Computer literacy, assistance and repair

Hidden functions of a computer mouse. Mouse features that almost no one knows about

A mouse is an indispensable attribute of any computer or even laptop. Experienced users take full advantage of all its functions and capabilities, but for most, the secrets of a computer mouse remain unknown. And it’s completely in vain, because the mouse is needed not only for opening and closing applications, working with the context menu, highlighting and copying text. With its help, you can perform some other actions that can make our work more enjoyable and efficient. What secrets does this computer accessory have?

1. Working in a popular and well-known editor Microsoft Word. Let's say you need to highlight text located in a specific place, for example, in a column or interspersed with tables. Normal selection will be powerless, since all the lines will be selected. To highlight specific places or words, hold down the Alt key and then make the selection.

2. To select different objects located in the same folder, hold down "Ctrl". At the same time, simply click on objects with the left button. They will all stand out. If you accidentally select an unnecessary object, click on it again to deselect it.

3. Need to quickly highlight a word? Double-click on it with the left button. The word will be highlighted. To quickly select an entire paragraph, click on it 3 times. This method allows you to very quickly copy quotes, sayings, links, etc.

4. If you press the mouse wheel while working in the browser, you can move up and down and sideways around the open page very quickly. The speed of movement will depend on the position of the mouse pointer. The further the pointer is from the center of the page, the faster the scrolling speed will be. Moreover, to scroll you will not need to press the wheel or buttons. You just need to move the mouse.

5. If you click on a hyperlink with the mouse wheel, it will open. Moreover, it will open in a new window, which is quick and convenient. Typically, users use the “Ctrl” key for this purpose, which somewhat delays the work process.

6. You can quickly close an open tab by clicking on it using the wheel. The same action will be performed if you left-click on the cross in the corner of the tab.

7. As you surf the web, you may sometimes notice that the fonts used on some sites are too small. You have to strain your eyes to read something. To increase the text size, hold down “Ctrl” and then scroll the mouse wheel forward. The font size will increase. To decrease it, while holding the key, turn the wheel back.

8. If your mouse has side buttons, don't neglect them. They can be programmed to execute any commands.

I hope these tips will make your work more comfortable and faster.

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The mouse and keyboard have become simply a part of the life of most computer users of our time. Therefore, it seems to us that we have long been familiar with all the main functions that they perform. However, something as simple as a computer mouse can still surprise you. Therefore, today we are going to introduce readers to some unusual ways of using computer mouse, or remind you of the forgotten capabilities of this device.

1. Navigating through pages in the browser

To go to the next or previous page in the browser, you can use not only the usual method when we click on the corresponding buttons on the toolbar. To do this, you can scroll the mouse wheel while holding down the Shift button.

2. Partial text selection

When we hold down the left mouse button and move the cursor over the text, it is highlighted - this method is well known to all of us. However, it is not always quite convenient to use, especially if the text is quite long (with scrolling, for example, over several pages). Therefore, it will be useful to know the following combination: click the mouse at the beginning of the fragment that needs to be selected, and then at the end, while holding down the Shift button. This will select all the space between the two clicks. Very simple!

3. Double and triple click

Almost everyone knows about the ability to select a word by double-clicking, but few people use triple-clicking. And he, in fact, is able to select an entire paragraph, which is sometimes much more convenient than dragging the selection to the end of the paragraph using the cursor.

4. Zoom out/zoom in

In a fairly large number of programs, including those for viewing images, you can use the following method to reduce or increase the page scale: simply scroll while holding down the CTRL button on the keyboard.

5. Selecting several pieces of text at once

When you work with text, it often happens that you need to cut or copy several fragments. There is no need to do this one by one, just hold down the CTRL button and use the usual method using the left mouse button to select paragraphs, sentences or individual words. Then move them all at the same time to the desired location.

6. Opening links in a new tab

To open links in a new tab, many users are accustomed to pressing the middle button on the mouse. But there are times when the wheel is broken and does not work, then the following method is useful: hold down CTRL and click on the link. That's all!

7. Right-click dragging

IN operating system Windows users often move files using the drag'n'drop method, when an element is “taken” and simply dragged to the desired location. Using the right mouse button, we can perform the same operation, and a context menu will appear that allows us not only to move the file, but also copying or creating a shortcut in the right place.

Many people are so accustomed to the mouse and keyboard of their personal computer that they don’t even think about any unusual features that can be performed using the mouse. Look at the information about the hidden functions of the mouse, but I think that this information is more likely for adults, like ours dad and mom. Because Young people now know an order of magnitude more about modern technologies.

Selecting part of text

We all know that to select text you need to hold down the left mouse button and
move the cursor over the desired section of text. However, if we need to highlight text on a long page,
that is, with scrolling, it is not always convenient. So use the following combination: click
at the beginning of the desired location, then go to the end of the desired selection and click again, but while holding
while holding Shift. All the space between the two clicks will be highlighted.

Going back and forth in the browser In the browser, to go to the previous or next page, it is not at all necessary to click on the corresponding buttons on the program toolbar. You can simply hold Shift and roll the mouse wheel forward or backward. Zooming in and out You can change the display scale of the open page simply by scrolling while holding down the CTRL button on the keyboard. This method works in a large number of programs, including many image viewers.

Double and triple clicks Everyone knows that to select a word you just need to quickly click on it with the mouse twice. But if you triple-click, you can select an entire paragraph of text at once. Try it, it’s much more convenient than dragging the cursor to the end of the paragraph. Right-click dragging In order to move files in Windows, we use the drag’n’drop method, that is, we take an element, drag it to the desired location and drop it there. But you can do do the same with the right button and then we will see a context menu that allows you not only to move, but also to copy the file, as well as create a shortcut in the desired location.

Selecting several fragments in the text If you are working with a long text in which you need to cut out only the fragments that interest you, then it is not at all necessary to do this individually. You can hold down the CTRL key and select the necessary words, sentences, paragraphs. Then copy it all in one fell swoop to the desired location. Opening links in a new tab Many users have long been accustomed to the fact that you can press the middle mouse button to open a link in a new tab. However, if the wheel is broken and does not click, then it is useful to remember that a regular click while holding down the CTRL button leads to the same result.

Everyone is used to using a computer mouse for simple purposes: pointer control, right and left clicks, scrolling. It would seem what else could be there. However, the capabilities of the mouse do not end there, and there are some that few people know about.

In this article I will tell you about the functions of the mouse that can make working at the computer easier, faster and more comfortable. You may not even know some of this.

Selecting a large portion of text

In order to select text, users use a simple command - they click at the beginning of the text with the mouse, and then move the mouse to the place where the selection should end and release the button. This will be convenient only if the fragment is small. If it is large, then it is better to use another method.

Left-click at the beginning of the fragment, then scroll to the place where the end of the selected fragment should be, and left-click there again, but while holding down the “Shift” key. If everything is done correctly, the fragment between two mouse clicks will be highlighted.

Highlight a word or paragraph

The capabilities of the mouse have in their arsenal one more way to select text - double and triple click with the left button. So, a double click will highlight one word, and a triple click will highlight an entire paragraph.

Selecting multiple fragments

In order to select several fragments in the text at once, you can use the “Ctrl” key. First, select one fragment, then press and hold "Ctrl" and select all other fragments. After this, you can do various operations with the selected text - copy and cut.

This method, as many people know, is also used to select multiple files in a folder.

Surfing mouse capabilities

The capabilities of the mouse make Internet surfing easier. So, in order to switch between the previous or next page, there is no need to press the corresponding buttons in the browser. You can simply press the “Shift” key and scroll the wheel away from you or towards you. This method may not work in some browsers.

Scale management

In order to zoom in or out in the browser window, it is not necessary to look for the corresponding function in the settings. An easier way is to press the “Ctrl” key and scroll the mouse wheel away from you or towards you.

This method of zoom control works not only in the browser, but also in many other programs.

Opening links in a new tab

Most people who use computers don't get the most out of their mouse. From this article you will learn additional functions and secrets of using a computer mouse, which will allow you to increase your productivity and save your time.

Shift and left mouse button

Most text editors and programs allow you to select all the text you want using the key Shift and left mouse button. To do this, you need to click the mouse in the place where you want to start selecting the text, and then hold down Shift. Scroll the page to the place where the selection area ends and click the mouse again. All text between these two left-clicks will be highlighted.

Mouse Wheel Features

Today, almost everyone uses the mouse wheel to scroll up or down a page. However, the wheel is capable of performing many more operations, here are just a few of them:

  • The mouse wheel can be used as a button. Click the wheel on link on the internet page so that it opens in a new tab. To close a tab, just click the wheel anywhere on it (no need to hit the cross).
  • Increase or decrease web page scale, holding down the button Ctrl and spin the wheel up or down respectively.
  • Hold the Shift button and scroll the mouse wheel while working with the Internet browser - this action will open previous page or return to next page viewed depending on the scroll direction.

Use double or triple click to select

Any word can be highlighted by double-clicking on it with the left mouse button. If you need highlight an entire paragraph, then triple-click on any word in it. If you double-click on a word and hold down the mouse button, moving it left or right will highlight all the words one by one.

Use the right mouse button

Click right mouse button to implement actions with the selected object or text. The simplest example is to select the text, right-click and select the “ copy” option, then right-click again anywhere and click on “ paste”. The copied section of text will be pasted at this location.

Bonus: If you select text or objects, and then hold down the right mouse button and drag the pointer to the desired location, a menu bar will open at that location, from which you can select the appropriate action (copy, move, etc.). This will save you additional time.

Ctrl and left mouse button to select

Hold down the Ctrl key while Use your mouse to highlight individual words, sentences or paragraphs. In this way you can selectively highlight required sections of text. This highlighting method can also be used in most browsers.

Side mouse buttons

Most modern computer mice are equipped additional buttons On the sides. These buttons can be programmed to perform any action according to the user's needs. By default, the left side key is for return to previous page in an Internet browser. The Backspace key on the keyboard performs the same function.

Bind the pointer to a default button

When working with many files and documents, we often have to do monotonous, routine work - click on a button “confirm”, “ok”, “sure”, “next”, etc.. Every time we waste precious seconds of our time, hovering over one or another icon. To use your time more efficiently, you can use function to bind the mouse pointer to a button, selected by default.

You can enable this feature in Control Panels - Hardware and Sound - Devices and Printers - Mouse in the " Pointer Options "Tick the box next to " on the default button" Now, every time a dialog box appears confirming an action (for example, when uninstalling a program), the mouse pointer will automatically move to the desired button.

Expand window to full screen

Use double left mouse click across the top of the window or program so that they expanded to full screen monitor. If, on the contrary, you need to reduce the window, then double-click on the top of the program again. Additionally, double-clicking the upper left corner of the window closes it.

Use the keyboard to move the mouse pointer

Sometimes it becomes necessary to use the keyboard in order to move the mouse pointer across the screen (for example, the batteries in the wireless mouse). In this case you need to enable ability to control the pointer from the keyboard. For this we go to Control Panel - Accessibility - Change Mouse Settings, and put a tick next to the item “ Enable keyboard pointer control" Now, with NumLock enabled, you can move the mouse pointer using the keys (4, 8, 6 and 2) from the right section of the keyboard. You can also customize the pointer control yourself.

Custom Mouse Settings

Finally, if you have a mouse with more than two buttons, installing the appropriate software will allow you customize additional keys at your discretion. For example, if you don't use the side buttons to move forward or backward on web pages, change this function to something more useful.

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