Computer literacy, assistance and repair

How to copy a table with data in Word.

One of the many features of the MS Word text editor is a large set of tools and functions for creating and editing tables. On our website you can find several articles on this topic, and in this one we will consider another one.

Having created a table and entered the necessary data into it, it is quite possible that as you work with a text document, you will need to copy or move this same table to another place in the document, or even to another file or program. By the way, we have already written about how to copy tables from MS Word and then paste them into other programs.

If your task is to move a table from one place in the document to another, follow these steps:

1. In mode “Page Layout”(standard mode for working with documents in MS Word), move the cursor over the table area and wait until the move icon () appears in the upper left corner.

2. Click on this “plus sign” so that the cursor pointer turns into a cross-shaped arrow.

3. Now you can move the table anywhere in the document by simply dragging it.

Copy the table and paste it into another part of the document

If your task is to copy (or cut) a table with a view to subsequently pasting it elsewhere in a text document, follow the steps below:

Note: If you copy a table, its source remains in the same place, but if you cut the table, the source is deleted.

1. In the standard mode of working with documents, move the cursor over the table and wait until the icon appears.

2. Click on the icon that appears to activate the table mode.

3. Click “Ctrl+C”, if you want to copy the table, or click “Ctrl+X”, if you want to cut it.

4. Navigate through the document and click in the place where you want to paste the copied/cut table.

5. To insert a table at this location, click “Ctrl+V”.

Actually, that’s all, from this article you learned how to copy tables in Word and paste them elsewhere in the document, or even in other programs. We wish you success and only positive results in mastering Microsoft Office.

Sometimes, the user needs to transfer not only text from another file to a Word document, but also a graphic object. This could be a graph, an image, or even a table. That is why in our article we will look at several ways to transfer a table from Excel to Word.

What are the difficulties in migrating a table? The first difficulty is changing the formatting of the table during transfer. Simply put, when copying an object, columns and rows are shifted, which is why the table loses its appearance and this brings a lot of inconvenience to the user.

How to transfer a table from Excel to Word: method No. 1

Let's look at an example where we have a table with three columns and five rows, with boundaries set.

First, select a graphic object. To do this, the user needs to click the “Copy” button on the toolbar in the main menu. Or use the key combination Ctrl + C. You can copy an object in another way: just right-click on the selected table and then click “copy”.

After this, open a Word document where you want to place the Excel table. Then on the toolbar, select the section called “Insert”. The user must select Paste Special. The user needs to set its parameters. “Link” - “Microsoft Office Excel Sheet”. Finally, click OK.

However, despite its simplicity, this option has several disadvantages. Firstly, the table will be inserted into the document as a graphic object, so the user will not be able to edit it. Secondly, if the table has a wide format, it may go beyond the margins of the Word page.

Method number 2

To begin, the user must select a table located in MS Excel. It must be copied. How exactly - we have already written above. Next, open the Word document and click “Insert”. It is also possible to insert a table by simultaneously pressing two keys “Shift + Ins”.

Using this method of moving a table, the user can edit the table, change its values, borders and font. This method also has a drawback: wide-format tables can extend beyond the sheet of the Word document.

How to transfer a table from Excel to Word: method No. 3

In order to use the third method of moving a table, the user needs to perform the following algorithm of actions:

The table that appears in the Word document will be presented as a graphic object. It will not be possible to edit it.

Inserting a table into Word 2010

First, you need to select the table in Excel that you want to place in the Word document. It must be selected: either using the mouse, or using the key combination (Ctrl + C). Next, the user needs to go to the Word document where the table needs to be set up. Place the cursor, and then select “File” on the toolbar, then “Insert”. Then, in the “Insert Options”, you need to select the “Link and use final styles” item. After that, a table will be placed in the Word document.

Inserting a table into Word 2007

The first steps in this method also involve copying an Excel table. Then you need to go to the Word document. Next, go to the toolbar: “Home” item, then “Paste”, then select “Paste Special”. Then, in the window that appears, the user will have to set the switch to the item called “Link”. In the “How” window you will need to select the Excel sheet object. Finish the work by clicking OK. In Word 2003, go to “Edit” and select “Paste.” The table will be inserted into the Word document.

Tools for working with tables in MS Word are implemented very conveniently. This, of course, is not Excel, however, you can create and modify tables in this program, and often nothing more is required.

So, for example, copying a finished table in Word and pasting it into another place in the document, or even into a completely different program, is not difficult. The task becomes noticeably more complicated if you need to copy a table from a website and paste it into Word. We will tell you exactly how to do this in this article.

Tables presented on various Internet sites may differ noticeably not only visually, but also in their structure. Therefore, they may also look different after pasting into Word. And yet, if you have a so-called skeleton filled with data that is divided into columns and rows, you can always give the table the desired appearance. But first, of course, you need to insert it into the document.

1. Go to the site from which you need to copy the table and select it.

    Advice: Start selecting the table from its first cell, located in the upper left corner, that is, where its first column and row begin. It is necessary to end the selection of the table at the diagonally opposite corner - the lower right.

2. Copy the selected table. To do this, click “CTRL+C” or right-click on the selected table and select "Copy".

3. Open the Word document into which you want to insert this table, and left-click in the place where it should be located.

4. Insert a table by clicking “CTRL+V” or by selecting "Insert" in the context menu (called by one click with the right mouse button).

5. The table will be inserted into the document in almost the same form as it was on the website.

Note: Be prepared for the fact that the table header may move to the side. This is due to the fact that it can be added to the site as a separate element. So, in our case it’s just text above the table, not cells.

In addition, if there are elements in the cells that Word does not support, they will not be inserted into the table at all. In our example, these were the circles from the “Shape” column. Also, the symbolism of the team was “cut off”.

Changing the appearance of a table

Looking ahead, let's say that the table copied from the website and pasted into Word in our example is quite complex, since in addition to text it also contains graphic elements, there are no visual column separators, but only rows. With most tables you will have to tinker much less, but with such a difficult example you will learn exactly how to give any table a “human” look.

To make it easier for you to understand how and what operations we will do below, be sure to read our article on creating tables and working with them.

Size Alignment

The first thing that can and should be done is to adjust the size of the table. Simply click on its upper right corner to display the “working” area, and then drag the handle located in the lower right corner.

Also, if necessary, you can always move the table anywhere on the page or document. To do this, click on the square with a plus sign inside, which is located in the upper left corner of the table, and drag it in the desired direction.

Displaying table borders

If in your table, as in our example, the borders of rows/columns/cells are hidden, for greater convenience in working with the table you need to enable their display. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Select the table by clicking on the plus sign in its upper right corner.

2. In the tab “Home” in the group "Paragraph" click on the button “Borders” and select “All Borders”.

3. The table borders will become visible; now it will be much easier to combine and align a separate header with the main table.

If necessary, you can always hide the table borders, making them completely invisible. You can learn how to do this from our material:

As you can see, empty columns appeared in our table, as well as missing cells. This all needs to be fixed, but first we will straighten the header.

Header Alignment

In our case, the table header can only be aligned manually, that is, you need to cut the text from one cell and paste it into another, where it is located on the site. Since the “Form” column was not copied, we will simply delete it.

To do this, right-click on the empty column and click the button in the top menu "Delete" and select “Delete Column”.

In our example, there are two empty columns, but in the header of one of them there is text that should be in a completely different column. Actually, it's time to move on to aligning the header. If you have as many cells (columns) in the header as there are in the entire table, simply copy it from one cell and move it to the one where it is located on the site. Repeat the same action for the remaining cells.

    Advice: Use the mouse to select text, making sure that only the text is selected, from the first to the last letter of the word or words, but not the cell itself.

To cut a word from one cell, press the keys “CTRL+X” to insert it, click in the cell in which you want to insert it and click “CTRL+V”.

If for some reason you cannot paste text into empty cells, you can convert the text into a table (only if the header is not a table element). However, it would be much more convenient to create a one-row table with the same number of columns as the one you copied, and enter the corresponding names from the header in each cell. You can read about how to create a table in our article (link above).

Two separate tables, the one-row table you created and the main table copied from the site, need to be merged. To do this, use our instructions.

Directly in our example, in order to align the header, and at the same time also remove an empty column, you must first separate the header from the table, perform the necessary manipulations with each of its parts, and then merge these tables again.

Before joining, our two tables look like this:

As you can see, the number of columns is still different, which means that it is not possible to merge the two tables normally yet. In our case, we will do the following.

1. Delete the “Form” cell in the first table.

2. Let’s add a cell at the beginning of the same table in which “No.” will be indicated, since the first column of the second table has numbering. We will also add a cell called “Teams”, which is missing in the header.

3. Let’s delete the column with command symbols, which, firstly, was crookedly copied from the site, and secondly, we simply don’t need it.

4. Now the number of columns in both tables is the same, which means we can merge them.

5. Done - the table copied from the site has a completely adequate appearance, which you can then change as you wish. Our lessons will help you with this.

Now you know how to copy a table from a website and paste it into Word. In addition, from this article you also learned how to deal with all the complexities of editing and editing that you can sometimes encounter. Let us remember that the table in our example was really complex in terms of its implementation. Fortunately, most tables do not cause such problems.

Those who constantly work with Microsoft Excel often have to wonder how to correctly copy table data while preserving formatting, formulas, or their values.

How to insert a formula into an Excel table and preserve the table format? After all, when solving this problem, you can save a lot of time. To do this, we will use the “Paste Special” function - this is a simple tool that allows you to quickly solve complex problems and master general principles its use. Using this simple tool allows you to quickly bring all tables to a uniform format and get the result you need.

How to copy a table with column width and row height

Let's say we have a table like this, the format of which needs to be preserved when copied:

When copying to another sheet using the usual Ctrl+C – Ctrl+V method. We get an undesirable result:

Therefore, you have to manually “expand” it to bring it into a convenient form. If the table is large, then you will have to “tinker” for a long time. But there is a way to significantly reduce temporary losses.

Method 1: Use a special insert

She received the original parameters and looks perfectly accurate.

Method 2: Select columns before copying

Secret this method The point is that if you select its columns along with their headers before copying a table, then when pasting, the width of each column will also be copied.

For each case it is rational to use your own method. But it is worth noting that the second method allows us not only to quickly transfer the table along with the format, but also copy the height of the rows. After all, there is no “line height” option in the Paste Special menu. Therefore, to solve this problem you should act like this:

Inserting formula values ​​while maintaining table format

Although the special insert is not perfect, you should not underestimate its capabilities. For example, how to insert a formula value into an Excel table and preserve the cell format.

To solve this problem, you need to perform 2 operations using Paste Special in Excel.

Operation I:
Operation II:

Since the copied range is still on the clipboard after copying, we immediately call the paste special again and select the “formats” option. Click OK.

We have inserted the formula values ​​into the table and saved the cell formats. As you guessed, you can also do a third operation to copy the width of the columns, as described above.

Useful advice! To avoid performing the second operation, you can use the “Format by Sample” tool.

Microsoft Excel provides users with virtually unlimited possibilities for calculating simple functions and performing a number of other procedures. Using the program allows you to set formats, save cell values, work with formulas, transfer and change them in a way that is convenient for users.

To copy the table, press CTRL+C. How to connect 2 tables in Word differently? To do this, select the table and click the “Copy” command in the context menu. In this case, how to copy the site page and table? To copy the desired table you need to select it. The table on the website can be designed as a drawing. To make a table in Word, you need to select the “insert” - “table” field at the top of the panel.

To carry out any actions on an object, it must first be selected; the same rule applies to tables. In this way, you can copy a table in Word not only within one document, but also between different Word documents and more.

Hold the pointer over the move table icon until it changes to a cross-shaped arrow, and then click the move table icon. Place your mouse pointer where you want to insert the table. Tables are copied just like other Word objects. The difficulty arises when you need to select a large multi-page table for copying.

The method is universal, suitable for all versions of Word. Move your mouse pointer over the table. Click on it with the mouse, and the entire table will be selected. Use "Ctrl+C" to copy or "Ctrl+X" to cut. The entire table, along with its contents, is copied into a new document.

You see, judging by the screenshot, you only have the text in the table selected, but not the table itself. And where in the table there is one line of letters or numbers, but the cell size is larger than one line, a selection fold is formed, outward, on the right side of the table. For example, in a list with two words per line, insert commas or tabs after the first words to create a table with two columns. Sometimes to work you have to not only copy text from a page, but also an entire table.

In order to successfully copy the entire table from the site, you need to use the mouse to select it, starting from the upper left border and ending with the last row that you need. If you need the entire table, then select everything to the end. So, we start the selection from the upper left corner, then drag the mouse down over all the terms. Especially when you consider that I didn’t do the markup myself and didn’t fill the table with data. There are situations when Word and Excel interact closely, in particular when data from one program, in particular a table, needs to be transferred to another.

How to copy a table in Word?

In the youngest version of Word, transferring is even easier. You just need to select and copy the table in Excel, then go to Word, go to the “Edit” item and click “Paste”. In Excel, you can build a chart using table data, and transferring it is also quite simple. After you have worked on the above simple tips, copying a table, if necessary, will take you a few seconds!

Often when collecting information from websites and converting it into a text file, there is a need to copy tables. Position the page using scroll bars so that the table fits entirely within the screen. Then, select the area containing the table and save it as a picture in jpg format, which, if necessary, insert into any text document. In addition, in computer programs There are plugins that can recognize tables located on web pages.

In today's improved version of the browser Google Chrome There is a ready-made function with which you can simply copy tables while preserving the formatting. Most often, non-professional users copy tables as images or photographs and place them as a picture in the documents section, and use the finished file for its intended purpose.

2. First copy to the clipboard, and then paste (paste special) as unformatted text. 3. Merge cells. Word, among other things, gives the user the ability to insert a table into the text. In this article you will learn how to insert a table in Word. The easiest way is to create a table directly in the document and fill it out there. But when copying a table from a website into a text editor, problems may arise. How tables are copied from web pages depends on the browser and text editor used.

Moving and copying a table

If text appears instead of a table, insufficient area may have been selected. In this case, they try to capture a larger fragment by selection, which will include not only the table, but also the area above and below it. After inserting the table, the excess can be deleted.

In order to convert text into a table, there must be a separator character between words that must be in different columns of the table. The text prepared in this way is selected and the command Table => Convert text to table is selected.

This method works well with simple tables where all rows have the same number of columns. In the browser, select the table picture and select the Edit => Copy command. Copying tables from Excel to Word documents is quick and easy. This will only take you a few seconds.

And at the same time, not everyone knows how to work with tables in Word, but sooner or later such a need arises. There are two options: A) Insert a table by selecting the number of rows and columns on the mini-table with the cursor; B) Insert it by clicking the button under the mini-table.

To draw a table, you should select the “draw table” option. It happens that you have filled out the entire table and suddenly realize that you are missing more rows or columns. In this case, there is no need to create a new table and do unnecessary work. You can have as much fun with table borders as you like. In the case when the text in different cells must be formatted differently, you need to select individual table cells and configure the text format for each of them.

You can add the required number of cells to the first table, copy the contents of the second table and paste it into the first. There are two solutions here: actually remove the table, or cheat by making the table borders invisible, which will allow you to preserve the formatting in each cell. To actually hide a table, click on it and select the Layout tab from the toolbar. There you can not only delete the table while saving the text, but also select a separator for the text.

Let's look at the first method - inserting a table. But it needs to be transferred, but the table should be removed. After this, all that remains is to insert the table into the document. You often copy information, it is transferred along with the table. It is convenient to place this information in a table. Disable them and check that the tables are copied correctly.

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