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How to disable the built-in program in total commander. How to remove programs from startup (autorun)? Speed ​​up your computer boot

Autoload is a process on a computer in which all programs that have a similar function and are given permission to autoload are launched. The Total Commander program is no exception.

You will need


  • Autoloading must always be disabled when programs make no sense, that is, when you do not launch a particular program after starting the operating system. If there are few programs in startup, the user’s computer will start much faster. The procedure for disabling startup may vary depending on the operating systems Oh. On Windows 7, the first thing you need to do is go to the Start panel, then All Programs and find the Accessories item. After this, you need to find the “Run” command. If you have Windows XP or Vista installed, you just need to go to the “Start” panel and select the “Run” command there. In the window that appears, you need to enter the msconfig command and run it.
  • After the system configuration window opens, you need to find the “Startup” tab, where you can disable absolutely all programs that bother you. You need to handle this tab carefully and do not uncheck those programs that you know nothing about. Otherwise, you may encounter unexpected problems. After you remove all startups you don’t need, including Total Commander, you need to click the “Apply” button and OK.
  • It is worth noting that unnecessary programs can be located not only in the “Startup” tab, but also in “Services”. If you haven't found any unnecessary programs in Startup, most likely you'll find them in this tab. It should be noted that it is best to immediately check the “Do not display Microsoft services” checkbox. Otherwise, if you disable standard services of the operating system itself, it is quite possible that the operating system will not work well.
  • After you have completed all the necessary actions, you need to press the OK button and then a message will appear asking you to restart the computer. If you exit without rebooting, the changes will not take effect. Autoloading of unnecessary programs will be disabled only after the personal computer is restarted. If all necessary programs have been disabled, including Total Commander, then after rebooting the computer will turn on much faster. Thanks to this disabling of all unnecessary programs when turning on the PC, the user will be able to reduce the time it takes to boot and work with the computer.
  • Who is not familiar with the popular file manager Total Commander? There will probably be some, but still the majority of PC users work with great pleasure with this wonderful software product. Total Commander is primarily a multifunctional tool for working with files, equipped with a huge number of plugins and built-in utilities that make life many times easier for PC users. There are a huge number of TC settings, the ability to add additional modules (plugins), embed custom applications and synchronize the work of these same applications.

    Today I want to introduce you, dear friends, to little tricks for setting up and using Total Commander more productively. I am sure that by putting these useful tools into practice, you will discover this wonderful tool for everyday work in a new way.

    File or directory size information

    I think it will be useful for many to know that by clicking on a file or directory Ctrl+L, you will receive complete information about the number of files and directories, information about the total size and the actual occupied size, as well as the size that the selected files and directories will take up on the recipient (for example, a flash drive).

    Launch files with one click

    If you want to launch applications and open files with one click (as you can configure in Windows Explorer), place in a file wincmd.ini, located in the folder where TC is located, to the section with the following line: SingleClickStart=1. If this operator already exists, check that its value is equal to 1 and restart Total Commander. Now files in panels will be activated when you hover the mouse pointer over them, and run with one click.

    Login to self-extracting archives

    Total Commander allows you to “enter” self-extracting archives (with EXE extensions) like regular archives, showing their contents as a regular directory with files. To do this, press the key combination Ctrl+PageDown when the cursor is positioned on an archive file. The same trick applies to any other archives, which however have a different extension.

    File names on the clipboard

    Quite often you need to copy the name of the current file to the clipboard in order to then paste it somewhere (for example, on the command line). To do this, you need to create a button with the command on the TC toolbar cm_CopyNames_ToClip or cm_CopyFullNames_ToClip. The first one is for copying only the name, the second one is for copying the full file name, including the path to it. If several files are selected, then in any text editor you can quickly create a list of these files. To copy and then paste not the name, but the file itself, use standard keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+C And Ctrl+V.

    Button prompts without delay

    By default, the time for tooltips to appear above toolbar buttons, dial buttons, etc. is set to 500, i.e., tooltips appear after half a second. You can easily speed up this process, to do this in the file wincmd.ini to section add the line: ToolTipDelay=100, where the number after the equal sign indicates the prompt delay time in milliseconds. After restarting, TC will immediately suggest what is hidden behind the selected button. Reducing the delay time is especially useful if there are many buttons on the toolbar that go to folders on disks - selecting the desired button will be much faster.

    We speed up the transition to the necessary directories

    By pressing a key combination +[D], you can quickly navigate to your most frequently used directories. If you have not used this feature before, the directory list will be empty. The menu that appears will have only two items: Add current directory and . Using the first, you can quickly add the current directory to the list of frequently used ones and give it a meaningful name, without necessarily using its default name as a menu item. You can also call up the same menu with the mouse. To do this, you need to double-click on the panel title, and it does not matter which one - active or passive.

    Standard menus for files and folders

    Total Commander can be configured so that the standard Windows context menu for files and folders will be called immediately, as in Explorer, and not 2-3 seconds after holding down the right mouse button. To do this, you need to enable the Configuration/Settings/Operations/Mouse Selection option and select the Left Click option (as usual). Another way is in the section wincmd.ini file set operator value UseRightButton equal to 1.

    Getting rid of square brackets.

    Many people, including me, are annoyed by the brackets that, for some reason, enclose directories (folders) on TC panels. In order to remove these same brackets, you just need to in the file wincmd.ini in the section add the line: DirBrackets=0

    Quickly find out the size of directories

    To quickly find out the size of a directory, you just need to press spacebar on a dedicated directory. It often happens that this procedure needs to be repeated for several directories, then it is not very convenient that the cursor remains in place.
    You can fix this by adding the following line to wincmd.ini in the section:
    Now, each time you press the spacebar, the cursor will move down one line.

    Convenient and fast search

    If you accidentally press something in command line, then in the Operation settings item, in the Quick search field, check the Letter Only checkbox. In this case, you will not be able to enter anything into the command line if you accidentally press the keyboard, and searching for the required file will be much more convenient and faster.

    Setting up copying in the background

    Copying large files takes a certain amount of time and in this case it is more convenient to perform this procedure in the background. In order for copying to always be carried out in the background, you need to add the line in wincmd.ini in the section: AlwaysCopyInBackground=1

    View archived html pages

    When an HTML page is in an archive, then to view it it is not at all necessary to first unpack the entire contents of the archive into a separate directory. Select any html document and run it directly from the archive. A window will appear in which TC will prompt you to Close, Unpack and Execute and Unpack and Execute All. Select the last item and TC will unpack all the contents into a temporary archive, and the page will open in your browser. But most importantly, all pictures and links will work! After finishing browsing, click OK in TC and all unpacked files from the temporary directory will be deleted.

    Removing the splash window when loading commander

    The splash window is a pop-up window when you start TC, in my opinion, a useless feature from the developers, since it not only slows down the loading of Total Commander, but also clogs up the memory of your computer. Getting rid of this gadget is quite simple; to do this, you need to create a parameter in the wincmd.ini file in the section: StartupScreen=0 and that’s it, this annoying window will no longer bother you.

    Creating a self-extracting archive

    Probably unknown to many, using TC you can very simply and quickly create a self-extracting archive. To do this, press the keyboard shortcut on the zip file Shift+F6 and rename the archive extension from zip to exe.

    A quick way to empty the trash

    When the TC window is open in full screen, it is not very convenient to get to the recycle bin context menu. Exists perfect solution, if on the button F8 (Delete) right-click, then instantly a context menu is the same as for the recycle bin.

    Advanced catalog browsing

    In order to see all the files in the current directory and all its subdirectories in one list, you need to place the cursor on the selected directory and press the key combination Ctrl+B.

    SHIFT+ F8 deletes a file bypassing the trash bin

    Using a key combination SHIFT+F8 Total Commander deletes the entire file or folder without saving a recovery copy in the trash. You can also achieve this effect when you press SHIFT and drop the file on the button F8 function key panels.

    Warning: Restore deleted file It’s no longer possible by any means! Use with caution...!

    That's probably all for today. In this review, I tried to talk about the most useful settings of the popular file manager Total Commander, hidden from the eyes of the inexperienced user. In the article I used both my experience with TC and materials on the topic with.
    It is on this site that, if desired, you will always find answers to questions about working with the file manager. If you have your own experiences and little tricks in using TC, share your tips and observations in the comments. Technologies do not stand still; there is always something new and interesting.

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    With all respect, Andrew

    Sometimes a situation may arise when one or another program should always start automatically when Windows 10 boots. But not every user knows how to do this.

    In this article, we will tell you how to add any program to startup in Windows 10 without using third-party applications.

    The procedure for adding a program to startup

    So, first you need to create a shortcut for the program that will be launched when the operating system starts. If the shortcut already exists, for example on the desktop, then we skip this step.

    If you still don’t have a program shortcut, then you need to create one. It's very easy to do. You just need to right-click on the executable file in the folder with the desired program and in the context menu that opens, select “Send” -> “Desktop (create shortcut)”.

    Creating a shortcut to add to autorun

    After this, the newly created program shortcut will appear on the desktop.

    Now you need to copy the shortcut to our program to the startup folder. It is located in the following path:

    C:\Users\<имя пользователя>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\

    Inserting a shortcut to the Windows 10 startup folder. View of the path in Windows Explorer

    View of the path to the startup folder in Total Commander

    Inserted program shortcut into Windows 10 startup

    As soon as the shortcut is in this folder, the program will start launching along with Windows 10 every time it starts.

    Hello! Friends, do you know what I do on almost every computer that comes into my possession? That's right, I'm cleaning the list of startup programs. When I turn on someone else's computer, about 80% of the time I want to cry :). I simply cannot observe the process when, along with turning on the computer, another 20 programs are launched, and the computer seems to have already turned on, but you need to wait a few more minutes until you can open the folder, etc.

    As you already understand, I will write about how to remove programs from startup, and thereby speed up the computer boot many times. In the article, I also wrote about startup programs, and how to clear the startup list. But there I wrote how to do this using the Total Commander program, also with additional utilities, and probably only I have this version of Total Commander :), it’s already old.

    I remember I was still uneducated in computer science, and my computer broke down, Windows crashed, I don’t remember exactly. And I took mine system unit for repairs to a friend. He did everything for me, for only 20 UAH. and then installed this Total Commander (by the way, I installed it on autostart, I suffered for a long time before I removed it from there :)) and since then I have been using it, although I only use it to clean the system, it has a good utility. Okay, enough memories :), on to the point.

    So in this article I will write about how to remove programs from startup using a standard utility in Windows. There are many programs for this matter, but I understand that you don’t always want to download and install some additional programs, then also understand them. Moreover, if it is possible to do everything as a built-in tool.

    Why clear the list of programs in startup?

    Let's first figure out where they come from. It's very simple, you install different programs, some you install yourself, and some are installed without your help. Some programs are added to the startup list, and when you turn on the computer, they start themselves. Sometimes it is convenient, and even necessary. It’s good when, for example, Skype, antivirus, etc. start automatically.

    There are programs that run automatically, but you don’t need them at all, or you need them very rarely. For example, DAEMON Tools Lite, an excellent program, but for example, I need it once a month, and I can run it myself. But here it starts all the time when you turn on the computer. Okay, as long as it starts up, it also works all the time and eats RAM. What if there are ten or more such useless programs? This all greatly affects the speed at which the computer turns on and its operation.

    I think you already understand where programs in startup come from and why they start themselves when you turn on the computer. In short, autorun is a list of programs that should start when you turn on the computer.

    Why they need to be removed from there, I think you already understand. All this is done in order to increase the boot speed of the computer and increase the speed of its operation. After all, all these programs that are always running, of course, slow down the computer, and sometimes they also secretly use the Internet connection, I wrote about this case in the article.

    So, let’s clean the startup list and your computer will start breathing in a new way! Of course, I have disabled unnecessary programs from startup, but I still check them from time to time. It happens that garbage appears on this list again.

    How to remove programs that start when you turn on your computer?

    As I promised, we will use the standard tool.

    On Windows 7:"Start" "All programs", “Standard”, look for and run the “Run” utility.

    On Windows XP:“Start”, “Run”.

    In the window that appears, enter the command msconfig and click “Ok”.

    A window will open in which we go to the tab. We look at the list and remove all programs that you do not need to autoload.

    Be careful!

    Do not uncheck programs that you do not know. If you want, you can type the name of the program from the list in a search, for example in Google, and see what kind of program it is. After checking, you can decide whether to disable it or not.

    As you can see, my startup list is very modest. After you remove everything unnecessary (uncheck the boxes), click “Apply” and “OK”.

    It happens that unnecessary programs may still be among the services. Therefore, in the window that we opened above, go to the “Services” tab. Immediately check the box next to “Do not display Microsoft services”. And uncheck unnecessary services. To save the result, click “Apply” and “Ok”.

    A message will appear, you can exit without rebooting, or restart your computer.

    If you have disabled a decent number of programs and services, then after a reboot you will see how much faster your computer will turn on and work. I hope that my advice will be useful to you and that you will use it, since it has a very good effect. Good luck!

    Also on the site:

    How to remove programs from startup (autorun)? Speed ​​up your computer boot updated: February 7, 2018 by: admin

    such an advanced file manager that its capabilities could well be the envy of the creators of operating systems released up to the middle 90 -s. Assembling Total Commander with portable software for various needs on board can eliminate the need to implement third-party software into the system. Such assemblies are mostly equipped with free software. Other advantages include no risk when installing on Windows BY from dubious sources.

    And with potentially unwanted software in addition, less disk clutter WITH and system registry, lack of third-party software services in startup. And, of course, there are fewer steps in the process of reinstalling Windows itself.

    One of the specifics of Total Commander is autonomous operation with associated software. The file manager is configured to work with its own file associations that are different from Windows. Whereas in Explorer Windows files by double click will be played using the same programs, inside the same files will be opened using others. A portable file manager with its own default programs can become stable and independent from Windows environment (including those portable on a flash drive) for working with content stored on a computer disk. Some builds with portable software on board are initially supplied with file associations already configured. In these builds, the most commonly used file extensions are configured to be opened by portable programs that come with the build. How to set it up "clean" editors of Total Commander to interact with their programs by default?

    You can associate both installed and portable programs with files inside Total Commander by highlighting the file of the desired format and selecting the item in the menu.

    The format of the selected file will be displayed in the window that opens. (in our case it is " .txt») . Click.

    If one of the programs needs to be associated with several file formats, at the first stage click not , but .

    And manually enter file extensions separated by a space, placing them in front of each extension asterisk And point, as shown in the screenshot below. Click "OK".

    Assemblies with portable software included, they can offer file association settings at the installation stage file manager.

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