsche? Or maybe your dream is a BMW X6? Yes, yes, they are also played on VKontakte! And to get such a car you just need to repost!

Don’t you think it’s too strange that for some repost, someone is ready to give you a “bakha” or give you the last one? new Apple product? Seems? Then you are on the right track!

How to breed

All such competitions are created for only one purpose - to find victims from whom it will be possible to make a good deal of money. Believe it or not, one such prize draw brings its organizers several tens of thousands of rubles, and in just a couple of days. But none of the competition participants receive anything. For example, two guys from the Voronezh region were able to earn about 90 thousand rubles thanks to a competition in VK, the main prize of which was the latest model iPhone. Did anyone get the gadget? That's right, no one. It didn’t even exist, but it served as good bait.

The scammers' actions are incredibly simple. They announce a competition in the public or even on their page, where very valuable prizes are awarded that immediately attract attention and cause a stir, for example, MacBooks, iPhones. People are not required to do anything complicated to participate in the competition. All you have to do is repost the post with the giveaway, which only takes a couple of seconds. The winner is selected randomly (selected) from all those who fulfilled the participation condition.

In fact, there can be an unlimited number of “winners”. Fraudsters simply begin to selectively process those who decided to participate in the competition. Each victim receives a standard message saying that she is the winner and the proud owner of a brand new iPhone. To receive it, you need to provide your details, address and... be sure to make a payment, the amount of which can range from 200 to 3000 rubles, depending on the greed of the “organizers”.

What are you talking about, the prize is absolutely free! After all, you won it. You just need to pay for shipping. And yes, you must pay before sending the parcel; for some reason they do not accept cash on delivery. Why, I think you understand. Sometimes the imagination of scammers gives them other ideas. And the “winner” no longer pays for delivery, but, for example, gift tax, for registering in the warehouse database to receive a prize, etc.

The victim is assured that this payment is mandatory. And what are some 200-500 rubles, if in a week or two you receive a prize worth 50-70 thousand rubles! And if you pay within a couple of hours, you will also be given a free case or even a second gadget! All this puts the victim to sleep. If a person has thoughts about whether they are trying to deceive him, they slip him a fake - for example, someone else’s passport screenshots, links to people who have already won similar competitions in this group (naturally, fake ones), etc. All this finally convinces the victim that the organizer can be trusted. I'm sure you've already guessed what awaits after sending the required amount. The person is blacklisted everywhere and ignored. He never receives his prize, which was initially ephemeral.

Are there normal competitions in VK with real prizes?

Fake pranks have filled VK. Someone is trying to attract participants to their community with the help of such a competition with non-existent prizes, someone is using this method to scam people out of money. And, alas, these are the majority of pranks. However, not everything is so pessimistic. Still, sometimes you can find a public page or group where the competition is real, and prizes are actually drawn and given free of charge to the winners without the requirement to contribute at least some amount. Of course, you are unlikely to see an iPhone or iPad there, but there are also things quite worthy of attention. Sometime in 2012, I myself won a certificate in a public VK for a hardware store, for which I purchased a multicooker, a juicer and a mixer.

HOWEVER! This competition was strikingly different from those held by all these iPhone distributors... Firstly, the public belonged to a well-known local brand. This was confirmed by the widget on the company’s website, which directed people to this community. Secondly, the conditions of the competition were not at all as “light” as “join the group, repost and wait.” It was necessary to prepare a dish related to the brand’s theme, post it publicly and collect the largest number of likes, and they were counted only from group members. I had to seriously compete for the prize, all my friends and strangers were invited to join the community and vote for me using a like... To receive the prize, I was not required to do anything other than drive up to the company office, sign and receive my certificate. As a result, the company, with the help of the competition, promoted the group well, considering how many people took part in it and how many new subscribers it attracted to it. Well, the winner, that is, I, went happy to the store for free equipment.

How to recognize scammers

It is quite easy to identify scammers who make money out of money under the legend “you have won a prize”: If you really want to participate in competitions, then choose those with adequate prizes, such as, for example, a set of dishes, headphones, a player. Few prank organizers can afford to give away expensive things like an iPhone or iPad. But they are excellent as bait. Who doesn’t want free equipment worth a thousand dollars!?

  • If the competition involves simple actions, such as reposting or just joining a group, there is a high probability that it is fake.
  • A group or public page was created quite recently, but almost all the posts are in the spirit of “win an iPhone”? Avoid this community. His goal is to attract fools who can then be scammed out of money. The community must already exist for at least several months, have a large number of posts, and be full (there are photo albums, videos, “live” discussions).
  • Enter a photo of the prize, as well as the documents that the “organizer” will send you as evidence of its honesty, into Google and do a search by image. I am sure that you will find these photos in many sources, which means that everything is fake.
  • If the “manager” demands money from you, arguing that it is a delivery fee or gift tax, immediately blacklist him. The prize is delivered free of charge, taxes on gifts are registered legally even after exceeding a certain amount, and there is no need to go through a paid registration to receive the won item.

I perfectly understand how you want to win some competition and especially how you want to become the owner of such a valuable prize as expensive equipment or a tour to southern countries. However, be very careful when participating in various sweepstakes on VK. No matter how much you believe that you are the lucky one who is finally lucky enough to win an iPhone, feel free to send the competition organizer to hell if he demands an advance payment from you. Otherwise, you will lose money, you will not receive a prize, and you will sponsor another pest.

The VKontakte competition is very attractive. It would seem that, for example, post your photo, get the required number of votes and receive the coveted prize. But not everything is so simple...

You should not think that such events are organized by administrators with good intentions. Most of them are measures for promotion and popularization. The more people vote and leave comments under the participants’ works, the faster the composition of a particular group increases. If you are counting on the possibility of a fair victory and think that the strongest will win, then these competitions are not for you. Here the winner determines himself by promptly helping out with a large number of “likes” in the form of hearts or positive signatures. How? It's simple.

Method 1. Friends and status.
If you have a fairly large number of friends, whose loyalty and readiness to help you have no doubt, then you can post a request for help in voting on your page. Don't forget to add the phrase: "Repost." In this case, not only your loved ones, but also their friends will know about it. The list of voters will increase noticeably and will look something like this.

Considering that such chains can involve thousands of people, then the chance of winning the competition in this way is quite high.

Method 2. You for me, I for you.
Through (the “community” column) find competitions with conditions similar to yours. Ask to vote for yourself, and in return you offer help. This is perhaps the most effective way, since people willingly rush to the rescue, subject to their own benefit.

There is one important disadvantage here. In order to leave a comment about a request, you must enter a captcha each time, which, as a rule, is quite difficult to view in VKontakte. You can enter the characters shown correctly on the 3rd attempt. Imagine that you need to perform such an operation dozens, or even hundreds of times. Here victory is only in your hands!

Method 3. Fraudsters and simply resourceful people.
As you know, there are a huge number of cunning geniuses on the Internet who can make money on literally anything. So in your difficult task there will be similar helpers. For a certain amount, they will get you as many “likes” as necessary. For a separate fee, they will even sign words of admiration and sincere delight. Everyone's rates are different. If you just need to put a heart, it will cost you an average of 2 rubles per vote. Everything else is somewhat more expensive and depends on the complexity of the work. Money is usually transferred using electronic tools such as WebMoney, Yandex. Money, etc.

A huge disadvantage of this method is that such people are not always honest with the customer. Most people just take the money and disappear. Some people really get their votes up, but they do it slowly. It happens that the competition has already ended a long time ago, but the votes are still coming.
Before you start working with someone, read reviews online. Don’t pay attention to those located in VKontakte itself on the “dealer” page - as a rule, everything negative is deleted.

Method 4. Mechanical.
There are several programs through which you can increase voices mechanically. You simply enter your username and password for the page, provide a link to the photo of the participant you need, and the process goes on by itself.

It would seem like a great way. But everything has its downsides, in this case there are several of them. Firstly, the official version is paid and costs about 2000 rubles. Secondly, everything free programs Not only do they not add votes, but they also hack the page, sending spam on your behalf. Thirdly, competition administrators, as a rule, disqualify participants who used this method, because they do not receive any benefit from such voting.

Method 5. Long.
If the competition lasts a long time, then you can resort to another method. Register on some forum and engage in active, positive activities there: praise everyone, admire the style of those present, etc. After a while, unobtrusively ask for help. Rest assured, 90% of the audience will help you.
Here, of course, one must make no mistake. Carefully select the most visited and voluminous sites.

Method 6. Again, for money.
You can place an order on freelancer exchanges yourself. For example, on Advego. The wording of the work card should contain a link to the photo and brief instructions. The average cost of one vote cast for you will range from 1.5 to 5 rubles. Of course, only you set the prices here - you can pay more. In this case, voting will go much faster.

In the case of VKontakte competitions, the expression: “Every person is the architect of his own happiness” fits perfectly. So you will have to work hard to win such a competition. Good luck!

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